draft IAPTS Communication Plan

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies| Draft communications plan 2014 (May 2014 – November 2014)
Key leads: Natalie Shouler Natalie.Shouler@nottinghamnortheastccg.nhs.uk
Antonia Smith Antonia.Smith@nottinghamnortheastccg.nhs.uk
Current situation
Marketing and communications objectives
Tactical marketing and communications plan
Activity detail, deadlines and responsibilities.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is an NHS programme which provides specialist therapy for people who are living with mental health
issues like depression and anxiety disorders.
The second phase of IAPT development was introduced with the paper ‘No health without mental health, a cross-government strategy’, which ultimately
aims to expand the scope of the programme to children and young people, and people with long-term physical conditions, medically unexplained
symptoms or severe mental illness.
Nottinghamshire has been at the forefront of the development of the IAPT programme. The service is available to people aged 18 and over, and in
Nottinghamshire we have commissioned two providers to deliver it – Let’s Talk Well-being and Insight (formerly MCHO, a not for profit organisation with
extensive experience as a specialist provider of primary care psychological therapy and Counselling services)
Users, or prospective users, of the service can access it by referral from their GP, or they can self-refer via the providers’ website or by calling their provider
of choice directly. The first stage is an assessment appointment, which can take place over the phone or face-to-face. Following that, depending on need,
therapy will be provided over the phone, face-to-face or in groups.
Let’s Talk Well-being is a long-standing provider of the IAPT programme so experiences a higher volume of referrals than Insight.
The target set by Government is that at least 15 per cent of a CCG area’s prevalent population must be assessed and start a treatment. NNE CCG is much
lower than this, and GP referrals are lower than average for the area.
Currently, the top five performing practices in terms of referrals over the last year are: Daybrook, Newthorpe, Unity, Jubilee and Ivy. However, there is no
consistent trend of activity, with even the strongest performers overall having months with very low referral levels at some times in the year.
As a CCG, we are well below the 15 per cent target of the prevalent population. The Primary Care Team are still developing strategies to increase access and
there is certainly a strong case for getting GP opinions and investigating why they choose not to refer (and in some cases prefer to prescribe). However, one
of the ways we might redress the balance is by developing some communications activities to promote the benefits of the service.
The Let’s Talk service has been established in Nottinghamshire for a while and, as such, receives the majority of referrals to services. This means that there
is more pressure on referral times.
Insight implemented their own communications activities, which include the production and distribution of a leaflet explaining the new service, a newly
branded website and have met with clinicians in practice to discuss what they do. However, they are struggling to increase referrals.
The target of 15 per cent is one that we, as a CCG, must achieve. Our challenge is to use our influence to raise awareness of the service to GPs and to the
patient population.
We have a established a dedicated working group to develop and implement the plan. We have planned in monthly update meetings, with representation
from Commissioning and Primary Care Team, Lead Commissioner for IAPT, communications and engagement leads.
Communications aims
Develop a targeted, but consistent communication plan to raise awareness amongst selected segments of the public, provide more choice and
improve the mental health of our patient population.
Raise the profile of our IAPT local providers internally to ensure GPs know what services are available and see the benefits of referring to the service
Utilise case studies and tell stories to help promote the benefits to practitioners and patients
To identify GP practices with low referrals and support and target them with sustained communications
Through a web-based survey, we will try to understand GP motivations for using/ not using the service.
To increase the numbers of self-referrals by promoting the service to the local communities covered by NNE CCG
To emphasis the benefits of referral to the services through stories (patient experience) and statistics showing impact
To increase the number of referrals to Insight from all GPs through sustained communications
To increase the numbers of self-referrals through on-going communications targeting of specific groups
1. Local GPs
2. Patients, particularly those which might see a high prevalence of mental health issues – older people, the unemployed, people with LTCs, people
leaving hospital, people living in deprived areas
Care homes
Sheltered accommodation
Out patients
Social housing tenants
Self help groups for people with MH issues or those living with long-term conditions
Job centre, Futures
targeting geographical areas with high levels of deprivation
Key messages
Talking Therapies
They are a cost-effective response to Mental Health issues by reducing inappropriate referrals to secondary care
They are proven to have a positive impact on the health and well-being of patients – can use stats and case studies
There is a choice of IAPT providers in Nottinghamshire. The new provider on the scene, Insight, is a professional service
with proven results and can ensure a swift response time.
We are making a commitment to increase referrals because we know it benefits users
The socio-economic climate means that there are even more people who could benefit from psychological therapies to
improve their health and well-being rather than resort to prescribing drugs.
They are particularly effective with certain groups and enable people to take control of their condition
It’s good to talk – stress the benefits of the service
They can help take control of your condition and overcome your fears and isolation
There are two providers of the service and there is capacity for you to be seen quickly
You can access the service yourself without even going through your GP (call to action as to how)
The therapists/ advisers have wealth of experience and expertise in supporting people to overcome and manage a wide
range of mental health issues.
Prove the effectiveness of the treatment by demonstrating the benefits
Overcome the stigma around mental health
Tell positive stories of how the service has impacted on people’s lives
Tone of voice
Language should be tailored according to audience i.e. recognise the differences between those in the medical sector and
members of the public
Be patient-focused, approachable and knowledgeable
Marketing mix
Target audience
Measureable outcomes
Personal selling
 All
 GPs PLT time presentation
 Presentation at Clinical Cabinet
 Arranging meetings at Practices who have the
 Impact of activity in terms of increase in referrals
from targeted organisations.
 Traffic to website
lowest referral rates
 Insight leaflet - distributed to key points
including care homes, CABs, LAs, outpatient
etc and promoting self referrals
 Event collateral
 FAQ sheet
 Posters and leaflets targeted at specific
groups, eg LTCs, older people, unemployed
(web development,
other electronic
 All
 Regular case studies promoted on NNE CCG
 Twitter promo with new stories and case
studies as and when
 New Mental Health bulletin for GPs and
 Increased web traffic
 Twitter stats
 Newsletter opening stats
Direct marketing
(e-DM and DM)
Summary events
 All
 Ensure partner contacts are effectively kept
up to date with relevant developments and
information via Practice News and new
Mental Health bulletin
 Use case studies etc create a series of profile
raising communications, utilising digital
routes and driving traffic to the website – this
can be done via twitter feed linked to website
 Public
 Identify list of relevant community health
events and services
 Display stand at key community health events
 Link in with Nottingham’s Mental Health
 Commercial
PR and media
 All
 Drive enquiries from key segments of prospective
client base
 Increased web traffic
 Social media stats
 Newsletter opening stats
 Referrals from events
 Traffic to website
 Increased self referrals
Awareness Weeks organisers and use event
as platform to promote the service – perhaps
even put on a workshop?
 Create a targeted media relations plan
 Identify Insight Champions and offer them to
media as MH experts
 Identify case studies of positive patient
 Utilise partner newsletters to promote the
service – eg Gedling Contacts Magazine
 Coverage frequency and column inches in
relevant media
Activity in green will be actioned now!
Utilise Tuesday 6 May bulletin to get a
‘current picture’ and a referral reminder
story out to practices.
Target Group (s)
Survey to get information about why and
why not GPS are referring to talking
Key dates
 May 6 2014
Natalie and Antonia
DONE – W/C 6/5/2014
circulated end
Deadline for
responses 13
discussed at
Clinical Cabinet
Natalie and Antonia, with
support from Michael Ellis
Survey created 12/5/2014
Sent to IAPTs project team
For approval 13/5/2014
Presentation about the available services,
benefits and referral details at the
Clinical Cabinet
Clinical Cabinet
– 17 June
Marie Crowley Primary Care
Mental Health
Implementation Manager
Target the very low referring practices
with face-to-face interventions – visits
from Primary Care Team.
GPs – lowest referring practices
End June 2013
Develop an FAQ fact sheet for Primary
Care Team to give at GP visits
GPs and patients
May 2013
Develop Mental Health bulletin in Mail
Chimp to highlight patient stories and key
First edition
scheduled as
Marie Crowley
Primary Care Team
In progress
Target Group (s)
Key dates
follow up to
Clinical Cabinet
– early July
Customise GP Mental Health enewsletter to target partners.
Partners – Borough Councils, Local
Businesses, Notts County Council, Vol
and community sector, CAB,
Nottingham Futures, Job Centre
July 2014
Develop fact sheet for patients to
promote on CCG and provider websites
Patient – general
June 2013
Marie, Natalie, Antonia
Liaise with Insight to support them to
communicate key messages to targeted
sections of the community.
Care homes
Sheltered accommodation
Mental health-related SHG
Out patients
Social housing tenants
People living with long-term
New mums
May and June
Insight team
Identify case studies from both providers,
but particularly Insight and tell stories
which highlight the benefits of the
service (patient experience) and
disseminate these via our
communications channels
All patient groups
Insight to provide case
Marie Crowley to liaise with
the provider
CCG Comms to use comms
channels to promote
Work with specific target groups to
Targeted patient groups
By end of
Engagement and Comms
design communications to suit them, this
might be facebook promo for young
unemployed, or poster campaign for
older people.
Target Group (s)
Key dates
Utilise LA communications to reach more
Gedling, Ashfield and N&S residents
Plan a promotion to coincide with Notts
MHW – Insight to perhaps run a
Patients suffering with mental health
Sept/ Oct 2014
Input from all
Ongoing media relations
 Regular releases..
 Identify Insight Champions and offer
them to media as MH experts
 Identify case studies of positive patient
Utilise partner newsletters to promote
the service – eg Gedling Contacts
On going from
May 2014
Antonia, Insight and Luke
Barrett (GEM
Evaluate the activity as detailed in the
overarching plan
Natalie, Antonia, Marie