Early Dismissal Late Arrival Procedures

Scofield Magnet Middle School
641 Scofieldtown Road
Stamford, CT 06903
(203) 977-2750 / Fax (203) 977-2766
Mr. Scott Clayton
Ms. Donna Gardner
Assistant Principal
October, 2013
Dear parents,
The year is off to a great start. What would a new school year be without some gentle
reminders on school protocols and procedures? Early dismissals and late arrivals are
disruptive to everyone. They interrupt our office staff, interrupt teachers and most
importantly, early dismissals interrupt the learning process for all students.
As a parent of four children I can appreciate the need to schedule a variety of
appointments for the dentist, orthodontist, or any doctor. These appointments are
necessary and I understand the need to make them whenever a medical office can fit you
in. To that end, I ask that you send an early dismissal note to school on the day your child
needs to leave early or that you provide a similar note if and when your child arrives to
school late. This information is crucial to our daily attendance reporting.
For early dismissals, your child should bring a signed note to the main office in the
morning indicating the time of dismissal. From there the office staff will issue your child
a pass that he or she will use to exit class at the designated time for pick up. This will
eliminate unnecessary phone calls to classrooms that are very disrupting to the learning
process. Parents will still have to come in to the school to sign students out of the
building. Your child will be waiting for you in the office when you arrive.
Also, the main office is the central hub of any school. The office staff has a variety of
mandatory tasks that they must accomplish before the end of every day. Barring
emergencies and pre-arranged appointments, we ask that parents not make a regular habit
of picking students up within 15 minutes of dismissal. It is simply far too disruptive to
continually call classrooms so close to the end of the day.
Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated.
Scott Clayton