shrew essy brainstorm

The Taming of the Shrew Essay Brainstorm Sheet
Essay prompt: Choose ONE of the following prompts:
How do the motifs of disguise and identity affect the play?
Is this play sexist, in Shakespeare’s time as well as in modern time? Why or why not?
How do gender roles affect the character interactions within the play?
Was there any taming in the play at all? If so, between whom? If not, how do you know?
How do literary devices and comedic devices influence the play?
Create your own thesis- must be approved by Mrs. Weed ASAP
Directions: You will compose a well-developed three-paragraph essay addressing
one of the above-stated prompts. Your essay must include:
 A well-organized introduction with a CLEAR thesis statement
 A well-organized three-chunk body paragraph
 A well-organized conclusion that presents a broad insight into human
Requirements: Your essay MUST:
 Be free from grammatical and spelling errors
 Address each aspect of the prompt
 Follow two-chunk format (PLEASE see me if you have any questions or
 Include blended quotations and sentence starters in order to create
smooth transitions
 Use ONLY 3rd person voice (no “I”, “we”, “you”, “our” etc.)
 Use clear, concise language
 Focus on ANALYSIS, not summary
Step 1: Pre-write
 Brainstorm ideas
o Which topic is the most interesting to you?
o Which topic will would be able to best support with textual
o What is your point of view on the topic?
o Create a graphic organizer to help you with your thoughts
Step 2: Outline your thoughts- Your essay should follow this format:
a. Hook- Broad opening statement- Open your essay with a statement
that is generally related to your topic. Do NOT include any character
names or any plot information.
b. Lead-in and T.A.G. Connect your hook to your topic- Introduce
character or plot information. Make sure it relates to your Hook.
T.A.G. = Title (The Taming of the Shrew), author (William
Shakespeare), and genre (Drama)
c. Context- Provide one-two sentences of background information- keep
it minimum.
d. Thesis- The argument you will prove in the essay- Based on the text,
what will you prove, in relation to the prompt?
Body paragraphs 1, 2, &3
a. TS- Connect your body paragraph to your thesis- What is your body
paragraph going to prove?
b. CD1- Evidence from the text – Provide an example from the text that
you see as proof that your point of view, a.k.a. your thesis, is accurate
c. CM- Explain how your CD supports your TS- Analyze and explain how
the evidence from the text proves your thesis is correct
d. CM- Continue to explain the importance of your CD- Offer a deeper,
more detailed explanation of your point of view
e. CD2- Evidence 2
f. CM- Explain how your second CD supports your TS
g. CM-Connect your CD to your Thesis
h. CS- Restate your TS
a. Restate your thesis
b. Review and briefly restate your CD’s and CM’s
c. Explain the significance of your thesis/offer additional insight into
human nature- Why is your thesis important for any reader of the
d. Closing hook- What can the readers take away from this story? How
could this story relate to their lives?
Step 3: Peer Edits- You will be responsible for having at least two students from
your class review your essay. In addition, you must edit at least one person’s paper.
Your two peer edits must be from students in YOUR class period. I will give you a
handout and class time to assist your peer edits.
Step 4: Revise- Based on the recommendations from your peers, revise your essay
in order to ensure that it is clear, well-organized, and free of grammatical and
spelling errors.
Step 5: Publish- Make sure your final draft is printed on clean, white paper.
Remember, it MUST be done in MLA format! Also, do NOT forget to submit your
essay to I will give you instructions on that later.
When you turn in your essay, you will do so in this order:
 submission receipt
 Final Draft
 Rough draft with stamp and peer corrections
 2 peer edit sheets
 Brainstorm work: outline, graphic organizer etc.