Assessment Review Rubric (Educational Programs)

Rubric to Evaluate 2014-2015 Assessment Reports
Educational Programs
Overall Unit Compliance with Institutional Requirements:
 Purpose statement is present and specific to the program, not just to the department, college, school or division.
 Did the unit report on at least 3 learning outcomes?
 Are all four components of the report present for each outcome (1. Actions taken in the current reporting year, 2. Results,
3. Analysis of results and 4. Actions planned for the next reporting year)?
(NOTE - Remainder of rubric will repeat for 3 outcomes for grad/undergrad/foundations and for 2 outcomes for certificates and
Learning Outcome 1:
Please type the short name of the outcome you are reviewing.
Type a brief description of the means of assessment so that if multiple means are used, the unit can identify which one you
are reviewing.
Please include any general comments in the text box below about the outcome, means of assessment or criterion for
success that would help the unit improve their assessment plan.
Actions Taken:
1a. Does the information describe the curricular or pedagogical actions that faculty took during the 2014-15 academic year
(past tense)? Note: To be yes, both bolded points should be yes. The actions must be curricular or pedagogical AND taken by
faculty. If both points are not yes, choose no and then explain what was missing in the comment box.
1b. Does the information describe actions taken to improve student learning that are related to the outcome? Note: To be yes,
both bolded points should be yes. The actions must improve student learning AND relate to the outcome. If both points are
not yes, choose no and then explain what was missing in the comment box.
2. Do the results address the criterion for success?
Analysis of Results:
3a. Does the analysis indicate if actions taken improved, did not improve or had no impact on student learning based on the
3b. Does the analysis identify one or more areas of student learning that can be improved or reinforced?
3c. Is appropriate documentation attached that supports the results or analysis of results? (Choices: Appropriate documents
are attached, Documents are attached but not clear how they are relevant, No documents are attached but should be, No
documentation needed)
Actions Planned:
4a. Do the actions planned describe the specific curricular or pedagogical actions that faculty plan to take in the 2015-16
academic year? Note: To be yes, both bolded points should be yes. The actions must be curricular or pedagogical AND
planned to be taken by faculty. If both points are not yes, choose no and then explain what was missing in the comment
4b. Do the actions planned address the area for improvement or reinforcement identified in the analysis of results and are
they related to the outcome? Note: To be yes, both bolded points should be yes. The actions must address the area for
improvement or reinforcement identified in the analysis of results AND relate to the outcome. If both points are not yes,
choose no and then explain what was missing in the comment box.
4c. If the analysis of results section indicated a change in the outcome or means of assessment, was the new outcome or means
of assessment statement provided? (Choices: Not applicable – No change was indicated in the Analysis of Results, Yes – New
outcome and/or means of assessment address student learning and are directly measurable, Yes - Improvement is needed
in outcome or means of assessment, No – No statement was provided but should be added)
Overall Comments:
 Please include overall comments in the text box below that would help the unit improve any area of their assessment