STEM Scholarship Application Form

Computing and Engineering Scholarship Programme
Employer Application Form
Name of Company:
Telephone No:
Number of employees in company:
Email address:
Position in Company:
Is this a single company application? Yes/No
(If No, give name and contact details of other companies involved)
Are you applying for a scholarship in Computing OR Engineering?
Are you content to work with:
Queens University
University of Ulster
Have you ever had experience of work placements in your company?
(If yes, give details)
Give a description of the work the student will undertake during their
placement year. (This must be at Graduate level).
Please give an estimate of the annual salary for this placement year.
How are you going to structure the student’s placement year with the
company? Give details of the work the student will be doing.
In addition to a placement year do you intend to offer the student summer
placements? Yes/No?
How are you going to structure the student’s summer placements with the
company? Give details of the work the student will be doing.
In addition to the placement year and summer placements are you in a
position to offer the student any further work based experience? Yes/ No?
(If yes, please give details).
Will there be the opportunity to work outside Northern Ireland?
(If yes, give details).
Will there be any enhanced opportunities for the student beyond work
(If yes, give details).
What selection criteria will you use to select the student from the
applications you receive?
Please outline the Induction plan you will have in place for the student?
Please give details of the mentoring arrangements you will have in place
for the student.
How will you keep in touch with the student when they are at University
and not working in your company? (If yes, give details).
Can you give details of any other plans you have in place to support the
What benefits will your company get by participating in this scheme?
Please provide any additional information which you feel may help your