2013-2014 Pre-AP Study Guide Chapter 10 – Ancient Rome

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2013-2014 Pre-AP Study Guide
Chapter 10 – Ancient Rome
1) How is Italy similar to Florida, geographically? They are both
2) How did Italy’s landscape and climate affect Rome’s growth? The
mild climate allowed them to grow an abundance of food.
3) What physical feature was Rome built upon that helped its defense?
Rome was built upon 7 hills.
4) Briefly describe the story of Aeneas. He was a Trojan hero who fled
Troy with his followers and reached Italy, where he made an alliance,
married a Latin king’s daughter, and according to legend, their
descendants ruled Rome.
5) Who were Romulus and Remus and why were they important? Twin
brothers who were abandoned at the Tiber River, where they were
raised by wolves and eventually adopted by a shepherd. Eventually,
the boys fought over how to build Rome, and Romulus killed Remus
and named Rome after himself.
6) Rome’s last three kings were Etruscan.
7) Why did the Roman nobles overthrow their last king? He was cruel.
8) What type of government did the Romans have after the monarchy
and how it was different? Republic, where they elected officials.
9) Why was Rome NOT considered to be a democracy?
All the wealthy people had all the power, while poor people had
very little.
Who were plebeians and patricians and what was their
relationship like in ancient Rome? Plebeians were common people
who wanted more say in government, while patricians were nobles
who held the majority of the power. There was conflict due to the
imbalance of power.
What is a Tripartite? Three part government
Define the following terms (know their jobs, importance, who
could hold which office, and how they worked together):
Senate - a council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised
the city’s leaders; served for life and gained control of financial
Consuls – the two most powerful magistrates in Rome who were
elected one year to run the city and lead the army
Assemblies – represented the common people and were made up of
plebeians and patricians; primary job was to elect magistrates
Tribunes - served for one year, elected by plebeians, and had the
power to veto other officials.
Why were the Twelve Tables developed? People did not want
to be punished for laws they were unaware of.
How was the Roman law of the Twelve Tables similar to the
U.S. Constitution? They were both written to protect people’s rights
What is the power of checks and balances? Checks and
balances keep any one part of a government from becoming stronger
or more influential than the others (balance of power)
Which event after 88 BC had the most important effect on the
Roman republic’s government? Marius gained political power
through his loyal troops and this led to power struggles with other
How were Romans who were magistrates and Romans who
took part in assemblies similar? The assemblies elected magistrates
and both groups served for one year.
Where was the center of life in ancient Rome? Forum
Why did the Roman trade network grow? They couldn’t
produce enough food, so merchants brought in food from all over
Why did many nearby countries declare war on Rome? Rome
paid Gaul to go away, so others wanted to take advantage of the
same opportunity.
Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus? Brothers who served
as tribunes who fought for the rights of the poor and were murdered
for efforts.
How did Roman politics change after the Gracchus brothers
were murdered? Romans saw violence as a political weapon.
Who attacked Rome in 218 B.C.? Carthage/Hannibal
What is a legion? A group of up to 6000 Roman soldiers who
divided and attacked in groups of 100
What does veto mean? Latin for “I forbid”
Which culture greatly influenced the Romans? The Greeks
On the map below, label the following: Rome, Adriatic Sea,
Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea, Po River, Tiber River,
Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Carthage, Alps, and Apennines (MAP IS IN
Fill in the cause and effect for each of the Punic Wars, include
who was involved.
1st Punic Rome and Carthage wanted Fighting lasted 20 years,
control of Sicily
but Rome finally
defeated Carthage and
forced them to pay huge
2nd Punic Carthage was trying to
Romans defeated them
expand into Spain
at Zama and made them
pay more $$
Chapter 11- Rome and Christianity
3rd Punic Rome wanted to eliminate
Totally conquered
Carthage by burning
Carthage, salting fields,
and capturing people
Who was Julius Caesar? Famous Roman general, was in First
Triumvirate, ignored the Senate’s orders, defeated Pompey’s forces
and declared himself dictator for life
Why did the Senate order Caesar to come home rather than
crossing the Rubicon into Italy with his army? They wanted Pompey
to rule alone and were worried that Caesar was growing too popular
and would try to take over.
Which territory did Caesar capture between 58-50 B.C.? Gaul,
which is modern day France.
What did Octavian do after Caesar’s death? He formed a
Second Triumvirate and avenged Caesar’s death by killing his
murderers in battle.
Who was in the First Triumvirate? Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey
How did Octavian become sole ruler of Rome? He defeated
Antony and Cleopatra’s forces at the Battle of Actium, and then they
committed suicide.
Who was also known as Augustus, and what does that name
mean? Octavian was known as Augustus and it means “revered one”.
What was the “Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity” in Rome
known as? Pax Romana, which was the 200 years of peace
Why did the Romans nickname the Mediterranean “Our Sea”?
They had conquered almost the entire Mediterranean region and
nicknamed it mare nostrum (Latin for “our sea”) to indicate their
Why was land added to the Roman Empire? As they conquered
new territories, they expanded trade, controlled their neighbors, and
had more resources.
What architectural achievement did Romans use to help them
build an open area within a building? Vaults, which are several arches
built next to one another
Describe the importance of arches in Roman architecture?
Arches provided more stability to large buildings, which made them
more sound; therefore, many ancient Roman bridges and buildings
still stand today.
Why were Roman roads built? To connect the empire, so
soldiers could defend it more easily.
Who was Galen? Galen was a Greek surgeon whom Romans
studied to help further medicine. Galen studied the body and noted
the differences between arteries and veins.
Who wrote the Aeneid and what was it about? Virgil wrote the
Aeneid, which was about a Trojan hero, Aeneas, who fled Troy with
his followers and ended up in Rome, where he made an alliance and
married a Latin king’s daughter. Roman legend says their
descendants rule Rome.
What factors helped spread the Roman language? Trade and
When the Romans conquered people, how did they typically
treat them? How did this contribute to their success? They allowed
conquered people to keep their own beliefs and customs, so they
were less likely to revolt.
What did the emperor Hadrian think would happen by banning
Jewish rituals? They would lose their desire for independence and
give up their fight
Why would Roman government ban a religion? If they saw it as
a political threat.
What is Christianity? A religion based on the life and teachings
of Jesus Christ.
Define messiah God’s anointed one
What is the Bible? Which part tells about the life and teachings
of Jesus Christ? The Bible is the holy book of the religion of
Christianity. The Old Testament is similar to the Hebrew Bible, which
tells history and ideas of the Hebrew and Jewish people. The second
part, the New Testament tells the life and teachings of Jesus.
Define crucifixion a type of execution in which a person was
nailed to a cross.
Define resurrection Jesus’ rise from the dead
Who were the apostles? The 12 disciples whom Jesus chose
to receive special training.
Who was Paul? Paul of Tarsus was a disciple who spread Jesus’
teachings all throughout the Roman world. His ideas helped the
Christian church break away from Judaism.
Define martyrs people who are willing to die for their beliefs.
What is persecution? punishment against a group because of
its beliefs.
Which two Christian teachings are also similar to those found in
Jewish teachings? Love God and love each other.
Which Roman Emperor lifted the ban on Christianity in the
early 300s? Constantine
How are Christianity and Judaism related? Jews use the Old
Testament of the Bible; whereas, Christians include all of the Bible
(Old and New Testaments). Christianity is based upon Jewish
Why did Roman emperors by the end of the AD 100s start
giving up land the Roman army conquered? They thought the empire
was too large to control
Who was Diocletian and what did he do to make it easier to
rule Rome? Became emperor in the late 200s and divided the
empire into eastern and western empires and named a co-emperor,
so it was less area to rule for each person.
Why did the Romans make payments to the Goths? They
made payments, so the Goths wouldn’t attack Rome.
What was Emperor Justinian’s main goal? Justinian wanted to
reunite the Roman Empire.
Who were the Visigoths? Visigoths destroyed Rome in 410
List the factors that caused the Roman Empire to fall. Too large
to defend, corruption in the gov, schools closed, taxes and prices
increased, communication was difficult, poverty increased
What contribution did Justinian make that guaranteed fair
treatment for everyone? He organized Christian laws that gave fair
treatment to everyone, which were called Justinian’s Law Code.
How did Theodora impact the riots during her husband’s rule?
She convinced her husband to stay and FIGHT!
What was the Eastern Roman Empire called? Byzantine Empire
69) Why was Constantinople important? After the Roman
Empire was divided into Eastern and Western Empires, Constantine
moved the capital to Constantinople.
What language did most people speak in the Byzantine
Empire? Greek