Angela Banks, Planning Officer for application ref

Angela Banks, Planning Officer for application ref.12/02490MAF
Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP
Dear Angela Banks,
I would like to object to the development proposal by Coplan Estates for Riverside North on the basis that it is in
breach of Policies BE1, BE9, BE11, BE15, NE4, NE5, NE24, TC5 of the Local Plan 2002 for the following reasons:
I have initialled those reasons that apply.
(Edit if necessary and add further objections at the bottom if required)
The hotel will block the downstream view of the river from Poynter’s Boathouse, thereby removing a
significant feature of this type of facility.
The development will remove an essential car parking facility for members of Star and Viking on a
day-to-day basis and severely compromise the staging of nationwide events that are a feature in the
rowing and canoeing calendar.
The development will seriously restrict the access for towing trailers to the boathouse and impede
the clubs’ abilities to travel to events.
The rectangular, blocky roofline of the proposed buildings is in sharp contrast to the interesting pitched
roofline of the existing character buildings. There is no continuity.
The view from the Town Bridge, the Prebend Street Bridge and St. Mary’s Gardens is utterly spoiled by the
insensitive, imposing and overbearing mass of the proposed blocks of flats and hotel. These do not in any
way “enhance” the appearance of the Charter Walk / Queens Walk conservation area.
The materials of the proposed buildings are predominantly manmade concrete, glass, metal mesh etc. rather
than naturalistic stone, tile, slate and brick of the existing buildings.
The proposed 9 storey hotel is positioned too close to the Queen’s Walk foot/cycle path and its gigantic form
is overbearing and completely spoils the open appearance of this area. The visual impact that it makes is
insensitive and in stark contrast to the quiet, peaceful, gentle ambience of the riverside.
The Retail Pavilion is a glass box that bears no resemblance or relationship to the character and appearance
of the conservation area.
The quality of the entire river frontage development is poor, insensitive, unsympathetic and unattractive and
does nothing to preserve or enhance the historic character of Bedford as a market town. There has been no
provision for environmental improvements.
There has been no provision for access to the river for additional recreational activities such as a jetty,
pontoon, and boardwalk.
The buildings to the west side of the public square are in the conservation area and yet lack the quality,
design, style, and detail of the existing historic buildings.
The mature horse chestnut trees in the conservation area of Queen’s and Charter Walks must be protected
and retained by a Tree Preservation Order as they have considerable amenity significance.
A cinema is not appropriate for this riverside location.
A hotel is not appropriate for this location.
The proposed buildings along the river’s edge are out of scale i.e. too tall (6 and 9 storeys) compared to the
existing buildings (4 storeys) in the conservation area.
The style of the proposed buildings is blocky and box-like and not sympathetic or in keeping with the
character of the traditional architectural styles in the conservation area.
The proposed buildings lack architectural detail and what little there is has no relevance to the existing
charming detail of the period buildings.