Biodegradability of Plastics

Biodegradability of Plastics Regine Imperial
AIM: The aim is to explore different kinds of plastics, and observing if they
are “bio degradable” and that they can break down over a 21 day period.
HYPOTHESIS: It is predicted that in 21 days the degradable plastics, over
half of the plastics would have disappeared but the rest would have
remained the same.
RISK ASSESMENT: Compost can be hazardous if inhaled or somehow
entered through the body. This is especially fatal for asthmatic people.
APPARATUS: Compost, ice-cream container, samples of different
degradable plastics, universal indicator and a beaker.
1. Put compost in ice-cream container and make sure that the compost is
moist (use water for this).
2. Place same sized pieces of plastic into the compost.
3. Get a bit of the soil and mix with the universal indicator.
4. Record the results, ph and temperature.
5. Place container in the right temperature spot over 3 weeks and add
water to keep compost moist.
Sample 1: Glad Kitchen- Tidy Bags (white, soy)
Sample 2: Glad Garbage Bags- Black (soy)
Sample 3: Multix Tidy Bags- degradable (white)
Sample 4: Multix Kitchen Tidy Bags- Apple scented (lime green)
pH: 7.25
Temp: 13 degrees Celsius
After 3 weeks >>>
Temp: 11 degrees Celsius
SAMPLES (plastics)
Cup and bottle
Regine Imperial 10 White
After 21 days
Remaining the same,
no change
Remaining the same,
no change
Remaining the same,
no change
Remaining the same,
no change
Remaining the same,
Biodegradability of Plastics Regine Imperial
no change
1. The plastics over the 3 weeks had no changes, remained absolutely the
2. 0% had the plastics deteriorated.
3. Compost used rather than normal soil because it will break down faster
with the extra nutrients.
4. The plastics did not live up to their claim of being degradable as they are
false marketing their products.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that degradable plastics do not deteriorate
within a 21 day period. The hypothesis was not supported as it was made
into a wrong assumption that half of the plastics will disappear. An
improvement suggested if this experiment was redone would be to use
biodegradable plastic and put in a very warm temperature, whilst still
keeping it moist every week.
Regine Imperial 10 White