Chapter 17 Electricity Review the model of an atom and the names

Chapter 17 Electricity
Review the model of an atom and the
names of the parts.
Electric Force:
o Force between _____________ objects
o Strength of the electric force is
determined by:
 ___________________________
 ___________________________
Electric ________________
o Area around a charged particle where
the electric force can be felt
o Like charges ______________;
opposite charges ________________
Becoming charged
o _______________: rubbing objects
together transfers electrons from one
object to another
o _______________: charged object
draws or repels electrons in neutral
o _______________: electrons
transferred from one object to another
by direct contact
o Materials that electrons can move
through easily
o Conductors hold electrons loosely
o All metals are good conductors
o Materials that electrons don’t move
through easily
o Hold electrons tightly
o Plastic, wood, rubber, and air are good
______________ Electricity
o Electric charge builds up in one place
o Objects gaining electrons are
_______________________ charged
o Objects losing electrons are positive
o Dragging feet on carpet, combing hair,
clothes in the dryer
Electric _____________________
o Loss of static electricity from a charged
o May happen quickly or slowly
o Quick discharge may be accompanied
by a flash of light, crackling sound, or a
__________________ allow the Earth to
conduct lightning away from buildings
Electric __________________
o Electric _______________
 The flow of electrons through a
o Current moving through a circuit is
measured in ____________________
o ______________________________:
Electrons travel in one direction
 Batteries are direct current
o ______________________________:
electrons travel back and forth
 ______________ outlets use
alternating current
o ______________________ difference
o The ____________ behind current
o Measure of how many electrons are
available to move from a negative area
to a positive area
o Measured in _________________
o Material opposing the flow of electrons
o Resistance allows the electrical energy
to be used
o Electrical energy is converted into heat,
light, sound, or kinetic energy
o Resistance is measured in
________________ Ω
o Amount of resistance depends on
 Material type
 Thickness (diameter of wire)
 Length
 Temperature
__________________ Law
o Potential Difference = current x
o V (volts) = I (amps) x R (ohms)
o V = ___________________
Electric _____________________
o All circuits consist of 3 parts:
 _____________________ to provide
 _____________________ to convert
electricity to work
 _____________________ to
connect the load to the power source
o Circuits may also have a
 An open switch is off and a closed
switch is on.
o ______________ Circuit
 All parts are connected in a
o ______________ Circuit
 An electrical circuit that provides
for the electrical current to follow.
o Circuit safety
 Wires are coated with an
____________________ to prevent
electric shock and fire
 Wires that are drawing too much
current may overheat and start a fire
 A _______________ has a thin strip
of metal that melts when overheated
and breaks the connection shutting
off the circuit.
 ___________________________
are a switch that turns off when the
circuit is drawing too much current.
 Ground fault circuit interrupter
 Measures the difference in current
from one side of the outlet to the
other, shuts off immediately if there
is a difference
Electrical Power and Energy
o ______________: how quickly work is
 Rate that electric energy is changed
into another form of energy
 Unit for power = ________________
 Power = current x voltage
 Watt = ampere x volts
o Electrical Energy
 Energy – the ability to do work
 Electrical energy measured in
 Energy = power x time