Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum Map

Anatomy Curriculum Map
Course Understandings
Students will understand:
Define Anatomy and
explain the importance of
understanding the
relationship between
structure and function.
Define physiology and
state the two major goals
of physiology
Distinguish between
inorganic & inorganic
Describe four major types
of organic molecules and
their functions.
Explain how the structure
of a cell contributes to its
Describe the ways that
material can cross the cell
Describe the process of
protein synthesis.
Explain what is
accomplished during
Describe how the
Essential Questions
How does life result from
chemical structure and
How does life result from
cellular structure and
How is structure related to
function at all biological
levels of organization?
How do organisms maintain
a biological balance
between their internal and
external environments?
What are the advantages of
How do cells grow and
How do different organisms
obtain and use energy to
survive in their
First Quarter
Students’ knowledge will be assessed
through teacher questioning.
Students will be assessed on drill
question and bell ringers.
Course Knowledge/Skills
Describe the common characteristics of life.
Compare and contrast the cellular structures and degrees of
complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Explain that some structures in eukaryotic cells developed
from early prokaryotic cells (e.g., mitochondria, chloroplasts)
3.1.B.A2.Explain why many biological macromolecules such
as ATP and lipids contain high energy bonds.
Students will be assessed on exit slips and
homework assignments.
Explain the importance of enzymes as catalysts in cell
Formative - Lab
3.1.B.A3: Explain how all organisms begin their life cycles as
Describe and explain the ways the
a single cell and that in multicellular
different material (water, iodine, starch,
organisms, successive generations of embryonic cells form
and glucose) can move across a
by cell division
semipermeable membrane and why.
Osmosis & Diffusion lab
3.1.B.A4. Summarize the stages of the cell cycle.
Using a mathematical formula students
will determine the surface are of their
own skin. Skin Lab
Examine how interactions among the different molecules in
the cell cause the distinct stages of the cell cycle which can
also be influenced by other signaling molecules.
Using a microscope students will use
microscope to determine the structure of
various tissues of the human body. Tissue
Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and
its importance in maintaining chromosome number during
asexual reproduction.
Unit assessments will be administered at
the completion of each unit to determine
student level of comprehension and
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function
(energy capture and release, transport, waste removal,
protein synthesis, movement, etc).
Explain the role of water in cell metabolism.
structure relates to the
functions of the following
tissues (Epithelial,
Connective, Muscle,
Nervous, Membranes)
Identify the primary
function of the skin.
Describe the function of
the layers and organs
associated with the skin.
Explain the skin’s role in
temperature, regulation
and healing.
Describe the various
diseases associated with
the skin.
analysis of material.
Multiple Choice questions
Open ended questioning
Analyze charts
Explain how the cell membrane functions as a regulatory
structure and protective barrier for the cell.
Describe transport mechanisms across the plasma
3.1.B.A7. Analyze the importance of carbon to the structure
of biological macromolecules.
Compare and contrast the functions and structures of
proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
Explain the consequences of extreme changes in pH and
temperature on cell proteins.
Recognize that systems within cells and multicellular
organisms interact to maintain homeostasis.
Demonstrate the repeating patterns that occur in biological
Describe how the unique properties of water support life.
3.1.B.B1.Explain the basic process of DNA replication.
Describe the basic processes of transcription and translation.
3.1.B.B2. Describe how the process of meiosis results in the
formation of haploid gametes and analyze the importance of
meiosis in sexual reproduction.
Compare and contrast the function of mitosis and meiosis.
Compare the electron configurations for the first twenty
elements of the periodic table.
Relate the position of an element on the periodic table to its
electron configuration and compare its reactivity to the
reactivity of other elements in the table.
Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through
both ionic and covalent bonding.
Students will understand:
Describe the five functions
of the skeleton.
Distinguish between the
various bone types.
Identify the parts of a
typical bone.
Explain bone formation.
Identify the 206 bones of
the body.
Distinguish between the
three types of joints.
Indicate the primary
functions and the feature
of muscle.
Identify and describe the
microscopic structure of
Explain the sliding
filament theory.
Compare the differences
between muscle types.
Indicate the role of ATP.
How does life result from
cellular structure and
How is structure related to
function at all biological
levels of organization?
Study island will be used to assess
students’ prior knowledge of material.
Students’ knowledge will be assessed
through teacher questioning.
How do organisms maintain
a biological balance
between their internal and
external environments?
Students will be assessed on drill
question and bell ringers.
What are the advantages of
Students will be assessed on exit slips and
homework assignments.
List the functions of the
skeletal system.
Students will be assessed on section
reading passages with questions.
Explain the role of calcium in Students will be assessed periodic
section quizzes.
List and describe the various
types of joints.
Describe the effects of aging
on bones & joints.
List the function of the
muscular system.
And oxygen in a muscular
Describe the microscopic
structure of muscle.
Identify the major muscles
on the basis of location,
origin, and insertion.
Describe the events that
occur in muscular
contractions & relaxation.
Identify the types of
Second Quarter
Formative - Lab
Lab Practical
Identify bones of the body.
Upper body muscles identification.
Lower body muscles identification.
Internal organ identification.
Unit assessments will be administered at
the completion of each unit to determine
student level of comprehension and
analysis of material.
Multiple Choice questions
Open ended questioning
Analyze charts
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function with
related systems.(energy capture and release, transport,
waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).
Recognize that systems within cells and multicellular
organisms interact to maintain homeostasis with related
Describe the events in a
neuron firing.
Describe the structural
makeup of a neuron,
brain, and spinal cord.
Explain how a reflex
Describe the effects of aging
on skeletal muscle.
List the function of the
nervous system.
Describe the structures of a
List the division of the
nervous system and
describe the characteristics
of each.
Describe a resting potential
and explain how action
potential is generated and
List the parts of the brain.
Describe the effects of aging
on the nervous system.
Third Quarter
Students will understand:
Distinguish between the
types of glands.
How does life result from
cellular structure and
Study island will be used to assess
students’ prior knowledge of material.
Describe a hormone and
explain why they only
affect certain cells.
How is structure related to
function at all biological
levels of organization?
Compare and contrast the
ways hormones interact
with cells.
How do organisms maintain
a biological balance
between their internal and
external environments?
Students will be assessed on drill
question and bell ringers.
What are the advantages of
Students will be assessed on exit slips and
homework assignments.
Compare the means by
Students will be assessed on section
reading passages with questions.
Distinguish between the
types of hormone controls
of the endocrine glands.
Describe the location of
the endocrine glands,
Students’ knowledge will be assessed
through teacher questioning.
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function with
related systems (energy capture and release, transport,
waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).
Recognize that systems within cells and multicellular
organisms interact to maintain homeostasis with related
which hormones they
produces and the action
of that hormone.
which the nervous system
and endocrine system
regulate body function.
Students will be assessed periodic
section quizzes.
Identify the functions of
Describe how hormones
interact on the basis of their
chemical structure.
Formative - Lab
Brain Practical – Identify the different
parts of the brain.
Describe the three methods
of regulating hormones.
Cardiovascular- Students will
determine their own cardio output &
blood pressure based on changes of
gravity and physical activity.
Identify the properties of
Describe and state the
functions of the various
parts of blood.
Explain blood clot
Identify the location and
general features of the
Define cardiac output and
describe how it is
For each major hormone
describe the endocrine
gland from which it is
secreted, its target tissue,
the response of the target
tissue and the means by
which its secretion is
Describe the major agerelates changes that occur in
the endocrine system.
State the function of blood.
Distinguish between the
types of blood vessels on
the basis of their structure
and function.
Describe the factors
influencing blood pressure.
List the components of
Explain the formation &
function of the platelet plug
& clot.
Explain the basis of ABO &
Rh incompatibilities.
List the major function of
the heart.
Describe the flow of blood
through the heart and name
each of the chambers and
Unit assessments will be administered at
the completion of each unit to determine
student level of comprehension and
analysis of material.
Multiple Choice questions
Open ended questioning
Analyze charts
structures through which
blood passes.
Describe the characteristics
of action potential in cardiac
List the major age-relates
changes that affect the
Fourth Quarter
Students will understand:
Identify the function of
the lymphatic network.
Describe the pathway of
lymph by identifying the
structures it passes
How does life result from
cellular structure and
How is structure related to
function at all biological
levels of organization?
Study island will be used to assess
students’ prior knowledge of material.
Students’ knowledge will be assessed
through teacher questioning.
How do organisms maintain
a biological balance
between their internal and
external environments?
Students will be assessed on drill
question and bell ringers.
What are the advantages of
Students will be assessed on exit slips and
homework assignments.
Describe the functions of
the lymphatic system.
Students will be assessed on section
reading passages with questions.
Define innate immunity and
describe the cells and
chemical mediators
Students will be assessed periodic
section quizzes.
Identify the organs of the
respiratory system.
Describe the origin,
development, activation, &
proliferation of
Identify the two divisions
of the digestive system.
Define the six process of
Describe how aging affects
Respiratory lab – Students will determine
their own vital capacity, compare
capacities between male, female,
athletes, & non-athletes. From the data
make comparisons and assumptions for
the differences.
Distinguish between
specific and non-specific
Describe the process of
cell mediated and
humoral immunity.
Identify the main function
of the respiratory system.
Distinguish between
pulmonary ventilation,
external respiration,
internal respiration.
Formative - Lab
Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function with
related systems (energy capture and release, transport,
waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).
Recognize that systems within cells and multicellular
organisms interact to maintain homeostasis with related
Identify the organs
associated with the
digestive system.
Describe the effects of
aging on the digestive
Identify the function of the
excretory system.
Identify the structural parts
of the kidneys.
Describe the process that
regulates kidney function.
Distinguish between
prenatal and postnatal
Describe the process of
Explain the function of the
Describe the event during
Describe the stages of life.
the lymphatic system &
Describe the function of the
respiratory system.
Explain how contractions of
the muscles of respiration
causes changes in thoracic
volume during breathing.
Explain the factors that
effects gas movement
through the respiratory
Explain how alterations in
blood pH, carbon dioxide &
oxygen levels affect
Describe the effects of aging
on the respiratory system.
List the major functions of
the digestive system.
Describe & outline all the
organs associated in the
digestive process.
Describe the effects of aging
on the digestive system.
List the major functions of
the urinary system.
List & describe the
structures that make up the
urinary system.
Identify the principal factors
Digestive lab- using web
site students will determine their caloric,
fiber, protein, fat intake for a day.
Urinalysis lab- Students will preforms a
serious of tests to determine if their own
Unit assessments will be administered at
the completion of each unit to determine
student level of comprehension and
analysis of material.
Multiple Choice questions
Open ended questioning
Analyze charts
the influence filtration
pressure and explain how
they affect the rate of
filtration pressure.
List & give the function of
the nephron.
List the prenatal periods and
state the major
developmental events
associated with each.
Explain the events that
occur during parturition.
List the stages of life,
describe the major events
that are associated with
each stage. Describe the
changes that occur during
the aging process.
Describe the process of