12 Plant Reproduction

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Plant Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction in Plants (review)
Some plants can reproduce asexually through:
➔ spore formation
◆ happens in fungi, green algae, moulds and non- flowering
plants (e.g. ferns)
◆ spores are released and each spore develops into offspring
which are identical to parent
➔ vegetative propagation
◆ does not involve seeds
◆ some offspring can grow from:
● budding (e.g. potatoes)
● runners (e.g. strawberries)
● bulbs (e.g. tulips)
● cuttings (e.g. coleus)
◆ they are part of the parent plant
Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Most plants reproduce sexually (flowers).
➢ Therefore, male and female gametes needed.
There are 5 main stages in this form of reproduction:
1. Pollination
2. Fertilization
3. Seed & fruit formation
4. Seed & fruit dispersal
5. Germination
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Anatomy of a flower
1. Pollination
- stamen is the male part and contains pollen
- carpel or pistil is the female part and contains ovule (develops into seeds)
Pollen grains from the anther are transferred to the stigma by the process of
● self-pollination: plant pollinates its own eggs
● cross-pollination: pollen from one plant pollinates another plant’s ovule
Plants need pollinators to allow for the pollen to reach the female part of the plant:
● wind
● insects
2. Fertilization
The joining of the male and female gametes to form a zygote.
pollen (male) + ovule (female)
single-celled zygote
multi-celled embryo (contained in a seed)
zygote (new individual)
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3. Seed & Fruit Formation
Once fertilization is complete the ovule forms a seed.
● Like in humans, it begins as a zygote, and then an embryo.
The ovary forms the fruit which surrounds and protects the seed.
4. Seed & Fruit Dispersal
This dispersal allows for less competition for: light, food, space, and minerals.
● Dispersal is made possible by: wind, water and animals.
5. Germination
The growth of a seed to form a new plant.
● water, oxygen and warmth are needed for this