
Monday, January 13, 2014
The regular meeting of the London House Condominium Association Board of Directors
was held at 6:30 PM on January 13, 2014 in the Club Room at 1233 Ogden Street,
Denver, Colorado.
Quorum: The following Directors were present or absent as indicated:
Art Kerkezian
Alex Ferber
Jennifer Kemps
Phone Presence
Sara Hofer
Kym Bloom
Kaye Welch from Western States Property Services and Richard Seeman, Resident
Manager, were present.
Homeowner Forum: Homeowner from #302 addressed the Board about the front door
not latching completely during frigid weather, and about graffiti on the sidewalks.
Staff Report: Richard submitted a written report that was reviewed and is included with
the meeting records.
Minutes: The November board meeting minutes were previously electronically
approved on 11/26/13.
Financials: The balance in the operating account at the end of December 2013 was
minus $537.31. The balance in the reserves account at the end of December 2013 was
$69,341.94. Delinquency was $4,265.07, up $2,201.00 from November. Kym moved to
accept the financials as submitted. Sara seconded the motion and it was carried.
Manager Report and Communications were reviewed, discussed and are included with
the meeting records.
Unfinished Business:
 Staff health insurance plan will end in March due to Obamacare. Richard and the
insurance agent will work together to find another satisfactory plan.
 Property cameras were discussed briefly and will be further considered at a later
 The Board authorized the chargeback of the expense for Rocky Mountain
Mechanical investigation into the November 25th hot water shutdown to #207.
New Business:
 We are expecting a new HVAC maintenance contract from Rocky Mountain
Mechanical to include the new boilers and make up air units installed in 2013.
 Discussion was held on the liability and problems with single handle faucets in
tubs/showers. Homeowners will be reminded that if they are not well
maintained and installed that they can cause crossover with the boiler system.
Double handle faucets are strongly recommended during remodel.
 After discussion on better communication with residents, the Board agreed to
the following efforts:
o Install a grease board on the resident manager unit front door for quick
notes of information to residents in emergency situation.
o Place note on both bulletin boards with email address and phone
numbers for residents to report maintenance concerns.
o Kym will set up a Twitter account for Richard to use in case of
emergencies or notifications, such as “water back on” or “false fire
o Further discussion will be held in February meeting on parameters of
resident notification.
o Kym will prepare a newsletter with Art providing items.
 Board would like Coyle Engineering to inspect the building for any signs of
further settling again in 2014.
 Washing machine on the 6th floor seems to be fixed. No further discussion was
held regarding laundry machines and contract with Mac-Gray.
 Kym requested investigation into a getting a larger outgoing mail box slot so
larger items can be mailed from the property.
 Interior Committee volunteers will be solicited for in the newsletter and on the
bulletin boards to increase help with selections of interior wall art and any other
items the board requests them to recommend.
 At the next meeting, board members are to bring their top 5 projects, large or
small, to be considered and prioritized. These ideas are to be included in
consideration with the priority list prepared by the Board in 2012, which includes
the reserve analysis items.
 Staff responsibilities discussion was tabled until the February meeting. Art
submitted a review format for consideration.
Adjournment: There being nothing further to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at
8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaye Welch, Recording Secretary