
Personal Profile
Write a short paragraph about yourself, including your personal attributes, skills and experience.
Include what you’re looking for, rotation preference etc.
Career Development
Company Name
Job title
Dates from – to (starting with the most recent)
Write a brief introduction to the company, 1 paragraph.
Write the main purpose and remit of your position:
Use bullet points to describe your duties and responsibilities
Ensure that you use tangible evidence, i.e. managing 3 direct reports and responsible for 10
VLCC Vessels.
Include any key achievements, usually cost savings, efficiencies, business accolades etc.
(Repeat this for each role in reverse chronological order for the past 6 – 10 years depending on the amount of
positions you’ve had bearing in mind you ideally want to limit your CV to two pages)
Qualifications, Courses, certificates
List the qualifications that you hold, starting with the highest level and include the both occupational
and education qualifications and any relevant association accreditations i.e. Institute of Chartered
Ship Brokers.