Honor Biology

Biology Syllabus 2015-2016
Ms. Khodayari- Metro H.S.
Primary contact: e-mail:
Secondary contact: 314-534-3894
Biology Textbook: Biology by Stephen Nowicki
Course Description:
This course includes a discussion of basic understanding of life science mainly focused
in the areas of science inquiry, themes of biology, cellular structure and function,
photosynthesis, chromosomes and cellular reproduction, genetics and DNA structure,
classification, evolution and ecology.
Course Objectives:
Literally, biology means the study of life. Our biology students will study what living
organisms are, and the organisms’ similarities and differences. Our students will
investigate how all living organisms interact with each other and their environment. The
students will also learn how scientists work, the scientific method, so that they could look
at a problem objectively, and make intelligent decisions concerning biological issues.
Grading Scale: (Letter to Percent)
A = 100% to 90%
B = 89% to 80%
C = 79% to 70%
Failure = below 69%
Semester Grade Computation:
The grade consists of the following:
Quarter grades = 45% each
Semester Exam = 10%
You will receive points for a wide variety of assignments and assessments. Assignments
include but not limited to homework, classwork, quizzes, labs, projects, tests, and
exams. Additionally, your grade will be based on your percent of the total possible
points. Grade is calculated by dividing your total number of points earned by the total
number of points possible in the class. Moreover, Points for your participation and
cooperation will be assigned at the end of the trimester.
Course points/percentage distribution is as follow;
HW (Homework) = 10%
CW (classwork) = 15%
= 15%
= 20%
= 30 %
Final Exam
= 10%
Class Expectation:
As a member of the class, there are certain expectations and responsibilities for each
person. The expectations include but are not limited to:
1. Come to class on time and prepared.
2. Respect your own space and everyone else’s space.
3. Do not disrupt teaching and learning environment
4. No food is allowed in the science classroom unless approved by instructor.
5. No electronic devices is allowed in class unless allowed by instructor.
Late and Makeup Work
Make up work is the responsibility of the student! Students are allowed one day, for each
day they miss, to make up any assignments due to an excused absence. No credit is given
for unexcused absences. Make up test and lab must be discussed with teacher. Bear in
mind that some labs will not be able to be made up and an alternate assignment will be
provided. Make sure to establish the appointment with instructor for your makeup.
Late work will be accepted at 50% of the value. It must be completed within a one class
days in order to receive any credit. Large projects will be marked down 10% for each day
past the due date.
Please, discuss your late or missing work with teacher prior to receiving or submitting
Internet Access:
All students must ensure they are clear to use the internet in the Metro HS Library or
other computer room.
Academic Honesty
In order to realize their full potential for learning, students must complete their own
work. Any form of cheating or plagiarism is unacceptable. Using another person’s words,
ideas, or work as your own will result in a failing grade. Additionally, any student who
knowingly allows another student to use his or her assignment will also receive a failing
grade. Administration and parents will be contacted in cases of academic misconduct.
Classroom Expectations
1. Come to class on time and prepared.
2. Respect your own space and everyone else’s space.
3. Do not disrupt teaching and learning environment
4. No food is allowed in the science classroom unless approved by instructor.
5. No electronic devices is allowed in class unless allowed by instructor.
6. You are allowed 3 hall passes per quarter. Use them wisely. Unused passes may be
turned in for extra credit points at the end of each quarter.
School Policies
The guidelines set in the Metro High School Student Handbook will be reinforced to
address issues such as, attendance, behavior, appearance, etc.
Three ring binder and spiral notebook
Pen and pencil
Flash drive (something so you can store your work and then take it with you)
Colored pencils for projects/drawing
Course Assistance
Tutoring is available after school. See instructor for scheduling prior to session(s) on
I ___________________________________________have read the syllabus and agree
to follow the rules and expectations of Ms. Khodayari biology class for 2015-2016 school
Student Name: ___________________
Parent name:___________________
Student signature:_________________
Parent Signature:________________
Yearly Unit Plan
Semester 1
Introduction to Biology and scientific method (nature of science)
- Biosphere
- Ecosystems and communities
- Populations and human influence
Chemistry of life (biochemistry)
- Nature of matter
- Properties of water
- Carbon compounds
- Chemical reactions and enzymes
- Cell structure and Function
- Photosynthesis
- Cellular respiration
- Cell growth and division
Semester 2
Introduction to genetics
Mendelian genetics
DNA – structure and function
RNA – structure and function
Protein synthesis
Current issues and applications of genetic engineering
Human heredity
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Evolution of populations
History of life (patterns of evolution)
Bacteria and Viruses
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses
** The Sequence of topics is subject to change.