Eras of war in P2

Things you will be learning about:
Introduction in P1
Eras of war in P2
Weapons and tactics in P3
By Chris
Weird war tactics in P4
Drones in P5
The Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter
in P6
Conclusion in P7
War, weapons, and technology have advanced over thousands of years. Tactical
advancements have also taken place. All these advancements took place over six different
eras. During early eras, weapons as simple as slingshots were used. The tactics used during
these eras were sometimes weird. As time went by, improvements were slowly made.
During the modern era, things such as Apache helicopters are used, and drones have been
invented that are important for reducing the number of soldiers that get killed. I hope you
learn something by the end of my report.
Eras of War
There were six eras of warfare: prehistoric, ancient, medieval,
gunpowder, industrial, and the war we know today, modern warfare.
Prehistoric warfare was the time before writing so no real wars were recorded. The Bronze Age
of Sumer was a breakthrough in technology. Ancient warfare began at the beginning of recorded
history. Near the end of the ancient period was the Fall of Rome. Medieval warfare was in the middle
ages. Weapons, tactics, and technology evolved. Flails were weapons in that era. The gunpowder era
was the beginning of modern warfare. Muskets were guns back then. You had to pour the gunpowder.
Then, when you pulled the trigger it would ignite a spark, thus igniting the gunpowder and then
launching the round lead bullet. The industrial era began roughly at the start of the nineteenth century.
By this time, pretty much all states were capable of equipping large armies. Modern war is the war we
know today. Everything advanced from flint axes, slingshots, and bows to iron knives and guns. And who
could forget the flamethrower!!
Weapons and Tactics
Weapons and tactics were a big part of warfare. Muskets, normally given to infantry soldiers,
were the closest to guns today. The accuracy was moderate. Then there was the reload. It took about 30
seconds to a minute to reload. In the hands of a skilled soldier, the musket was a deadly weapon.
Sometimes it didn`t kill the target. If the round would not kill, it would wound and then possibly infect
the spot it hit. More men die in battle from infection than a bullet. Then there were pistols. Small
weapons that could kill were good. Without too much weight to carry, it would let soldiers run and
switch cover easily and fast. Pocket pistols would be very good for assassinating someone, as John
Wilkes Booth did to Abe Lincoln. One hand gun, which was the smartest gun in 2006, may still be the
smartest. It has no moving parts and fires bullets electronically. It can only be fired by someone wearing
a transponder ring. The gun can also fire three bullets in one 500th of a second.
Weird War Tactics
Other Drones (see next 2 pages)
Launching dead rats with catapults was used to spread plague. It was contagious. It killed
hundreds. Imagine how much time was spent burying people and how many corpse wagons that would
have taken. Those who were claimed by the plague had lunch with their family and dinner with
ancestors in paradise. Then there were also dogs trained to drop bombs under enemy tanks or other
heavy artillery such as grounded helicopters. They also had explosives attached to them to blow up
many people. German Shepherds, as everybody knows, were trained to be used as attack dogs.
Gambian giant pouched rats were also trained to sniff out land mines. They were too light to trigger land
mines. They were about one and a half pounds.
AR. Drone 2.0
The Predator
Built by the French company
Parrot, it`s a four-rotor recreational
The Predator flew
Drone equipped with an HD camera.
reconnaissance flights in the 1900s,
You control it using a tablet or smart phone.
before being equipped with weapons in
Dragon Flyer X6
Larger and more muscular than the
Parrot, the Dragon Flyer X6 is used
A 2 ft.-long drone designed to be
both by hobbyists and for law
carried into battle, hand launched, and
then guided into a snipers nest, where
its built-in warhead detonates.
Sea fox
A small, maneuverable
The raven made a cameo in
underwater drone that
the movie Act of Valor: it’s a back packable
searches for and destroys
drone that delivers real-time intelligence
floating mines. Last year, it
to soldiers in the field.
was deployed by the Navy,
which deployed it in the Strait
of Hormuz.
Nano Air Vehicle
The name stands for
Designed to mimic the appearance
Long Endurance Multi-
and aerial abilities of a hummingbird,
Intelligence Vehicle;
DARPA`s drone weighs 19 grams and
Basically, it`s a helium filled
carries a tiny video camera.
unarmed airship that can
can hover for three weeks at a
Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter
The Boeing AH-64 Apache is a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter with a tail wheel-type
landing arrangement. It also has a tandem cockpit for a two-man crew. Originally, the Apache started
life as the Model 77. It was developed by Hughes Helicopters for the United States Army's Advanced
Attack Helicopter program to replace the AH-1 Cobra. It was first flown on 30 September 1975. The AH64 was introduced to U.S. Army service in April 1986. The AH-64 Apache features a nose-mounted
sensor suite for target acquisition and night vision systems. It is armed with a 30-millimeter (1.2 in)
M230 Chain Gun carried between the main landing gear, under the aircraft's forward fuselage. It has
four hard points mounted on stub-wing pylons, typically carrying a mixture of AGM-114 Hellfire missiles
and Hydra 70 rocket pods
Out of all of the things I studied, I liked learning about the different eras of war the most, but
everything I studied really interested me. Classifying different times of war was a smart thing. Imagine
someone classifying everything as “modern” warfare. Cavemen would be running around with rocks.
Weapon and tactical advancements also go with the eras of war. Every era of war was new weapon
wise. In the prehistoric era, there was no such thing as a gun. I would think that the plague was pretty
deadly. Being highly contagious, it must have killed at least 100 people per day. And who could forget
the German shepherds! Then the Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter. Though the nice design, it was
feared. When it showed up in battle, men would run away but destroying tanks or other helicopters
were first priority.