Answers for Whats Health

What’s Health?
(#1-5 pg. 4-6, 6-16 pg.60-64)
1. What Is the Heath Triangle? The three parts that make up your total health.
2. What are the three parts of the health triangle? Physical, Social, Mental/Emotional
3. Describe some benefits of being physically fit; give one benefit for each: Emotional, Physical, and
Physical- Having lots of energy,
Emotional- Able to face challenges in a positive realistic way
Social- Strong friendships and warm family relationships
4. What are some risk of not being fit; Give one risk for each: Emotional, physical, Social
Physical- Using tobacco can lead to damage to your mouth, heart, and lungs.
Emotional- Unable to make rational decisions
Social- Arguing with friends constantly, or lack of friends
5. Describe one way to improve each part of the health triangle.
Physical- Eating a well-balanced diet and doing plenty of physical activity
Emotional- Make choices that support school and family commitments.
Social- Be friendly and open toward other people.
6. Define physical activity. Any movement that makes your body use extra energy
7. Define fitness. Being able to handle physical work and play each day without getting overly tired.
8. What is exercise? Planned physical activity done regularly to build or maintain one’s fitness
9 What are the 5 health related components? Flexibility, Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Body
Composition, Cardiovascular Endurance
10. Define flexibility. The ability to move joints fully and easily through a full range of motion
11. Define Muscle strength. The ability of your muscles to use force one time
12. Define Muscle endurance. The ability of a muscle to use force over a period of time.
13. Define cardiovascular endurance. The measure of how well your heart and lungs work during
vigorous activity.
14. Define body composition. Describes the proportion of fat and bone that make up body weight
15. What does endurance mean? The ability to perform physical activity for a long period of time
without getting overly tired
16. Give an Example of a cardiovascular endurance activity and a Muscle endurance activity?
Cardiovascular activity- jogging for 15 minutes
Muscle endurance- Performing many sit-up’s for several minutes.