Pre/Post Test

Careers in Science Pre-Test
Name: ____________________
This test will cover the following standards:
SC.6.N.2.1 – Distinguish Science from other activities involving thought.
SC.6.N.2.3 – Recognize that scientists who make contribution to scientific knowledge come from all
kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, interests and goals.
_____ 1. A science career would most likely require ______
A. accounting
B. public speaking
C. drawing
D. field work
_____2. Many nonscience careers, such as firefighters, use a combination of their technical skills and
A. science
B. astronomy
C. foreign languages
D. art
_____3. _______________ are scientists that use science to predict the weather.
A. paleontologist
B. meteorologist
C. archeologist
D. physicist
_____4. A Life Science that includes studying life in the ocean would be called _______
A. botany
B. zoology
C. marine biology
D. entomology
_____ 5. Which of the following is NOT a field of study one might expect a scientist to research?
A. Astronomy
B. Physics
C. Astrology
D. Herpetology
_____6. A scientist that studies the chemical make-up of chlorofluorocarbons would be considered a __
A. civil engineer
B. microbiologist
C. zoologist
D. chemist
_____ 7. Which of the following would you expect an Entomologist to be found doing ______
A. developing methods to distinguish boll weevils from other insects
B. designing roller coasters for Six Flags
C. preforming examinations on small animals such as cats and dogs
D. developing new pharmaceutical drugs for flu patients
_____ 8. Which of the following careers would a scientist need a background in life sciences?
A. astronomy
B. zoology
C. chemical engineering
D. archeology
_____ 9. All of the following reasons explain why would farmers need to have background knowledge in
Earth and Life Sciences EXCEPT?
A. In order to determine what type of plants to grow each season
B. In order to assess the soil composition to determine if a field is ready to plant
C. In order to determine the cost of harvesting each specific crop
D. In order to correctly treat their crops against insect infestation
_____10. Which of the following person is NOT a well-known scientist?
A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Albert Einstein
C. Isaac Newton
D. Charles Darwin
Short Response:
List 3 examples of NONSCIENCE careers that require some knowledge and use of science and or math.
Explain how each of the careers you choose uses 2 specific types of science.
Careers are
specific to types
of science
Explanation of
Score 4
Score 3
Score 2
Score 1
Completely identifies 3
non-science careers that
require knowledge and
use of science
Identifies 2 of 3
nonscience careers
that require
knowledge and use
of science
Identifies 1 of 3
nonscience careers
that require
knowledge and use
of science
nonscience careers
but they do not
require knowledge
and use of science
Completely describes
how 3 of 3 choices are
related to science.
describes how 2 of 3
choices are related to
describes how 1 of 3
choices are related to
describes choices but
they are not related
to science or not to
careers chosen.
A detailed explanation
of the career (2 of 2)
A detailed
explanation of the
The brief
explanation of the
The brief
explanation of the
Application of
the career in
directly relates to the
listed career using
specific content
career directly
relates to only 1 of
the 2 listed careers
using specific
content vocabulary.
careers (2 of 2)
relates to the listed
career using limited
content vocabulary.
career relates to 1 of
2 of the listed
careers using limited
content vocabulary.
The explanation of the
application of the career
(2 of 2) directly relates
to the listed career using
specific content
The explanation of
the application of the
career directly
relates to only 1 of 2
of the listed careers
using specific
content vocabulary.
The explanation of
the application of the
careers (2 of 2)
relates to the listed
career using limited
content vocabulary.
The explanation of
the application of the
career directly
relates only to 1 of
the 2 listed careers
using limited content
vocabulary or
contains some misinformation.
Grading Scale for short response question
A+ = 16/16
A = 15/16
B+ = 14/16
B = 13/16
C = 12/16
D+ = 11/16
D = 10/16
F = less than 10 correct