November 19, 2010 - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

VIVA Resources for Users Committee
Friday, November 19, 2010
University of Virginia Clemons Library
10 AM
Present: Karen Cary, Sharon Gasser (Chair), David Gray, Kevin Harden, Virginia Kinman, Ed Lener,
Pamela Morgan (scribe), Jane Penner, Kathy Perry, Sylvia Rortredt, Joan Ruelle, John Tombarge,
and John Walsh. Guests: Dawn Dawson (UVA), Leslie O’Brien (VT), Madelyn Wessel (UVA)
1. Announcements, updates, etc.
 Buzz word at the Charleston Conference was “patron driven”.
 Sharon and Kathy attended the Assessment Conference in Baltimore. Student learning,
outcomes, and LibQUAL were discussed.
 August 13th VIVA RUC meeting minutes were approved.
2. Budget
Kathy reviewed the budget. Some resources have been paid ahead. Budget was projected out
to 2014-15.
3. Renewals
Kathy distributed usage data for the items up for renewal.
a. ABC-CLIO: Virginia Kinman
b. Oxford University Press: Jane Penner
c. Science: Kathy for Louveller Luster
d. ENGNetBase: Karen Cary
e. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: Karen Cary
f. The following renewals were approved: ABC-CLIO, Oxford University Press journals, and
Karen will negotiate further on ENGNetBase and the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
Karen will remind them of the ICOLC Guidelines on the Economy that libraries can’t afford new bells and
whistles and shouldn’t be asked to pay for them in this economy.
4. Patron Driven Acquisitions E-book Project - Karen Cary & Dawn Dawson
Karen and Dawn reported on behalf of the subcommittee. Other members include Louveller
Luster and Dawn Walton. VIVA has set aside some one-time funds for a pilot project with
patron driven acquisitions of e-books. Vendors seem eager to negotiate and to try different
models. Patron driven acquisitions in consortia is evolving. All vendors will provide an approval
like profile for VIVA. All MARC records would be free of charge. A summary of the offers was
distributed and discussed. Since an e-book purchase for a consortium is a complex
undertaking, the Committee decided to investigate additional options. We will continue
discussion at the next meeting.
5. Wiley-Blackwell Negotiations - Madelyn Wessel (Associate General Counsel, UVA)
Madelyn updated the Committee on the status of the Wiley/Blackwell negotiations. The
committee also discussed the possibility of using SWETS as a subscription agency for some of our
members, but it was decided that the VIVA deal is too complicated and invoicing would take place
through VIVA.
6. Opportunities still under consideration:
a. Alt Press Index (EBSCO). Virginia renegotiated the original offer from EBSCO given this
summer, and pricing was reduced. After a close vote, this title was not approved.
b. America: History & Life Full Text & Historical Abstracts Full Text (EBSCO). Virginia did a
thorough analysis of the full text content available in each of these resources. There is
significant overlap with JSTOR and other databases, and the unique content was not of high
quality and too costly. It was the general consensus of the committee not to consider this
purchase and not to pursue any further negotiations for a lower price. Individual
institutions may opt-in for discounted pricing.
c. Alexander Street Press. Cathy Reed presented information and pricing on American
History in Video and Education in Video at the August meeting. There were additional
questions from the committee, and she received additional information prior to this
meeting. There are two options: one time purchase and subscription. The committee
recommends that Kathy will do a survey to gauge interest in these resources by VIVA
members. There needs to be further negotiation on both products. Sharon and Kathy will
inform Cathy of the next steps (she was unable to attend this meeting).
d. Archives Unbound (Gale). Joan presented the pricing from Gale on the archival collections
of interest to VIVA members. The committee did not recommend any collection as a VIVA
purchase but will post the offer on the VIVA website for those interested in an opt-in
7. New Opportunities
a. Oxford Bibliographies Online – Contact Jane Penner if any members wish to purchase the
set or specific bibliographies. This will not be a VIVA purchase, but VIVA libraries will get a
discount depending on how many purchase some or all of the product.
b. Oxford Transfer Titles – Jane presented the offer to purchase 9 transfer titles to be added
to the Oxford Journal package. Committee approved the purchase of 7 titles: Journal of
Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Journal of American History, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, OAH: Magazine of History, and
Environmental History. Jane will pursue this to see if all 9 titles can be included at the
price for 7.
c. Contemporary Women’s Issues – The Committee decided to do further research on this
title and to compare it to alternatives
d. LibraryAnywhere offer from Bowker – No interest in this resource.
e. Springer e-books & Journals – Just information for the group on a Springer offer to include
all the VIVA libraries instead of just the current purchasing group. Due to limited funding,
VIVA will not pursue this offer at this time.
8. Project Muse e-books
Jane updated the Committee on Project Muse’s e-book plans. Apparently, there will be 350 ebooks available in the spring to purchase for fall 2011. Go to the website to learn about
publisher packages, pricing models, etc. Send questions you may have to Jane.
Next Meeting: Conference call on March 11 at 10:00a.m. if needed before the March 17th
Steering Committee meeting.