Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-5) 9

(CELF-5 -- Ages 13-21 years)
The CELF-5 measures receptive and expressive language skills by assessing basic foundations of language, such as
word meanings (semantics), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax), and the recall and retrieval of
spoken language (memory).
__________ was administered four core subtests of the CELF-5 from which his/her Core Language score was
derived. Receptive Language and Expressive Language scores may also be derived from additional subtests. These
subtests may help quantify __________’s overall language performance.
Scaled Score
The Core Language subtest is derived from these 4 subtests:
Formulated Sentences: measures a student’s grammatical and
semantic ability to formulate complete and correct sentences of
increased length and complexity
Recalling Sentences: measures the student’s ability to recall and
repeat sentence structures of varying length and complexity.(Shortterm memory)
Understanding Spoken Paragraphs: measures the student’s ability
to a) sustain attention and focus while listening to spoken
paragraphs, b) create meaning from oral narratives and texts, c)
answer questions about the content of the information given, and d)
use critical thinking strategies for interpreting beyond the given
Semantic Relationships: evaluates a student’s ability to interpret
sentences that make comparisons, identify location or direction,
specify time relationships, include serial order, or are expressed in
passive voice.
(Average Range 7-13)
Standard Score
(Average Range 85-115)
Core Language:
Receptive Language:
Expressive Language:
According to these test results, ____________is within the (average, below average) range for his/her Core
Language Skills. His/Her Receptive Language Scores fell within the (average, below average) range. His/Her
Expressive Language Scores fell within the (average, below average) range.
This indicates that ___________ may have language difficulties in the classroom when he/she is asked to correctly
recall information, correctly formulate sentences with appropriate grammar and relevance, or follow multi-step