
Northern Studies Internship Grants
The purpose of the Northern Studies Internship grant is to support a hands-on,
experiential learning opportunity for students with interests in a wide spectrum of
northern forests and lands issues including: wildlife conservation and management,
forestry, recreation, water resources, and other environmental and economic concerns.
The most compelling applications for internships are those that propose making good
educational use of Dartmouth’s physical resources (the Second College Grant and Mt.
Moosilauke, for example) and take thoughtful advantage of the College’s educational
resources (faculty and staff, libraries, existing records, etc.). Other important
considerations are the potential for the completed internship to benefit and inform the
College’s stewardship and management of northern lands and resources (via data,
results of research, impact of a project, etc) and the internships potential educational
benefit to the student (considering, for example, past educational and other related
experience and future plans).
Application Deadlines
Applications will normally be reviewed twice a year: once in the middle of fall term for
winter and spring internships, and once in the middle of spring term for summer and
fall internships. The application deadline for winter and spring internships is noon on
the 6th Wednesday of Fall term. The application deadline for summer and fall
internships is noon on the 6th Wednesday of Spring term. The review committee will
normally review applications within a week or two of the deadlines.
Recipients and Terms
The internships are primarily for current Dartmouth undergraduates, although
graduate students and recent alumni/ae enrolled or soon to enroll in graduate
programs elsewhere are also eligible. The internship will normally be a full-time, leaveterm project for the academic term in which it is awarded, so it is not presumed that the
project will be part of an academic assignment or receive academic credit. With
appropriate academic departmental permissions and faculty advising, however, a
project conducted on a student’s leave term may constitute field work for a thesis or
other form of independent study. Possibly, an internship may be awarded for a
compelling proposal carried out part-time over two or more terms in conjunction with
other academic work. Depending on the nature and timing of the project, interns may
receive the use of on-site housing (use of a cabin at the Grant, for example). Students
may propose self-initiated projects, and faculty and administrative departments may
propose internship projects for which students may apply. The normal stipend for a
one-term internship is $3500 ($3000 allocated when the grant is awarded and $500
allocated when a suitable final report is received). Applicants should submit the
attached application form to the Outdoor Programs Office by the deadlines noted
Examples of Possible Projects
Assist the Director of Outdoor Programs and the College Forester in
implementing a wildlife habitat conservation program
Conduct historical research, locate and conserve artifacts, and prepare
educational materials
Observe and document types and patterns of recreational use of relevant College
properties (snowmobile use in the Grant, for example)
Prepare educational/interpretive materials for users of properties (maps, wildlife
guides, historical information, etc.)
Study water resource issues (drinking-water quality, flowage, etc.)
Research for a variety of academic projects (wildlife biology, fisheries, ecology,
Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed and awards determined by the Director of Outdoor
Programs in consultation with staff colleagues, the President of the DOC, and
appropriate faculty. Normally one or two grants will be awarded each academic year.
If you have questions, please contact:
Dan Nelson or Brian Kunz: 603-646-2356
Dartmouth Outdoor Programs Office
P.O. Box 9, HB 6142, Hanover, NH 03755
Northern Studies Internship Application Form
1) Name and class year:
2) Email address:
3) Telephone number(s):
4) Dartmouth mailing address:
5) Permanent mailing address:
6) Academic term during which proposed project would be conducted:
7) Description of proposed project and how it relates to the purpose of the Northern
Studies internship (including reference to any relevant background information
or literature concerning the project):
8) Summary of your qualifications for successful completion of proposed project
and why it is of interest to you:
9) Will you be seeking academic credit in connection with this project?
10) Contact information for supervisor of proposed project:
11) Attach letters and contact information from two references who should address
the significance of the project and your ability to complete it successfully
12) Your signature and date:
13) I have reviewed the information submitted in connection with this application
and I support this project (signature of proposed supervisor and date):
Please submit these materials electronically to: Please
send a hard copy of this form (including your contact information and the signature of
the proposed project supervisor) to: Dan Nelson, Outdoor Programs, HB 6142