Programmes at Inspire

The programmes at Inspire
There are many programmes at Inspire which are co-ordinated and facilitated
from the two centres in Malta. The first centre is in Bulebel which is the
education and training centre which includes a centre for children with autism
and neurological conditions, and another centre mainly for adults with
disabilities including work placement opportunities to develop work potential.
The second centre is at Marsascala which is the therapy and leisure centres
which also includes pottery sessions, animal interaction, therepuetic horseback
riding, swimming and the multi-sensory rooms. Some of the programmes
which use these facilities are shown below.
This programme is the parent and client education service and is for clients
who have intellectual disabilities. It has been tailored to meet the individual
needs of persons with learning disabilities from birth and throughout the
school years. It addresses the needs of the individual in all areas of
development. It targets goals set at the young person’s Individual Education
Plan (IEP), in the family setting, in the school and in the community. The clients
that attend PACES mostly have down syndrome.
Structures Training and Education Programme (STEP) is a specialized
programme for children and adolescents within the Autistic spectrum. The
step programme is based on the National Autistic Society (2013) Treatment
and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children
(TEACCH) and the Structure, Positive (approaches and expectations), Empathy,
Low arousal, Links (SPELL) frameworks and approaches.
STEP aims to:
- Provide intensive specialized training, education and support allowing
the development of the individuals potential and levels of independence
appropriate for that persons age.
- Provide assistance and support to ensure full inclusion at school and
within the community.
Children in STEP spend one morning a week at the Bulebel centre where they
attend 1-1 and group activities which the OT’s carry out consultations to
identify the strengths and areas of development for the child and then liaise
with tutors and the parents to make any recommendations. The children from
STEP also spend 1 afternoon a week at the Marsascala centre where they
attend either MSR (Multi-sensory rooms), THR (Therapeutic horseback riding),
pottery or swimming sessions. The OT’s again carry out consultations in these
areas and make recommendations to parents and tutors.
The sessions at Bulebel and Marsascala are structured using a visual system
which encourages the children independence and improves self-esteem and
confidence levels within these environments. The children associate
themselves with coloured cards with their photos on and the use of the ‘whats
next card’ aids there transitions throughout the programmes for the day. The
structure is support by positive reinforcement from the tutors and therapists
working with the children. With the use of short phrases such as ‘hands quiet’
or ‘not good’ instead of a negative reinforcement such as saying no to the
children when their behaviour is not appropriate.
Specialized Training for Lifestyle Enhancement for youngsters enrolled in the
Autistic spectrum disorder programmes. The focus is the clients potential and
further development. Those on the programme are encouraged to engage in
activities favoured by their typically developed peers. The OT attends the
groups and offers group consultation to develop their potential and increase
their independence. The OT co-facilitates groups for independent life skills
such as budgeting skills and then encourages these individuals to use these
skills on day trips and at home. The OT also carries out other group skills such
as sensory integration for clients whose functional abilities are more impaired
by their condition.
This programme caters for children aged between birth and 16 with
neurological conditions such as brain injury, cerebral palsy and other physical
disabilities. It provided specialized therapies, education and support allowing
the development of each child’s full potential and level of independence. STAR
also provides assistance and support to ensure full inclusion at school and
within the community. Intervention is delivered by a team of tutors who are
supported by the Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and
Language Therapists and Psychologists. The OT carries out 1-1 sessions and
assessments to assist the tutors and offers consultations with the parents to
increase functional independence levels and participation in daily activities.