Staff meeting agenda

4th June 2014
Dear Parents
OFSTED Report: June2014
Ofsted have today published their findings following their valuable visit to us last term. Their report recognizes that as a
rapidly expanding school with 17 new staff joining just 2 terms ago and necessary changes to our leadership that we have
succeeded on our primary focus this year to achieve Good in the behaviour and safety of pupils and that we Require
Improvement to deliver on our ambitious vision in other areas.
We agree. We are pleased that the report also fully recognizes the many ways in which those improvements are already
happening. Every single recommendation by Ofsted for development is one we had identified, acted on and are already
showing significant positive impact since their visit.
We were inspected under the new framework criteria which has four gradings: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement
(previously Satisfactory), and Inadequate. These are explained by Ofsted at the end of their report.
Our children
We are particularly pleased that Ofsted identified: “Pupils’ personal development and happiness are at the heart of the
school’s work.” As you all know this is the bedrock of the HFS vision and recognition that we have achieved this demonstrates
how we are progressing vision into reality, in amongst all the additional operational challenges.
Ofsted go on to recognize: “Their learning is enriched through a wide range of exciting experiences and out of school
activities. Teachers take care to identify pupil’s unique strengths and celebrate them….. Leaders have placed a very high
priority on ensuring that pupils feel safe and secure and supporting their behavior. There has been a clear drive to establish a
close sense of community and to nurture both pupils and staff. As a consequence, pupils have a strong sense of self-worth and
are happy and settled”. As the critical foundation for a successful future it is this strong sense of self-worth that we have aimed
to embed first and foremost and from which we can now develop.
Our teaching team
Ofsted also believe that:
“Recently appointed middle leaders are already making a difference to the quality of teaching. The staff team are working
more closely together and new ways of training are bringing about improvements… Teachers and assistant teachers benefit
from strong support from the Director of Learning who exemplifies the school’s values and provides one to one coaching for
staff to develop their practice. Good systems for improving teaching are enabling more experienced teachers and leaders to
model, share and develop good practice with their colleagues. As a result, teaching is improving.”
We are proud of our team. Having established strong foundations they are already raising the standards of progress and
achievement for the children. We are not asking them to teach in their familiar way – we are asking something quite
exceptional from them, which requires immense dedication and development of their own. As Ofsted recommend, we are
 Planning our EYFS provision under a new leadership structure with additional external support;
 Being more rigorous and timely in our data collection and how we apply this to accelerate learning;
 Continuing our whole school focus on improving writing across the school, including a recent whole school
INSET on effective use of phonics to progress children’s writing and the Big Writing initiative;
 Continuing to use Learning Teams to share best practice between staff and improve teaching and learning
across the school, with a particular emphasis on increasing pace and challenge throughout lessons;
 Making changes to the timetable to maximize learning opportunities, for example starting the day with writing
warm up rather than assembly three days a week.
 New processes with greater rigour in monitoring and following up attendance of each child.
Our leadership
As governors we are responsible for delivering the education the children deserve now and in the coming years within some
tight financial and operational constraints. Ofsted recognise this balance and state : “The governors’ long term plan identifies
ultimate expectations for the school against clear timescales and targets. It is underpinned by short term, concise, action
planning with appropriate delegated responsibilities for improving current provision.”
Ofsted believe:
“The team are a strong driving force for change” in which we have “a clear and ambitious plan for the school’s future
achievements and use a wealth of expertise to benefit all aspects of the school’s work … have acted rigorously to address early
concerns and have robust procedures in place to check the work of the school at all levels.”
With the establishment of a permanent leadership team when Marissa arrives in August and working in partnership across our
school community – governors, teachers, children and parents– we are confident that together we can continue the rapid
progress we are making in establishing a truly unique and inspirational school and securing our vision as a stable reality.
Our thanks
We would like to thank the entire school team for their hard work in demonstrating to Ofsted how far we have moved from an
idea on a piece of paper only 19 months ago. We would also like to thank them for the pride they showed in the school and the
passion they demonstrated in their belief that a school which truly values childhood will indeed produce the highest possible
personal and academic achievements for children and teachers. Their increasing confidence as a team is driving HFS closer and
closer to fulfilling our vision each day.
Importantly, we would like to congratulate our brave and boundless children who every day “show great curiosity and interest
in their learning”. Thank you to you as Parents for the support you give tirelessly to your child and to HFS, helping to grow a
true community.
What next?
During this term we will continue to monitor progress and the impact of changes and continue to welcome our external support
partners as part of our ongoing programme of improvements. We will continue to keep you updated through the Chair’s letters
and additional school communications about how our action plans continue to ensure rapid school development and we look
forward to engaing with you through your FOHFS ambassadors, through HFS@Home evenings and through your participation
in parent workshops.
We are proud of the progress we have made and we know we can do better. It will take time; as a community we will work
tirelessly every day to give our children the childhood and education our vision describes, learning together as we grow.
Best wishes,
Chair to Harpenden Free School Trust