French II Pacing Guide

French II Pacing Guide*
Store, Shopping, Clothing: Discovering French Nouveau Bleu (Unit 6)*
Essential Questions: What is shopping like in a French-speaking country? How is shopping here
in the United States different than shopping in a French-speaking country? Is “fashionable” the
same in all countries?
What students will be able to do
ML1.IP1B Make simple requests.
ML1.IP1F Comprehend basic directions.
ML1.INT2B Recognize basic gestures, body language, and intonation that clarify a message.
ML1.CU1A Demonstrate knowledge of contributions of target culture(s) to civilization.
ML1.CU1C Describe customs and traditions of the cultures such as greetings, celebrations and
ML1.CCC2A Compare patterns of behavior and interaction in the students’ own culture with those of
the target language.
What students will know:
Informal Commands
Descriptive Adjectives
Adjective Agreement
Use of subject pronoun “on”.
Verbs: to have, to be, to be able to, to like (I like); regular –re & -ir verbs (vendre, finir) irregular
verbs: mettre(to put on) voir (to see); distinguish between verbs to bring: apporter (things) and
amener (living beings).
To be going to …
Vocabulary related to: Colors, Clothing, Numbers 0-1000, Jewelry, store names/places. directions,
and body parts, weather conditions.
Idioms: to be fashionable, to be ____ years old
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Common Assessment: Discovering French Nouveau Bleu
Lesson quizzes 17-20
Unit Test 6
Online quizzes available at
*The state units do not necessarily correspond with the text book unit numbers.
Sports & Leisure (French Nouveau Bleu Unit 7)
Essential Question: What do French teens like to do in their spare time?
What students will be able to do
MLI.IP1B Express likes, dislikes, emotions, agreement, and disagreement.
MLI.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.
MLI.INT1A Identify main ideas and some details when reading and listening.
MLI.P1A Present information gathered from a variety of sources such as informal conversations,
class presentations, interviews, readings and media.
MLI.CCC1A Demonstrate knowledge of geographical locations and identify major countries, cities,
and geographical features of the places where the target language is spoken.
MLI.CCC4A Give information regarding major current events in the target culture.
MLI.CCC4B Understand the impact of current events of the target culture.
MLI.CCC5A Identify examples of the target language and the culture studied that are evident in and
through media, entertainment, and technology.
MLI.CCC5B Identify resources, such as individuals and organizations accessible through the
community or the Internet, that provide basic cultural information about the culture studied.
What students need to know:
Present tense verbs such as to play, to win, to lose, to be, to have, to find, to think, expressions with
Sports terms such as game or match, soccer, goal, championship, etc.
Cardinal numbers to 1000
Expressions of time
Expressions of like/dislike
Basic body parts
Non-athletic pastimes such as to play cards, to listen to music, to go shopping, etc.
Movie types
Descriptive adjectives
Tenses: present, near future, perfect (passé composé)
And scroll down to Summative Assessments and choose or create a similar assessment tool.
Common Assessment: Discovering French Nouveau Bleu
Lesson quizzes 21-24
Unit Test 7
Online quizzes available at www.classzone.comApril/May
*The state units do not necessarily correspond with the text book unit numbers.
Let’s Eat! (French Nouveau Bleu Unit 8)*
Essential Question: What is it like to go to a restaurant in a French-speaking country? What do
I need to know to feel confident when I talk to the waiter?
What Students Will Be Able to Do
MLI.IP1B Express likes, dislikes, emotions, agreement and disagreement
MLI.IP1B Make simple request
MLI.IP1C Ask for clarification
MLI.IP1E Give simple descriptions
MLI.IP1F Comprehend basic directions
MLI.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family,
school, etc.
MLI.INT2B Recognize basic gestures, body language, and intonation that clarify a
MLI.CU1B Identify commonly held viewpoints of the cultures, such as those relating to
time, education, and meals.
MLI.CCC2B Demonstrate an awareness of elements of the students‟ own culture.
What students will know:
Vocabulary & Verbs having to do with eating, drinking, having meals, dining out, shopping for
Irregular verbs like prendre, boire, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, connaître, savoir, dire, écrire
Partitive articles (affirmative & negative)
Direct and indirect pronouns in affirmative and negative sentences and the imperative.
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And scroll down to Summative Assessments and choose or create a similar assessment tool.
Common Assessment: Discovering French Nouveau Bleu
Lesson quizzes 25-28
Unit Test 8
Online quizzes available at
*The state units do not necessarily correspond with the text book unit numbers.