Rubric for the Visualizing and Verbalizing Video and Analysis

SEDM 5820, Fall 2014
Your name here
Visualizing and Verbalizing Video and Analysis
1. Identify a child or adult who is willing to let you teach them one of Nanci Bell’s lessons from
Visualizing and Verbalizing and who is willing to answer some questions about it afterward.
2. Select a step of the Visualizing and Verbalizing program that is appropriate for your “student”.
3. Prepare the lesson by reading through the instructions, visualizing how you will approach the
lesson, and getting the materials ready.
4. Prepare a quiet space with technology for videotaping your lesson.
5. Teach and videotape the lesson.
6. At the end of the lesson, ask your student for feedback about the experience. Prompt the student
to provide feedback on specific parts of the lesson; in what ways it seemed as though it would be
beneficial or not beneficial for a student who had difficulty with visualization; and what parts
were fun, boring, frustrating, or something else.
7. Record the information in the format below paying special attention to the fourth section,
reflecting on your learning and thoughts on future instruction.
Student Pseudonym
Which lesson did you do?
Detailed account of instruction
(What did you do?)
Student Response
(How did the student respond to instruction; what did
the student do and say?)
Attach any pictures or work product
Student Feedback
(What did the student say about being part of the lesson? What parts seemed like they would be beneficial for a
child who had difficulty with visualization? What parts didn’t seem as thought they would be beneficial? Was it
fun, boring, frustrating, or something else?)
Your Reflection
(What went well, what went poorly, what would you change or keep the same if you were to teach this in the
future? What was your learning?)
SEDM 5820, Fall 2014
Your name here
Rubric for the Visualizing and Verbalizing Video and Analysis
Instruction consistent with the
program provided in the
Visualizing and Verbalizing text
Instruction is partly consistent
Instruction is inconsistent
with the program provided in the with the program provided in
Visualizing and Verbalizing text the Visualizing and
Verbalizing text
Description of
Describes instruction so that a
reader could visualize the lesson
Describes the instruction in
general terms
Description of Student
Describes instruction so that a
Describes the student response
reader could visualize the student in general terms
Description of student
response is general and leaves
out significant portions
Elicitation of Student
Elicits student feedback in which Student feedback is general to
the student thoughtfully
the overall process or superficial
addresses positives and negatives
of specific parts of the lessons
Student feedback is superficial
and general to the overall
-Clearly describes what went well
or didn’t go well
-Thoughtfully and honestly
discusses teacher candidate
learning based on what went well
and poorly in the lesson, and
-Suggests improvements for
possible future lessons
-Generally describes what
went well or didn’t go well, or
-Superficially discusses
teacher candidate learning
based on what went well and
poorly in the lesson, or
-Does not suggest
improvements for possible
future lessons
- Clearly describes what went
well or didn’t go well, or
-Thoughtfully and honestly
discusses teacher candidate
learning based on what went
well and poorly in the lesson, or
-Suggests improvements for
possible future lessons
Description of instruction is
general and leaves out
significant portions