MCPTI Animal Imaging Form - Faculty of Health Sciences

MCPTI Animal Imaging Form
Principal Investigator Information
Principal Investigator (PI)
Email Address
Radiation Permit Number
Room Number
Primary Contact Information
Contact Person
Room Number
Phone Number
Lab Extension
Email Address
General Procedures
All experiments will be managed and coordinated by MCPTI; however, one representative from the research team
must be present for the duration of every study. The research team is responsible for ensuring that the animals to
be studied are ready the day of the experiment and that they have an approved AUP and Amendment for animal
Once an experiment is scheduled, the following procedures will be followed:
 Animals will be transported to the Imaging Facility according to SOP GEN774. Only the last door in the
back corridor (1V 1-19) can be used to transport animals to the Imaging Facility. Do NOT use the door to
the office area (1V 7-17).
 Animals will be anesthetized for imaging either by isoflurane inhalation, or by IP Ketamine/Xylazine (SOP
GEN727, GEN457). The PI is for providing any anesthetic agents used during imaging.
 All animal handling procedures, including injections, will be performed in the biosafety cabinet (BSC).
Prior to imaging, cages will be moved into the BSC, where the animal will be anesthetized and placed into
a bio-containment cylinder. Upon completion of imaging, the animal will be returned to the BSC,
removed from the bio-containment cylinder and returned to its cage.
 The images are acquired over a time period of up to 4 hours but typically less than 1 hour. The animal will
remain anesthetized during the entire procedure and will not be left unattended by the research team
 The administration of the radiotracer will be performed by a member of MCPTI or by a member of the
research team who has undergone radiation safety training and whose PI holds a valid radiation permit
for the isotope being administered. The administration of all radiotracers will be performed in
areas/rooms commissioned for radioactive work.
 For ACUTE studies: Upon completion of the experiment, the animal will be euthanized, as per the method
described in the PI’s AUP, and the carcass returned to CAF by a member of MCPTI, and stored in the
appropriate refrigerator or freezer for decay and disposal. Cages will be cleared according to Health
Physics regulations before being sent to the Wash Area for processing.
 For CHRONIC studies: At the end of the study, animals that have been administered radioactivity will be
returned to the CAF and placed in the appropriate room for decay. It is the researcher team member’s
responsibility to submit a short-term RFS for housing radioactive animals that are returned to the CAF.
The cages will be marked as radioactive, and Health Physics or a member of MCPTI will monitor and verify
that the animals are clear of any radioactivity before they can be moved to any other rooms in the CAF.
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Non-radioactive animals that have only undergone CT imaging can be returned to their original housing
location, subject to the next bullet point.
If CHRONIC studies are to be performed on animals originating from the AX/GN, Stem Cell or Barrier
Units, alternate housing arrangements must be made with CAF staff prior to commencing the study.
Once an animal is removed from these Units, it cannot be returned to those areas.
If a member of the research group needs to handle the radioactive animals and/or perform any
experiments before the animals have been cleared, he/she must have radiation safety training as well as
possess a valid radiation permit to use the isotope in question. If these requirements are met, the facility
will fill out a Health Physics “Request for Transfer of Radioactive Material” prior to the research group
commencing their experiment.
Records of animal use and anesthesia will be kept in the facility.
Control of Pain
It is expected that the tracer will exert no pharmacologic effect; therefore, no pain will be imparted to the animals.
If the animal model is likely to experience discomfort, specify the steps to address the issue in the Imaging Studies
Details section, below.
Radiation Safety
The levels of radioactive materials to be used are far less than the amounts give to human patients undergoing
clinical procedures. Nonetheless, all waste will be allowed to decay in an appropriate container, refrigerator, or
freezer prior to disposal. People administering the compounds will wear gloves, laboratory coats, radiation badges
and finger dosimeters. All people involved in animal care and handling will have radiation safety training and the
appropriate animal training.
Total Number to be imaged:
Current Housing Location:
Describe the animal model, and any treatments or procedures the animals have undergone prior to
Safety Precautions
Animals are biohazardous (Level 2 or Level 3).
Animals are chemically hazardous.
Other safety precautions required.
Animals require special handling or housing procedures.
Specify the nature of any hazards, safety precautions required, and any handling or housing
Aim of Imaging Study
Provide a brief lay description of the proposed imaging study.
Mark any boxes that apply to the proposed imaging studies
CHRONIC Imaging Study
ACUTE Imaging Study
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Frequency of Imaging
Euthanasia Method
Duration of Study
Performed By
Post Imaging Housing
Returned to original housing
If other, specify
This is the first time this particular type of imaging study has been conducted by our group.
We have done previous imaging experiments of this type.
Imaging Study Details
Describe proposed imaging study below.
Please specify:
 Whole body or specific region to be imaged
 Type of anesthetic to be used.
 Type of radiotracer or contrast agent.
 Imaging procedures:
o Type of images to be acquired.
o Number of projections for CT scans
o Duration of PET or SPECT scans
o Timing of scans pre- and/or post-radiotracer/contrast agent administration
 Any other logistical considerations.
Radiotracers Used
Route of Administration
Dose Administered
Volume Administered
Frequency of Administration
Administration/Injection of radiotracer:
Performed on an anesthetized animal
Performed on a restrained animal
Does the AUP approve of the use of restraint?
Done by a member of the MCPTI team
Done by a member of the research team
Principle Investigator’s Signature
Radiation Permit Number:
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Return to AREB by: email PDF to, or mail to HSC-1B7
AREB Office Use Only
Major Amendment
Entered in Database
Amendment #
Total per Year
Originally approved animal numbers
Reviewer’s Comments
University Veterinarian’s Signature
AREB Chair’s Signature
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