Newton`s laws and Famous Scientists Webquest

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________ Period: _________
Newton’s Laws and famous scientists webquest
Complete the following questions while you are exploring the webquest on Newton’s Three Laws.
Newton’s Law of Inertia:
1. An object at ______________ stays at rest.
2. An object in motion stays in motion, in a _______________________, unless acted on by an external
_____________________________ force.
Newton’s Law of Acceleration:
3. An _______________________ acting on an object cause it to _______________________.
4. Acceleration is directly related to the size of __________________ in the same direction of the force.
5. Acceleration is inversely related to the _______________ of an object.
6. Write the formula used to calculate force: _________________________________
Newton’s Third Law:
7. For every action there is an ______________ and ___________ reaction.
Sir Isaac Newton
8. What is Sir Isaac Newton’s birthday? ______________________________________
9. How old was he when he died?_________________ What year did he die? __________
10. Who raised Sir Isaac Newton? ______________________________________________
11. What college did Sir Isaac Newton attend? ______________________________________
12. When was Sir Isaac Newton knighted? _________________________________________
13. Beside motion, what other scientific topics did Sir Isaac Newton have ideas about? List three of them.
Bumper Cars
When you make your prediction, write down the sentence under the box that you choose. If your prediction is
correct, write “same” on the correct answer line. If your prediction is not correct, click the back button on your
browser to find the correct answer. Write the sentence on the correct answer line.
Collision 1: One Car at Rest
Your Prediction: ____________________________________________________
Correct Answer: ____________________________________________________
Collision 2: Glancing Collision
Your Prediction: ____________________________________________________
Correct Answer: ____________________________________________________
Collision 3: Equal Masses
Your Prediction: ____________________________________________________
Correct Answer: ____________________________________________________
On the back create your own scenario for colliding cars. Be sure to include the speed of each car, the mass
each car, the mass of each driver, and the angle of impact (straight on, glancing). Create a right and wrong
answer and circle the correct answer. Draw your answers.
Follow the following links. When you arrive at a website, you will have to find that scientist’s name to answer
the questions regarding that person.
1. What worried Einstein’s parents?_________________________________________________
2. Einstein is most well known for what theory? _____________________________________________
3. Ivan Pavlov is famous for his study of salivation in what animal? ___________________
4. What is a conditioned reflex? ______________________________________
5. What 3 famous scientists studied under Rutherford?
6. Crick is famous for a visual model of what? ______________________________
7. Who worked with Crick to create this model? _____________________
8. What theory is Wegner know for?______________________________________
9. Wegner proposed that all continents were once a single land mass called_______________________.
1. Charles Darwin is known for the theory of ______________________________________.
2. Newton gave us the Laws of ___________________________ and the Law of ___________________.
3. In 1609 Galileo constructed the first astronomical __________________, which he used to discover the
four largest satellites of _______________ and the stellar composition of the Milky Way.
4. Kepler’s "Third Law" for which he is most known, "the square of a planet's periodic _______________
is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the _____________."
5. During the war years, Robert Oppenheimer was chosen to head up the American effort to bring into
being an earth bound _________________ explosion.
6. Pascal was credited with the invention of the _________________ and certain mathematical
formulations which "heralded the invention of the differential _______________."
7. Crick and Watson made their big discovery, that DNA was a winding __________________ in which
pairs of bases held the strands together. This model of the DNA double helix formed the basis of
important research in the areas of _________________ and Molecular _________________.
8. Wöhler's work led to him isolating _________________. "His synthesis of urea from ammonium
cyanate in 1828 revolutionized ______________ chemistry."
1. Marie Curie is famous for her work on _______________. In fact, she and her husband, Pierre, first
coined that word. She won the Nobel prize twice, first in 1903 (jointly with her husband, and with Henri
Becquerel) for the discovery of ________________ and ________________, and again (by herself) in
1911 for the isolation of pure radium.
2. Ruth Benedict wrote of the differences between the cultures around the world and talked about different
patterns related to culture and behavior and wrote four books. She helped to shape
____________________ not only for the United States but also the world.
3. In 1860 for her contribution to Army statistics and comparative hospital statistics Florence Nightingale
became the first woman to be elected a fellow of the Statistical Society. Her writings on hospital
planning and organization had a profound effect in England and across the world. She was the first
person in the Western world to introduce ____________ into public health. She also introduced the
______________ chart so useful in making presentations!
4. Janet Taylor wrote several texts on ___________________ and nautical astronomy and was the only
female ______________ maker in London. She built a beautiful ____________ for the Prince of Wales.
5. Nettie Stevens was a ______________. She is the discoverer of the __________________
determination of sex (those X and Y chromosomes that determine whether the baby is a boy or girl).
6. Manning was the inventor of a ___________ and ____________________.
7. In 1859 Lefebre received the patent for the process used to produce __________________.
8. Mary Brush received a US patent for a __________________ in 1815. This was one of the early United
States __________________ awarded to a woman.