Tower Talk April 2012

An American Baptist Church
April 2012
From the Pastor
The Resurrection and the Life
I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall
he live. John 11:25 (KJV)
As I send this Easter message, I am saddened by the news that once again one of our
youth in the community has lost her life. The body of young 17 year old Larie Butler, whose
mother had reported her missing, has now been found. How sad it is as we approach Holy week
and Easter that a parent has to learn of the death of a child. I am sure that we all feel the sadness
of this hour.
However, if we believe in the resurrection, we can have hope for new life.
We must embrace the significance of the upcoming celebration of Easter. How sad Jesus was on
that Maundy Thursday night as he shared his last meal with his disciples. How sad He must
have been to know that His disciples would deny Him, betray Him and then fall away and leave
him alone. How sad He must have been on that next Friday as He hung on the cross. He
encountered physical suffering and mental loneliness. But Jesus knew that there would be new
life for Him. He knew that there was new life that awaited Him. He knew that father, God,
would be with Him and watch over Him through it all.
So let us use the pattern that Jesus demonstrated for us to give us strength in our times of
weakness. When we are going through our times of suffering, or depression, pain, loneliness,
and hurt, let’s remember the cross. Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free?
Remembering the cross will give us hope; because as long as there’s hope there’s life.
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, on His way to Calvary, the people
shouted “Hosanna!” Hosanna means “Jesus saves.” Some define Hosanna as “to set free.” As
we enter this holy week, let’s cry out “Hosanna!!” We shout for the community to be free from
violence. We shout for our lives. We shout to be free from perils of the world that affect our
well being.
Because of the resurrection; we know that weeping may endure for the night but joy
comes in the morning. Even though Jesus suffered on a cruel cross and was crucified to His
death, He rose on the third day to a new life.
I pray for you a “Happy Resurrection Day!!”
Pastor Vera
Our Bible Study and Prayer Group meets Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Join us
for the study of scriptures, as well as conversation and fellowship.
Our Sick and Shut-Ins
Remember in Prayer
Cecil Rose and Erline Warren
500 South Avenue, Apt. 6A
Rochester, NY 14620
Steve Vaccarella
Monroe Community Hospital
435 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14620
Cecil Oakley
53 Thorndale Terrace
Rochester, NY 14611
Mary Wilson
1016 Genesee St.
Rochester, NY 14611
Helen Hussong
900 Cherry Ridge Blvd., Apt. A202
Webster, NY 14580
Annies Vincent
1550 Empire Blvd.
Webster, NY 14580
Joyce Headley
Grand Ville
555 Maiden Lane
Rochester, NY 14616
Send a Card or Note Today!
Circle Talk
Our March meeting on Wednesday the 14th was a smaller than usual group, but not less
enthusiastic. We’re all helping with “Gifts of the Heart” both in filling them and in promoting
the needs so others will help out. Out thanks to all who assisted in the Cameron “Undies
Month”—our donations were greatly appreciated.
Next meeting is Wednesday, April 11th at noon in the parlor. Bring a sandwich and join
From the Women's Society
It's "Gifts of the Heart" time again - and how desperately they are needed! There is no end to
the need. School kits and health kits are of crucial importance.
Some of the items below can be purchased in multiple packs. Consider joining with someone
to make more kits!
School Kit
1 pair blunt metal scissors
3 spiral notebooks, 8.5x11,
70 pages; totaling 200-210 pages
One 12" ruler
6 new pencils with erasers
1 large eraser
Health Kit
1 hand towel, 16” x 28” (no fingertip or bath)
1 wash cloth
1 wide tooth comb
1 nail clipper
1 bar bath size soap (in wrapper)
1 toothbrush in original packaging
1 hand-held pencil sharpener
1 box 24 crayons (only 24)
*1 12"xl4" cloth bag
6 Band-Aids, standard size
Pack all in a 1 gallon size zip-lock bag
* We will provide these items from Women's Society supplies. School kits will be packed in
a cloth bag. Place completed kits on the harvest table in the Memorial Parlor. Processing and
shipping cost is $2.00 per kit. This is voluntary. If you can't do a kit, perhaps you'd like to
donate toward the shipping cost.
Deadline: April 29th
Any questions?
Contact Audrey White at 426-2205
Easter Sunrise Service
There will be an Easter sunrise community service at 6:30 am at CRCDS. A number of community leaders will
lead the service. Pastor Miller will be participating. All are invited to attend.
Church Mouse Corner
Many thanks to Mr. Linford Hamilton who repaired the nursery refrigerator!
Happy Birthday!
Bernadette Snow, 6th
Peyton Myles, 27th
Shirley Schoenheit, 11th
Betty Dumangane, 27th
Alana Nisbeth, 21st
Nancy Crombach, 6th
Dana Owens-Hernandez, 8th
Akeem Gomes, 22nd
Etta Bonner, 6th
Karim Houser, III, 8th
Nekoro Gomes, 11th
Carol Owens, 11th
Helen Young, 29th
William Blair, 31st
New Church Directory
The 2012 Genesee Baptist Church directory has been printed and is now available. Please pick
up yours (one per household, please) on the credenza in the hall.
Maundy Thursday Service
On April 5th we will be joining the congregation of Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church for
the annual Maundy Thursday service at 6:30 pm. Trinity Emmanuel is located at 9 Shelter
Street in Rochester. All are invited for this special service.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday,
April 7th at 10:00 am. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hall, or contact Toni Phelps, so
we can plan accordingly.
Easter Lilies
Given By
Gayle Conklin
Ted and Sherry Imswiler
Pat Jones
Audrey White
Donna Hall Taylor
Bernadette Snow
John and Nancy Crombach
Joan Davis
Deloris and Linford Hamilton
Arlene Walker-Steed
Millie Ortbach
Mr. and Mrs. Bramwell Warren
Adam McFadden and
Robyn Carter-McFadden
Mary O’Neal
Ivy Williams
Yvonne Cummings
Etta Bonner
Bernadette Snow
In Memory Of
Emily and Newton Conklin
Glen and Pearl Conklin
Ted and Elsie McSweeney
William and Frances Kingston
Norman and Shirley Gunderson
Claud and Eva Earle, Eddie Steele
Rosie Jones
Loved Ones
Howard and Edith Hall – parents
Edward Barrett and Connie Bailey
Doris Goossen and Loretta Crombach
Charlotte Noble and Norrine Howard
Loved Ones
My mother Luevert and her twin brother
Leevirt Vincent, and my nephew
Vincent Leevirt Price
Loved Ones
Loved Ones
Our grandfather Al Keys
Ronald O’Neal
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas
Josephine Fenton
Mother and Sister, Maybell and Hilda Barrett
In Honor Of
Gretly Barrett and Robert Snow
Genesee Baptist Church Health Ministry
April 2012
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
“From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.”
Proverbs 18:20
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition which can cause a great deal of discomfort. There can be
a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain, gas with bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation, and cramping.
The severity can range from mild to severe. There is no one cause of IBS, and many people can control their
symptoms with lifestyle changes. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed gastric conditions, affecting about
one out of every five adults in America. Luckily, IBS does not lead to other, more serious conditions such as
Normally, the large bowel moves stool through in a rhythmic manner by contracting and relaxing. People with IBS may
have contractions that are too strong, causing gas and diarrhea, or too slow, resulting in constipation. The bowel may be
extra sensitive to stress or certain foods, causing the IBS symptoms. Recent research has been looking at serotonin, a
chemical that sends messages from one area of the body to another. 95% of all serotonin is found in the bowel. When a
person has IBS, serotonin is not moved out of the gastric tract, and pain receptors there become more sensitive, resulting
in a high degree of abdominal pain
Things that may trigger IBS will vary greatly from one person to the next. A food intolerance may cause symptoms.
Common culprits are chocolate, milk, and alcohol. Carbonated soda, and some fruits and vegetables may cause problems.
There can be intolerance to dairy products, sugar-free items, and caffeinated beverages. Stress will often make symptoms
worse, and hormones may play a role, with worse symptoms occurring around a woman’s period. People with IBS often
suffer with anxiety and depression, also.
IBS is most often seen in young people (before age 35), and in twice as many women as men. A family history of IBS
increases a person’s chances of experiencing it.
If you believe you have IBS, see your doctor. It is estimated that 70% of all sufferers do not seek medical attention. A
family doctor is the usual place to start, and he might refer you to a gastroenterologist, who is a doctor that specializes in
bowel and stomach problems.
Be prepared when you see your doctor, to make the best use of your time during your appointment. Write down your
symptoms and any triggers you’ve noticed. As always, bring a complete list of any medications you take, including
vitamins and herbals. Diagnosis is made based on a physical exam and symptoms.
Treatment is going to vary widely, and it may consist of a great deal of trial and error. Fiber is often very helpful, but must
not be overdone because it will then cause more bloating and gas. Increasing fluids, especially water, is essential for both
diarrhea and constipation. With diarrhea, the excess fluids lost in the stool needs to be replaced, and with constipation
more water is needed to soften the stool. Medications are available to help control diarrhea and bowel spasms. An
antidepressant may be needed to treat depression and regulate the serotonin receptors in the colon. Counseling can be very
helpful for developing strategies to reduce stress and anxiety. Regular exercise stimulates normal bowel contractions, and
helps relieve stress and depression. Laxatives must be used with caution, as it is easy to become dependent on them.
More natural therapies may include:
herbs such as peppermint to relax the intestines
self hypnosis to calm abdominal pain and bloating
probiotics (good bacteria) to help with normal digestion
stress reducers such as exercise, yoga, massage or meditation.
The first step in treating bowel problems is to recognize them and get help in forming a plan of treatment that works for
©J Witucki, BSN 2012
April 2012
Palm Sunday
No Bible
Service at
Easter Egg
Hunt, 10am
6:30 pm
Bible Study,
Bible Study,
Earth Day
speaks at
Bible Study,
ABW in