Standard Document Template Microsoft Word versi 7 Untuk Jurnal

Template for Manuscript Submitted to Seminar Nasional MIPA 2012
Prepared Using Microsoft Word
First Author1, Second Author2
1 Pusat
Studi Sains Kebumian, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Terpadu, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Alamat e-mail : firstauthor@rrr.rrr
This abstract template for the full paper submission describes how to prepare a manuscript for Proceedings
of Seminar Nasional MIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya 2012. In preparing for the submitted manuscript,
the author(s) should pay attention to the followings. The abstract is typed on an A4-size paper with margins
as follows: 25 mm for top, bottom and right margins, and 30 mm for a left margin; it is written in a Times
New Roman 10 point with a single line spacing and justification typed, exactly the same as in this template.
The abstract should not exceed 200 words length and does not contain equations, figures, tables, or
references. It concisely states and explains what the author(s) have done and found, how and why the
author(s) have conducted the research; briefly states the main results of the research and their fundamental
significance within the context of the seminar central theme. Some useful questions may help the author(s) in
writing the abstract. What sort of problems are the author(s) trying to solve ? Why do the author(s) care
about the problems ? How do the author(s) go about solving or making progress on the problems ? What are
the implications for ?
Keywords : MS Word, Abstract Template
I. Pendahuluan
To standardize manuscripts to be submitted to
Seminar Nasional MIPA 2012, we here provide this
template to help the authors complete their
manuscripts. Using this template, the authors do not
need to spend time on preparing their manuscripts.
They can just simply type within this template or
copy and paste from a previously written document
into this template. However, as this template is a
general guideline, any specific format for a certain
manuscript could also be performed by the authors
This template consists of general guidelines for
manuscripts submitted to Seminar Nasional MIPA.
The authors can directly use basic writing styles
defined in this template. However, if required, the
authors are free to create their own styles for their
manuscripts, and combine them with the format
defined in this template.
This section reviews in general the research
development concerning with the topic discussed in
certain periods. The authors may cite some relevant
work from other researches as given in [1],[2],[3]
and compare the proposed methods and results with
those of the relevant work of others. The authors
then state their research hypothesis in this section.
At the end of this section, the authors should
simply outline the structure of the manuscript by
first stating type of research they have conducted,
as follows. In this study, laboratory experiments are
used to determine the bulk mixing efficiency in
quasy-steady, density-driven exchange flows past
topographic constrictions that include lateral
contractions and bottom sills. Relevant theories
supporting the research are outlined in §II. The
experimental methods used are detailed in §III. The
results for all cases considered are presented and
discussed in §IV. Conclusions are then given in §V.
II. Teori
In this section, the authors explain about
fundamental theories supporting their research. The
theory may then include some equations that obey
the following rules. Use the Microsoft Equation
Editor for all mathematical objects in the
manuscript submitted. To make the equations
compact, the authors may then use appropriate
exponents and Italicize Roman symbols for
quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols.
Use a long-dash symbol rather than a hyphen one
for a minus sign. Use parentheses to avoid
ambiguities in denominators.
Number equations consecutively with equation
numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin,
as in (1). Make sure that the symbols in the
equations have already been defined before the
equations appear or immediately following. Use
"(1)" not "Eq.(1)" or "equation (1)," except at the
beginning of a sentence: "Equation (1) is .…"
Theoretical calculation of mixing efficiency in a
steady buoyancy-driven exchange flow past a
topographic constriction is given in detail in [4].
Here, the saline points are outlined as follows. The
potential energy in the initial state Pi is given by
Pi  g A1 zdz  g A 2 zdz
where h1 and h2 are the initial heights of the fresh
and saltwater reservoirs, respectively, ρ1 and ρ2 are
the initial densities of the freshwater and saltwater
reservoirs, respectively, g is the acceleration due to
gravity, A is the horizontal cross-section of each
reservoir, and z is a vertical coordinate taken to be
zero at the base.
Some part of the supporting theories proposed
in the manuscript may be relevant to others’ work.
In this case, the work of others must certainly be
acknowledged in a fashionable way as follows. A
reference citation is consecutively written in a
square bracket [5]. Multiple reference citations are
written with each reference separately numbered in
separate brackets with a comma in between [6], [7].
Refer simply to the reference number, as in [8]. Do
not use "Ref. [9]" or "reference [9]" except at the
beginning of a sentence: "Reference [9] shows…."
III. Metode
The authors describe any method used or system
design their built for the research in a systematic
IV.1. Aturan untuk Gambar dan Tabel
Figure axis labels are frequently a source of
confusion. Try to use words rather than symbols.
As an example, write the quantity "Magnetization"
or "Magnetization, M," not just "M." Put units in
parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. As
seen in Gb.1, write "Magnetization (kA/m)" or
"Magnetization (kA·m-1)" not just "kA/m." Do not
label axes with a ratio of quantities and units; for
example, please write "Temperature (K)" not
Large figures and tables may span both
columns, but may not extend into the page margins.
Figure captions should be below the figures with
abbreviation Gb.1 in bold and sized as printed;
table captions should be above the tables with
abbreviation Tb.1 in bold and sized as printed. Do
not put borders around your figures and tables. Do
not use the abbreviation "Gb.1" and "Tb.1" in any
part of a sentence in the manuscript text.
III.1. Aparatus dan Prosedur
All experiments were performed using a tank of
L = 5.26 m long and B = 0.2 m wide, in which one
of four symmetric constrictions was placed at the
centre of the channel. Three of the constrictions had
curved-walls, referred to as short constrictions, and
the fourth with the same curved-walls but included
a straight central section, referred here to as a long
constriction, having parallel-sided walls of 0.06 m
apart and 0.5 m long such that the total constriction
length Lc for this particular geometry was 1.0 m.
The minimum width bo of the short constrictions
was 20 mm, 60 mm, or 100 mm.
Gb.1. Magnetization as a function of applied field.
III.2. Parameter
The fluid densities were measured using a
digital density meter to a precision of 10-3 kgm-3.
The initial and final heights were determined using
a digital micrometer gauge to within ± 0.01 mm.
The parameters are a fractional density difference
∆ρ/ρ2=(ρ2−ρ1)/ρ2, the reduced gravity g'=g∆ρ/ρ2,
the total water depth H and kinematic viscosity ν.
Flow conditions were examined by varying the
flow aspect ratio H/Lc, where Lc is the constriction
length, the contraction aspect ratio bo/B, where bo is
the constriction minimum width and B is the width
of the channel, and the horizontal Reynolds number
Re based on Lc, defined as
0.5( g H )1 / 2 Lc
Re 
where Re is in the range 1.2x104 ≤ Re ≤ 2.1x105 for
all runs.
IV. Hasil Penelitian
The authors include their experimental results
and analyses whether or not the research results
support their hypothesis.
IV.2. Kurva Magnetisasi
An overview of all laboratory experiments
conducted is here provided by plotting in Gambar 1
the results for all cases considered. The resulting
magnetization increases with an increase in the
applied field given.
V. Conclusions
In this section the authors conclude what was
done and found in the research conducted, describe
the qualitative analyses about the importance of the
research results and briefly state the corresponding
quantitative results. The authors may then also give
suggestions to improve and develop the work for
future work.
VI. Acknowledgements
This research is partly funded by the Australian
Government through a given award of an AusAid
scholarship to the first author. The authors would
like to thank Prof. Ross Griffiths and Dr. Graham
Hughes for their best guidance. Tony Beasley is
also appreciated for his useful technical assistance
during the work.
[11] G. Brandli and M. Dick, "Alternating current
fed power supply", U.S. Patent 4 084 217,
Nov. 4, 1978.
VII. References
[1] J. F. Fuller, E. F. Fuchs, and K. J. Roesler,
"Influence of harmonics on power distribution
system protection", IEEE Trans. Power
Delivery, Vol. 3, pp. 549-557, Apr. 1988.
[2] R. J. Vidmar, (1992, Aug.), On the use of
atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic
reflectors, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online],
[3] E. Clarke, Circuit Analysis of AC Power
Systems, Vol. I. New York: Wiley, 1950, p.
[4] G. O. Young, "Synthetic structure of industrial
plastics", in Plastics, 2nd ed., Vol. 3, J. Peters,
Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 1564.
[5] J. Jones, (1991, May 10), Networks (2nd ed.),
[Online], available:
Technical Reports:
[6] E. E. Reber, R. L. Mitchell, and C. J. Carter,
atmosphere", Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles,
CA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov.
[7] S. L. Talleen, (1996, Apr.), The Intranet
Architecture: Managing information in the new
paradigm. Amdahl Corp., Sunnyvale, CA.
/ infra/html
Papers from Conference Proceedings:
[8] J. L. Alqueres and J. C. Praca, "The Brazilian
power system and the challenge of the Amazon
transmission", in Proc. 1991 IEEE Power
Engineering Society Transmission and
Distribution Conf., pp. 315-320.
[9] S. Hwang, "Frequency domain system
identification of helicopter rotor dynamics
incorporating models with time periodic
coefficients", Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Aerosp.
Eng., Univ. Maryland, College Park, 1997.
[10] IEEE Guide for Application of Power
C57.19.100-1995, Aug. 1995.
# The full paper ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia,
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