Seminar Invitation

June 17, 2013
The ALA Endowment Trustees, Library Leadership & Management Association
(LLAMA) and United for Libraries (UFL) will be sponsoring an educational seminar on
institutional investing “Best Practices” for non-profit organizations. This seminar will be
conducted by the Bhatia Group at Merrill Lynch Global Institutional Consulting at the
2013 ALA Annual Conference. We’d like to extend a special invitation to you to attend
this very timely educational seminar on investing in today’s markets. Please join us on:
Friday, June 28, 2013
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place Hotel – Superior Room
This seminar will provide you with a foundation for building a successful portfolio crafted
to address most market conditions. By attending this seminar you will be able to take
away the following:
The importance of developing a strong investment policy
Establishing portfolio mission, goals and objectives
Defining the roles and responsibilities of the governance personnel
Defining the portfolio’s risk profile and return objectives
Hope to see you there!