Minutes of PTA Meeting 23.09.15

Le Cheile PTA MINUTES – September 23rd 2015
Attendance: Fiona Rock, Louise O’Reilly-Ryan (Minutes), Fiona Robertson, Ian Casey, Jeff Sweetman,
Libby Sweetman, Denise Levins, Helen Clinton Wall, Caroline Nowell, Barbara O’Connell, Lesley McCann,
Sonya Carr, Stephanie Comey, Christine Kinsella, Alison Tracey, Stephen Sheridan, Lara Synnott McAvoy,
Laura Whelan, Orla Burke, Kieran Gallagher, Sharon Hanaway, Ailbhe Hearty ,Francesco Nigro, Nicola
Kidd, Cara Driscoll, Nicola Kelly, Susan Savage, Suzanne Carolan, Brian Parle, Tracey Hart, Stan Gely, Ian
O’Brien, Karen Dooley, Andrew White, Kevin Paul, Patricia O’Neill, Jennifer Coade, Tess Martin, Rik
Abes, Genevieve Damron.
Fiona Rock (Principal) opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees. She went around the room and
invited all attendees to introduce themselves to the group. Fiona spoke of the new PTA system brought
in last year. It was a roaring success and ran very smoothly.
Fiona welcomed Fiona Robertson as the new Coordinator of the PTA. Fiona Robertson introduced
herself and stated that she hoped to build on the success of last year’s Committee.
Ian Casey agreed to stay on as co-coordinator and would welcome any new volunteers to help out in the
Louise O’Reilly-Ryan agreed to stay on as Secretary with Barbara O’Connell as Co-Secretary. Louise
stated that as she and Barbara will leave the school next year, new volunteers would be required for this
role. No volunteer came forward to shadow the role this year.
Susan Savage and Nicola Kelly will be the Teacher Representatives this academic year.
IT: Paul Jones is willing to stay on in IT. He is in the process of making email access easier for Class
Representatives. Ian explained the need for emails to new parents.
Genevieve Damron agreed to stay on as Treasurer. Orla stated that they are still processing the bank
Fiona Rock stated that the online payment system for the school has been a great success. Parents
Ailbhe Hearty agreed to stay on as PR.
Patricia Ryan and Eimear Bermingham will look after the newsletter.
Jennifer Coade and Tess Martin agreed to stay on to manage the Parents Facebook account. Jennifer
explained that all posts are checked before being posted as Facebook has changed the account.
Orla Burke agreed to stay on as Representative for the Louth Branch of the National Parents Council. She
explained the role of the NPC . Orla to get a list of the potential talks that can be given.
Family Fun day– A decision will be made on this later in the year as to whether to proceed. If it does
proceed, consideration should be given to having a special event within this to appeal to expected new
Kieran Gallagher – Fundraising Committee – Kieran spoke of three projects that the fundraising
Committee is planning for the year ahead.
1. A school Calendar – The photographs will be taken on October 15th in the school. Children will be
featured in the month of their birth on the calendar. Calendars will be sold before Christmas.
Volunteers required on the day of photographs. Patricia O’Neill, Louise O’Reilly-Ryan volunteered. A
graphic designer is required – Barbara O’Connell volunteered. Kieran asked if any printers wished to
quote for the job of printing the calendars.
2. Christmas Fair – Sunday November 29th in the Grammar School Hall from 2-6pm. Stalls will cost in
the Grammar School Hall from 2-6pm. Stalls will cost 25 Euro each, crafts, cakes art, book stalls are
invited. Kieran is hoping to involve the student council in running a stall.
3. Golf – A crazy golf sponsorship fundraiser in the school grounds for the children and a golf classic for
adults to be arranged for May/June 2016. 5000 Euro in total needs to be raised to buy IPADS for children
with Additional Educational Needs within the school community.
Kieran also spoke to new parents about the importance of getting involved in the school through
A new parent suggested that a summer camp for new Jnr Infants in the last 2 weeks of the summer may
help children to settle in when they start school or that maybe they could be invited to the summer
camps at the end of the school year. Fiona Rock explained that insurance would be an issue as the
children would not yet be insured until they actually start in the school. Fiona will look into this.
School Disco – Janet Johnson, Priscilla, Patricia O’Neill, Ian Casey, and Christine Kinsella all volunteered
to look after the school disco.
ASA’s Volunteers needed. Lisa Welthagen and Grainne have stepped down. Sonia and Karen will stay on
but need help. Christine O’Neill and Ian Casey volunteered to help out.
Bus Supervision Rota – Kirstin has taken over the bus rota. She needs supervisors for Mornings and
some afternoons. Christine Kinsella and Patricia O’Neill volunteered. Tess Martin asked Fiona to remind
the children to go straight to their bus as a child missed his bus.
Pupil Insurance – Lara McAvoy explained that this is voluntary insurance and covers children 24hrs / 365
days a year. The group also consists of Barbara O’Connell and Lesley McCann.
Louise will reinstate the sim card for the PTA phone.
Library – Jennifer Coade and Tess Martin will continue with the library. Sharon and Lara McAvoy
volunteered to help.
Book Fair- Sharon Hanaway, Louise O’Reilly-Ryan, Sharon has organised the book fair for March 3rd/4th
2016 (World book week). Barbara O’Connell, Ian Casey and Tracey Hart offered to help out.
Santa Visit – Santa has been booked for December 22nd. Tess Martin, Ian Casey, Caroline Nowell and
Patricia O’Neill offered to be Santa’s helpers. Louise will organise to collect Santa on the day.
Pyjama Day -Fiona suggested a charity fundraiser in the school for Refugee Children. It was decided to
have a Pyjama Day. Children will be asked to wear pyjamas to school on October 9th and give a donation
to GOAL.
Kieran asked about notes advertising, being sent home with children. Fiona said that all notes sent home
with children are given great consideration before being sent. Notes from clubs that may interest the
children may be sent home.
A parent asked about Maths Applications for the children in the school. It was agreed to wait until the
IPADS are bought. Ian Casey will look into it.
Toys for the yard – The toys should be in the school by the end of October. Fiona informed the meeting
that the yard space is limited; therefore, the school will pilot the new toys with one class to start with.
Board Of Management Parent Representatives – Ian Casey introduced the two parents that have put
themselves forward for election.
It was agreed to send out 1 more request for candidates and put a closing date in for 30th of September
for candidates. Action is for Ian Casey & Louise to issue by 25th September.
Next Meeting – 8pm Wed. 14 th October (BOM elections)