PBIS Parent Letter

Dear Parents,
This is our fourth year of our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program.
The RTR Middle School is continuing to reach school-wide expectations and expected behaviors. The
acronym, RTR, is the format that was decided to present these expectations. The letters in the
acronym stand for Respectful, Thoughtful, and Responsible.
The students at RTR Middle School have been learning about school-wide behavioral
expectations. These expectations have been agreed upon by the staff as an effective way to be
proactive in managing behaviors. Each area of our school has their own set of expectations. The
following information shows the expectations along with what the particular behaviors should look like
at the middle school in all settings.
Follow directions of all staff. Keep your hands/feet to yourself. Use appropriate
Use an inside voice. Be kind.
Be on task. Be prepared. Give your best effort.
This approach to managing behaviors is also a positive one. Students are acknowledged for
exhibiting the behaviors that we expect by receiving a “Noble Knight Shield”. These shields are turned
into TA advisors and recorded. Students will be able to purchase items with their shields from our
“Knight” store. When a grade reaches 200 shields, the grade level will receive an award. Examples are a
popcorn party, free gym time, game time, ice cream party, etc. When the school reaches 800 shields,
we will reward with a large event such as a skating party, bowling, or movie.
Please take this opportunity to talk to your child about the expectations at school and the
importance of continuing to demonstrate Noble Knights RTR behaviors. With your continued support
and involvement, RTR Middle School will remain a school where students can excel.
A Vision for Our School
All students are engaged and active learners who are self-aware, Respectful, Thoughtful,
Responsible, and academic achievers.
Students contribute in positive ways to their school and community.
Educators, students, families, and community members’ work together to support the healthy
development of all students.
Please look for Noble Knights information to come to you throughout the school year.
As a piece of our Noble Knights behavior expectations, we also have consequences for inappropriate
behaviors. You are receiving this letter to inform you that your child has received a Knightly Code office
referral form. A copy of the referral is attached. Our hope is that you will talk with your child regarding
the referral and encourage positive behaviors. After a student has received three minor infraction
referrals, it will result in a major referral resulting in a detention. If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact the Russell Middle School at 507-823-4371.
Your Noble Knights Team