Community Partner Brainstorm Guide


Pathways to Success:

Reaching, Engaging, and Effectively Supporting

Pregnant and Parenting Young People

Community Needs & Resource Assessment Process


Community partner brainstorm


Targeted key informant interviews in the community


Focus groups with pregnant & parenting youth

Synthesis of findings

ACTION planning

This document describes the first step of the community needs and resource assessment process, the community partner brainstorm, in detail. For this step, plan a meeting with the partnership members for your local project.

Representatives from both the high schools and the community college should attend. Consider including other key stakeholders that you will be working with as well. You will need at least an hour for this discussion, though you may wish to allot more time. Make sure you take some time before you start brainstorming to get to know one another; having a better understanding of the people you will be working with can make the entire project run more smoothly.

Keep in mind this is the first stage of information-gathering process that will inform future decisions and activities.


Step 1: Community Partner Brainstorm

Who will we serve?

A. Define our community for the Pathways to Success project.

How will we decide which young people to include?


ZIP code?

School district(s)?

Specific school(s) catchment area?


How will we decide if a resource (agency, individual, coalition, etc.) is in our defined community?

Does it need to physically “sit” in the community boundaries?

Does it need to only serve youth in our defined community?

If a resource is outside of our defined community, will we still work to engage this resource in the Pathways to Success project?

Now let’s document our discussion:

Our community for the Pathways to Success project is defined as…

A young person will be included in the Pathways to Success project if…

A resource will be considered for the Pathways to Success project if it is…


B. Brainstorm where to get information about the NEEDS of pregnant and parenting young people in our community. What are existing sources of information regarding the scope of this need?

Identify broad and specific sources

, such as information from

NYSED, Vital Statistics, US Census, County Department of Health, etc.

What information is each partner

uniquely positioned

to access?

This might include school records, school demographics, Youth Risk

Behavior Survey data, etc.

Now let’s document our discussion:

Existing information sources regarding needs include…

What specific information will be taken from this source?

Which community partner is responsible for compiling this information?

When will this information be compiled?


C. What are the existing resources in our community for pregnant/parenting young people?

• Which community agencies first come to mind?

• Which individuals come to mind?

• Which are known by both community partners? Which are only known by one partner?

• Which do we have relationships with?

• How are these relationships defined? (Informal, formal, MOU, etc.)

• Who else should we ask to brainstorm about resources in our community?

Now let’s document our discussion:

Name of

Resource Location

What do we know about their services?

Which partner already has connections with this resource?

What is the nature relationship?

Resource Contact



D. What other comments or ideas were generated during our brainstorm?

