Chapter 2 Review

Speech: Chapter 2 Review
Big Ideas:
Confidence is the feeling you have when you know that you can accomplish a certain
task successfully.
Confidence in speaking is the internal skeletal framework that is anchored to the solid
value foundation described in Chapter 1.
Confidence is the motivating factor behind the power and believability of your words and
is an essential element in your being taken seriously by an audience.
Stage fright often threatens a speaker’s confidence. We can think of it as a strong wind
that works to blow down a confidence structure.
Fear is a biological process that allows you to deal with potentially dangerous situations.
People are often victimized by phobias, or fears that get out of hand.
Everyone is potentially susceptible to performance anxiety event professionals.
Symptoms range from a rapid heartbeat to excessive perspiration to an upset stomach.
One way to overcome this fear is to establish an accurate perception of your audience,
your speech, and yourself.
Perception is the main support beam of confidence. It challenges you to see things as they
really are, not as your fears might lead you to believe they are.
A second way to deal with performance anxiety and build your speaking confidence is by
examining the ten planks of confidence.
Confidence is a consequence of preparation and hard work and is the driving force behind
speaking effectiveness.
Key Vocabulary:
Notes (memory springboard)
Performance Anxiety
Stage Fright
Common Ground
Review: Answer the following questions based on your notes.
1. Confidence is the feeling you have when you know that you can get the job done well.
Confidence is the ________________ of effective oral communication.
2. What is the name of the major type of energy that is released by the body in fear
3. A persistent, irrational fear can be referred to as a _______________.
4. Another name for performance anxiety is __________________.
5. Perception refers to how we see things. Perception is the _______________ in building
speaking confidence.
6. When you establish _______________ with your audience, you are forming a bond that
says, “We’re all in this together.”