Progressive President Debate and Policy Session Instruction Sheet

Total: 50 points
We will have a Presidential Debate between the 3 Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William
H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. These Presidents will debate both their domestic and foreign policies.
There will be a moderator for the debate who will funnel questions to the candidates who will have 50
seconds to 1 minute to respond. There will also be a debate audience who will (by recognition of the
moderator) ask questions as well. The rubrics for the panel/debate will be posted for students to
prepare point wise for the debate. We will discuss the president’s policies in-class but you will also have
access to the internet as well (before-hand) for additional details. See me with any questions.
Key Essential Questions to Think about when preparing:
How does the domestic policies of the progressive presidents reflect real change and reform in the U.S.
economy, politics, and social mores/standards?
In what ways do the Progressive reforms fall short of real change and reform?
What areas did each president focus on? Why? Did their efforts on a national level make a real
What reform areas would be open to more criticism and why?
What issues in our nation were ignored? Why? What should have been done? Did any of the men have
policies outlined to address these areas? If so, what?
NOTE: For the audience you will be representing both supporters or detractors of these “reform”
presidents. Be ready to ask them the “tough” questions regarding their policies or lack of as well as
getting them to talk about the positives of reform that have affected you (if applicable)
Be sure to research your views and actions during this era. What do you want changed/reformed?
Why? What actions/organizations, etc. have you formed, been a part of and what are you doing? What
does the GOVERNMENT need to do and why? Are you happy with the president’s reforms? Why/why
not? Be ready to support and also ask the tough questions if you issues are NOT being addressed.
Key Audience Members:
Eugene Victor Debs
Emma Goldman
Alice Paul
Mary Chapman Catt
W.E.B. Dubois
Booker T. Washington
Samuel Gompers
John D. Rockefeller
JP Morgan
Emilio Aguinaldo
Jane Addams
Florence Kelley
Frances Willard WCTU
Upton Sinclair
Henry George
Edward Bellamy
Mary Harris Jones or “Mother Jones”
Jacob Riis
Robert M. LaFollette, Sr. “Fighting Bob”
Andrew Carnegie