November 5, 2012 At 7:00PM VP Mike Enders called the meeting to

November 5, 2012
At 7:00PM VP Mike Enders called the meeting to order with the following Council members present
Mike Enders, Paul Enders, Dennis Enders and Jim Brown. Deanna Hoffman and Charles Bisking were
absent and there is one vacant council seat at this time. Mayor Jeff Enders, Borough Manager Larry
Rank, Consultant Bob Kissinger and Pete Flazar of Glace Associates were also in attendance. Everyone
present recited the pledge of Allegiance.
Paul Enders moved that the secretary’s report be approved as presented. Jim Brown seconded the
motion and motion carried unanimously.
Dennis Enders moved that the treasurer’s report be approved as presented. Paul Enders seconded
the motion and motion carried unanimously.
Mike Enders moved to appoint Christopher T Blose to the vacancy on Council. Jim Brown
seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Secretary Hoover administered the
Oath of Office in the absence of the Mayor who had not yet arrived.
Jim Brown moved to appoint Mike Enders as the President of Council and an approved check
signer. Paul Enders seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Jim Brown moved to appoint Paul Enders as Vice President of Council and an approved check
signer. Dennis Enders seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
A. Robin Wheeler of the Historical Society was present to obtain approval for the Belsnickle
Parade on December 1, 2012 and to clarify the requirements for future events. Discussion
ensued and she was thanked for the information and given approval for the event.
A. The written report was distributed and reviewed.
A. The report was distributed and reviewed by Borough Manager Larry Rank. Grossers have
been notified of last month’s award to perform the work discussed for the access road. A
supply list has been completed and ordered for the job. Trying to get an estimate for the
repairs to the blue dump truck. The red pickup truck should be road worthy by Wednesday.
Repaired the tongue on the wagon. No serious damage from Tropical Storm Sandy. Another
meeting has been scheduled for November 13 at 8AM with PennDot regarding the storm
drain on Route 225 just east of Sixth Street. Larry Rank and Bob Kissinger attended a
meeting regarding grant requirements for the zoning process.
Winter preparation is in process.
Preparing for the Front Street project.
Chris Blose reported that the latest concern is livestock manure treatment on local farms. They
discussed local EMT service to the Upper Dauphin County to reduce the need to travel to the hospitals. A
written report was distributed.
A. Railroad Crossings/Access Road Status: Materials being ordered and Grosser’s have been
notified to proceed with the portion of the work discussed at last month’s meeting. There
is a Gaming Grant meeting later his month to plead the Borough’s case for need and
project worthiness.
B. Norfolk Southern Front Street Property: No report.
C. Zoning Ordinance Committee: There is a meeting on Nov 19th to open consulting bids.
D. CDBG Grant Status: Pete Flazar reviewed the Front Street project options. Jim Brown
motioned to approve plan finalization and go out for bids, the plan would include sidewalk
and curb on the east side only, pave a 24 foot width with a 2 foot shoulder as far south as
the last house with a stone turn around farther south toward the rail road tracks. Chris
Blose seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously
E. 2013 Budget: Jim Brown moved to approve for advertising. Dennis Enders seconded the
motion and the motion carried unanimously.
A. Council Vacancy: Mike Enders motioned to accept the resignation of Council Member
Deanna Hoffman. Dennis Enders seconded the motion and the motion carried
B. Ed Caffas Pay Raise Consideration: Discussion ensued. Jim Brown moved to increase
Ed Caffas’s hourly rate by $1 per hour beginning with the next payroll. Paul Enders
seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
C. New PSP fine regulations were reviewed.
D. Jim Brown moved to give 100% of the Fire Relief Funds to The Halifax Fire Company.
Dennis Enders seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Jim Brown moved to approve the bills as presented. Paul Enders seconded the motion and motion
carried unanimously.
Jim Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:32PM. Chris Blose seconded the motion and motion
carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
David W. Hoover
Borough Secretary