
Lab Results
Attention: Most steps are filtering by create date so be sure that is correct.
First check for duplicates. Create a table (“StCroixSampleResults”) that only includes the records you
wish to import.
VBA – transposeColumnRow
Make sure the variables are defined. Run this as a test first before using real data, then perform on
production database.
Update the pCODE attributes
Update Query: UpdateResultParamInfo
VBA – updateResultQualifierCode
Make sure the variables are defined. Run this as a test first before using real data, then perform on
production database.
Query: LabBatch2
Provides a list of Lab Batch Numbers used for synthetic lab form generation
Creating Lab Forms
Import a spreadsheet with generic entries for the number of lab forms you wish to create. For synthetic
lab form generation, use the number of unique lab batch id’s.
Make sure the ID_LABFRM’s match the auto number ID’s just created by appending the spreadsheet.
See query for details. Will update Sample_Results with Lab Form ID’s based on the lab batch numbers
that match the synthetic lab forms created above.
Field Samples
For St. Croix, there were unknown sample date/times. These were defaulted to the stream visit date
(whether synthetic or not) using UpdateMissingSampleDate