MARCOOS Semi-Annual Report, year 4, 04/2011

MARCOOS SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT: 10/1/2010 - 03/31/2011
NOAA Award Number NA01NOS4730014 (October 2010 – September 2011)
The Middle Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (MACOORA) formed the MidAtlantic Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARCOOS) to generate quality controlled and sustained
ocean observation and forecast products that fulfill user needs in the 5 user prioritized theme areas of: 1) Maritime
Safety, 2) Ecological Decision Support, 3) Water Quality, 4) Coastal Inundation, and 5) Offshore Energy.
MARCOOS (a) collaborates with NOAA WFOs to link existing regional coastal weather networks to evolving
NOAA WRF regional forecasting capabilities – to provide an improved ensemble of weather forecasts, (b)
operates the existing Mid-Atlantic HF Radar Network and leverages Coast Guard drifters that are linked to
statistical and dynamical models - to provide an ensemble of regional nowcasts and forecasts of 2-D surface
currents, and (c) operates existing satellite receivers and leverages the Navy investment in a regional glider
capability linked to the dynamical models - to provide an ensemble of 3-D circulation, temperature and salinity
nowcasts and forecasts. The MARCOOS data management team facilitates implementation of an end-to-end
system consistent with DMAC standards. Education & Outreach (EO) teams engage additional users and provide
frequent and timely feedback, while an economic impact team assesses benefits of MARCOOS information. A
management structure that establishes and monitors performance metrics ensures quality.
Year 4 of MARCOOS continues the sustained implementation of the original 10 major tasks. Each of the
10 major tasks is summarized below.
A) Atmospheric Data Integration: WeatherFlow continues to supply observational data from its network for
use in verifying model performance for several National Weather Service model products. Three NWS Forecast
offices run their own mesoscale models (WRF): Mt Holly NJ, Sterling VA and Wakefield VA. In addition,
WeatherFlow is now providing a model-averaged ensemble product that is comprised of the three NWS models,
plus WeatherFlow’s own mesoscale model, RAMS. The resultant domain for this product is defined as the area
common to that of all the models contributing to the ensemble. The products being averaged include those which
are more germane to oceanographic applications such as surface wind speed, and most recently added are surface
radiation parameters, important for physical oceanographic research. Currently, the majority of the radiation
parameters are not being output from the NWS models so this model-averaged ensemble is comprised solely from
WeatherFlow’s model. Building a multi-model “enriched” set of radiation parameters is a pending goal as well as
adding statistical analysis and visualization capabilities for the model-averaged products. In their current state, the
model ensemble will usually provide a solution with higher certainty than from a single model, but the single
model solution may provide superior utility during certain meteorological conditions. Continued analysis and
along with a numerical verification effort of the model averaged ensemble with the individual members will lead
to a project goal “best” choice model offered to the end user on an operational basis.
B) HF-RADAR Equipment: The long range CODAR radial data was available 81% of the time during this
progress period (October 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011). The site outage causes (January 1, 2010 to March 31,
2011) were evenly distributed between infrastructure failures (communication, power) 36%, computer problems
28% and hardware failures accounting for 36% of the outages. However, the length of the outage differed by the
cause. Data flow interrupted by infrastructure problems caused an average outage of 6 days, computer problems
caused an average outage of 8 days and hardware problems caused an average downtime of 37 days. These
statistics enforce our stated need for additional hardware to increase data availability. A graphical user interface
was created to help with data quality control. The HF Radar data was provided to USCG SAROPS, STPS and the
NYHOPS model to test data assimilation and forecast prediction of the model.
C) HF Radar QA/QC: HF radar quality control over this reporting period was organized into the various
stages of data processing from individual site spectra to regional surface current maps. At the spectra level we
focused on the first order line settings. Effective first order delineation was achieved by using a combination of
manufacturer recommendations and careful examination of local conditions that influence the nature of the first
and second order sea echo. At the radial level we are using a test period in the winter of 2007 with extensive in
situ observations to evaluate the impact of different Angseg and interpolation criteria on data accuracy and
coverage. The outcome of this work will be to develop a set of standard practices to apply to all sites operating in
MARCOOS Semiannual Report for IOOS: April 2011
the region. We continue to evaluate the application of the OI combination algorithm along the east and gulf
coasts to determine the appropriate settings to use as we move the OI based total vector product from the
MARCOOS domain to the entire national grid.
D) Underwater Gliders: The MARCOOS glider team conducted 7 glider missions in 2010/2011. The
surveys represented two glider runs, one patrolling from Massachusetts to New Jersey and a second simultaneous
run conducted from New Jersey to Maryland. The gilder missions were coordinated between the University of
Massachusetts, Rutgers, and the University of Maryland. The timing of the cruises was coordinated with the
Northeast NOAA National Marine Fishery surveys. The big advances in late 2010 were 1) the implementation of
a new glider web page ( and 2) the real-time delivery of glider data to
MARCOOS numerical modelers as standard operating procedure using the THREDDS server that had been
established as part of NOAA IOOS and NSF OOI programs. The efforts represented 126 glider days at sea.
IOOS/MARACOOS Gliders were ordered for UMass Dartmouth in early December 2010. The scheduled
delivery date is 20 May 2011 for this 100m-capable glider with a SBE Pumped CTD, two Eco Pucks, aWet Labs
FLBBCD-SLK CDOM 370/460 nm, Chlorophyll-a at 470/695nm (0-30 μg/I) and Backscattering at 700nm (0- 3
m-1 cp) 1000m, and Aanderaa Oxygen Optode, Potted 5013w (6000m with a 3830 Optode).
In early April, UMass technicians attended a glider training/preparation session at Rutgers. He was tasked to
prepare the Rutgers glider which he subsequently deployed on 15 April. In anticipation of the delivery of the new
SMAST IOOS/MARACOOS G2 glider, we have moved into the electronics laboratory adjacent to the SMAST
test tank. We plan on preparing/servicing this and other MARACOOS gliders in this facility.
E) Satellites: We continue to support expanded
satellite coverage efforts, which started during the 2010
Gulf Oil Spill. We use Google Earth to visually
disseminate displays of cloud-filtered Sea Surface
Temperature and Chlorophyll coverage area to span
0Satellite%20Products.kmz). We are converting our file
format to netCDF4 to decrease data size and increase
ease of data access. We have also released a new nearshore salinity product (out to 50km offshore). This
product is a first satellite derived salinity climatology
(right) for this region and is ready for model
assimilation. Real-time implementation of coastal
salinity is on going. We are also working on real-time
applications of water mass products from space. We have started three fisheries projects which focus on using
satellite products to describe the habitats of squid and butterfish (both commercially harvested), sturgeon in
Delaware Bay (protected) and tiger sharks near Bermuda (protected). We have also installed and are collecting
data from a new satellite receiving station at the University of Delaware that will augment our existing data
collecting capacity. Also, we have had more than 1500 people (k-12 to US Senators) this year visit our
visualization lab, where they have learned about IOOS and the data streams that support the Mid-Atlantic region.
F) Short Term Prediction System (STPS): The current observations from the MACOORA HF RADAR
network are routinely used to make forecasts for the succeeding 24 hours. Due to telemetry and processing
restrictions the most recent data available is generally 3 hours old when the STPS begins. After 30 minutes the
forecast from -3 to +21 hours are generated. However, the errors in the forecast increase with forecast time and
reach an asymptote after approximately 11 hours. To assess the effectiveness of the STPS in forecasting the
drifter paths we isolated segments of the trajectory that were within the high quality data region. We divided the
drifter data records into 6 hour segments with 50% overlap, then using the STPS forecast at the beginning of each
segment, we forecast the expected trajectory. A summary of the dependence of the error in the forecast position
on forecast time, averaged over all 311 six hour intervals was plotted with a 68% confidence interval. The error
appears to increase linearly at slightly less than 1km/hr. This statistic is a good baseline for the evaluation of
improvements to the system.
MARCOOS Semiannual Report for IOOS: April 2011
G) Dynamic Models: All three MARCOOS models have run real-time data assimilative forecasts since mid2009. Skill assessment of these and other regional operational models has been made for subsurface T,S with
respect to withheld observations from 2 NMFS ECOMON cruises (through a pilot program for real-time data
delivery) and 8 shelf-wide glider missions. Skill assessments are being extended to velocities using (CODAR) and
USCG drifter data. CTD profile data from the last two NMFS ECOMON cruises were relayed to the MARCOOS
OPeNDAP server within 4 hours of each station and entered the real-time data stream for model skill evaluation.
The New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System (NYHOPS) implementation of the Stevens
Estuarine, Coastal, and Ocean Model (sECOM) for MARACOOS has been extensively validated against over 100
static water level, wave, and CTD sensors and SST satellite observations. During the past year further
improvements in the NYHOPS model were implemented, and the model was validated and compared to other
operational models for storm surge forecasts during both warm and cool seasons. Further, Lagrangian data
retrieved from over 200 Self-Locating Datum Marker Buoys (SLMDB) deployed in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
between 2006 and 2010 were analyzed and applied into a particle tracking model performance assessment. Flow
patterns across this region under various hydrodynamic forces, including tides, small scale turbulence, winds, and
the primary long-term flow characteristics, including mean-flow and inertial oscillations across the NYHOPS
study area are highlighted, studied, and compared to the NYHOPS forecasts of same. The effect of temporal and
spatial scale of NYHOPS hydrodynamic inputs to particle tracking uncertainties is also investigated using various
techniques and metrics. The gained insight will provide scientific guidelines for particle-tracking-related-research,
including SAR operational forecasts. Coupled to an ongoing effort of HF radar currents assimilation onto
NYHOPS – that includes post-assimilation particle tracking simulation performance – drifter-deduced currents
assimilation is also being tested to understand the usability and limitation of these data in improving
hydrodynamic model forecasts. Finally, existing validation of the model forecasts against ADCP currents is being
further expanded to include over 30 new stations in the Hudson River and Long Island Sound. NYHOPS forecasts
have been operationally linked into NWS, USCG, and NOAA OR&R online services with 100% reliability.
H) DMAC: The DMAC team has been focused on broader integration of data sets from different MARCOOS
partners and other federal agencies. The DMAC efforts in MARCOOS are made up of individual data
management efforts with the partner groups; Rutgers (THREDDS configuration, model, glider and HF Radar data
management), UMass Dartmouth (model delivery via THREDDS), Stevens Institute (model delivery to EDS),
University of Delaware (Satellite data delivery via THREDDS (using NetCDF4)), CBOS and WeatherFlow (SOS
delivery of in-situ observations). The efforts are coordinated by the team at ASA who liaise with the individual
providers and support individual and centralized DMAC operations. A number of key areas of progress have been
completed: Implementation and use of the Amazon Cloud to host a THREDDS server. This instance currently
supports the NetCDF4 satellite data from University of Delaware and will be used to centralize other MARCOOS
datasets, integration of the daily Stevens
forecast in the U.S Coast Guard EDS,
integration of the HF Radar data from the
national server into the U.S Coast Guard EDS,
management of the database of self locating data
marker buoys (SLDMBs) into formats being
used by the modeling teams for validation
The data management team has also
completed a new portal accesses data directly
from the distributed data providers. This portal
Hydrology/Water Quality community through
coordination with Eric Volwinkle and integrates
this USGS/EPA data directly into the portal.
The new MARACOOS asset map including
USGS sites is shown here.
I) Education and Outreach: Eric Volwinkel attended the National Beach Conference in Miami, FL on
March 15-17 and spoke at the Predictive Tool Forum in conjunction with Rob Ragsdale of the IOOS program.
MARCOOS Semiannual Report for IOOS: April 2011
EPA has proposed $50K for IOOS, MARCOOS, and USGS to co-fund various activities that support needs. The
first objective would be to provide information and tools that support EPA's Office of Water's Beach Monitoring
and Notification program. The second is to develop a system for near real-time notification of individuals and
communities, especially disadvantaged communities, about the quality of nearby recreational waters.
Lesson plans for 5 of 6 activities using real-time MARCOOS data were posted on the COSEE-NOW website
and were used by Liberty Science Center staff to conduct 26 days of school resident enrichment programs for
Newark Public Schools. MARCOOS scientist participation was coordinated by the MARCOOS education team.
Education activities also included the development of the Ocean Robots demonstration exhibit, including a
permanent activity at Liberty Science Center and a traveling exhibit that has been demonstrated in schools and the
Smithsonian. Volunteer docents have completed 10-30 minute demonstrations of underwater glider capabilities to
over 7800 visitors in the last year, expanding the impact of our message to a broader range of people we would
not normally reach.
Tony MacDonald participated in the weekly conference call with the principals from the Mid-Atlantic
Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) to discuss improved coordination with MARCOOS and incorporation
of observing data and information into the regional Mapping and Planning Portal.
In December 2010, Monmouth University, Rutgers and other partners submitted a proposal to NOAA
Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program to support Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, including support
for development of protocols for the synthesis and integration of long term ocean observation data sets to create
derived data products useful to CMSP.
J) Economic Benefits: Initial work during this 6-month period focused primarily on updating and expanding
our UMCES Technical Report, "The Role of Ocean Observing Systems in Fisheries Management," in order to get
it ready to submit for peer-reviewed publication. However, the key staff member leading this effort (and coauthor of the technical report), fisheries scientist Jason Edwards, accepted a position at another institution,
resulting in a shift of our efforts to another research topic related to our previous “value-of-information” work for
MARCOOS. We began developing a method for adding value to MARCOOS observations by using them in
what is called “incremental cost analysis”. In the application we are addressing, we are examining adaptation
response options for communities faced with threats from the combination of sea level rise and increased
“storminess” as a result of global climate change. Using MARCOOS data to predict the likelihood and extent of
flooding at particular locations provides only some of the information that municipal and regional planners need
to make sensible decisions about how to plan for inundation threats. The research we have underway is designed
to provide simple planning level estimates of costs and environmental, aesthetic, and other impacts of responding
to flood threats at particular locations that can be used along with MARCOOS-based estimates of those flood
threats to assess and compare response options. The research will help fill a critical gap in the information that is
presented to community or stakeholder groups, planners, etc. when they are asked to consider how to respond to
localized inundation threats.
An initial draft concept paper has been written and circulated to individuals in the academic, environmental
NGO, and state/local government communities for comment and potential collaboration. Based on this initial
feedback, we are now preparing a potential case study of how this might be developed for a local community in
the MARCOOS region.
K) Statistics: New Regional Products: Continuing the extension of the HF-RADAR network into the
estuaries and implementation of the new satellite based salinity product for the estuaries is proceeding. Offshore a
new bottom temperature product is being developed based on glider bottom temperatures, the National Marine
Fisheries Service records, and the dynamical model bottom temperature forecasts. The nearshore waves product
validated off of New Jersey, and confirmed off Long Island Sound, is being propagated through the regional
New National products: MARCOOS is validating HF-RADAR data as part of the transition to a National
HF-RADAR network product to be delivered to the USCG SAROPS.
Deployed Assets: Multiple MARCOOS gliders were deployed and recovered.
Assets Removed: None
Assets Maintained: 2 Satellite Ground Stations, 30 CODAR sites, over 100 Weather Stations, 2 Glider
flights every 6 months for 3 years.
MARCOOS Semiannual Report for IOOS: April 2011
Papers published: Over 10 new papers were published (
Presentations: Over 50 presentations were made on MARCOOS research.
Data Management: Over 100 weather sites contributed data to AWIPS and EDS. Real-time forecasts were
produced by 1 statistical and 3 dynamical models.
The second half of MARCOOS Year 4 will continue to focus on transitioning from the delivery of data-based
products to forecast based products. Atmospheric group will begin adding other weather forecasts (such as RUWRF) to create the validated high-resolution weather ensemble for the Mid-Atlantic. The HF Radar group will
continue its traditional focus on operations and maintenance in a financially challenging environment, focused
first on the 5 MHz regional-scale network followed by the high-resolution nests in the estuaries. New radars
purchased by state and other federal agencies will be added to the network as they become available. The HFR
QA/QC group will work on regional implementation of the new end-to-end data processing procedures presented
at the April 2011 ROWG meeting. This group also has a national focus on an evaluation of the OI parameters for
making total vector current maps from radial currents for inclusion of the national network in the Coast Guard
EDS for SAROPS. The final glider flights of MARCOOS will occur in the early fall of 2011, timed with the
NMFS surveys. Development of new satellite products will include a focus on the salinity maps that extend into
the estuaries as prioritized by estuarine users. Operation of STPS and the 3 dynamical ocean models will be will
be maintained in the MAB. Preliminary validations studies from the first half of MARCOOS Year 4 combined
with new NMFS & USCG drifter data will guide the choice of a concurrent time to test all 4 forecast models in
the second half of MARCOOS Year 4. The DMAC team will continue the transition of the dynamical models into
the USCG EDS, and will continue to expand the regional interactive Asset Map. The MARACOOS website is
now available to the public, with May envisioned as the transition month from MACOORA to MARCOOS.
Beach Basics will be pursued with alternate funding made available through EPA, and additional glider funding
will be sought from other sources such as NSF.
There have been no organizational changes within the RCOOS during the first 6 months of MARCOOS year
4. However, preparations have begun for the significant management changes that will with the merger of
MACOORA & MARCOOS into one entity starting June 1, 2011. The major change for the RCOOS will be the
appointment of Michael Crowley as the Program Manager for the operational aspects of MARACOOS, and the
conclusion of the search for a MARACOOS Executive Director for the organizational aspects of MARACOOS.
The 1-year MARCOOS budget includes Rutgers $606,000 plus $1,190,000 in subawards for a total of
$1,796,000. This budget analysis covers the first half of year four funding of the Mid Atlantic Regional Coastal
Ocean Observing System grant NA01NOS4730014. The balance shown is what has been invoiced to date, not
necessarily what has been spent
Year 4
Remaining Balance
to date as billing from #
LEAD: Rutgers University
subcontractors can lag.
Applied Science
The base IOOS regional
Center for Innovative Technology $45,000
Monmouth University
Old Dominion University
Additional NOAA funds included
Stevens Institute of Technology
$10,000 to cover expenses for the
RU27 glider exhibit at the
7, 8
University of Delaware (2)
Smithsonian, and $86,000 to
University of Massachusetts
support validation of the OI 10
University of North Carolina
algorithm for the National HF- 11
University of Rhode Island
RADAR Network. The final
MARCOOS glider mission will
13,14 University of Maryland (2)
TOTAL AWARDED $1,796,000
be in September of 2011 to
coincide with a fisheries cruise. To make sure we have time to complete this mission and recover the gliders,
MARCOOS will request a no cost extension to year 4 MARCOOS funds.
MARCOOS Semiannual Report for IOOS: April 2011