Rubric for Evaluating Program Assessment

Andrews University
Rubric for Evaluating Program Assessment Plan
Cycle Year:
Date Reviewed:
Mission Statement & Goals - A mission is a clear, concise statement outlining the ultimate principles that
guide the work of the program, how the program is unique, who the program serves, in what ways and with
what results. (i.e. Why would a student want to take this program?) Goals, if used, connect the mission to
the learning outcomes. They provide a focus for the program and give direction to mission implementation.
___Proficient (3)
___Acceptable (2)
___Developing (1)
 Clear and concise
 Statement of the program’s
 General statement of the intent
 Specific to the program (identifies
of the program
what it does that separates it from  Identifies who it serves
 Identifies the functions
other units or programs.)
performed but not the greater
 Addresses the larger impact of the
 Aligned with the university
mission statement.
 Does not identify stakeholders
 Identifies stakeholders.
 Scope and reach may be
 Fails to demonstrate clear
 Aligned with the university mission,
alignment with university
and with respective professional
 Goals relate to mission
organization, if applicable.
 Too general to distinguish the
 Goals provide clear direction for
unit or too specific to
mission implementation, and link to
encompass the entire mission.
 Not clear how goals relate to
mission or connect to outcomes
Notes on Mission:
Learning outcomes are specific statements that articulate the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities
students should gain or improve through engagement in the academic program or learning experience.
Objectives have a broader scope, and may include administrative measures, such as quality of key services,
productivity and outputs.
___Proficient (3)
___Acceptable (2)
___Developing (1)
 Observable and measurable.
 Observable and measurable.  Unclear how an evaluator could
 Encompass a discipline-specific
 Focus on student learning
determine whether the outcome
body of knowledge (academic units)  Encompass the mission of the
has been met.
with focus on cumulative effect of
program and/or the central
 Describe a process, rather than
the program. May also include
principles of the discipline.
a learning outcome (i.e. focuses
general competencies.
 Aligned with mission
on what the program does,
 Include faith-related outcomes or
rather than what the student
alignment with AU faith goals
 Aligned with university goals
 Number of outcomes:
 associations
 Incomplete-not addressing the
o Undergraduate: minimum of four  Appropriate, but language
breadth of knowledge, skills, or
student learning outcomes
may be vague or need
services associated with
o Graduate: minimum of three
student learning outcomes
 Outcomes identified don’t seem
o (Administrative units: minimum
aligned with the program
of three objectives)
 Use action verbs
 Fail to note appropriate
 Describe level of mastery expected,
associations (to goals, general
appropriate to degree level
education, etc.)
 Accurately classified as “student
learning” or “not student learning.”
 Alignment/associations with
program mission, university goals,
general education, etc. are
identified (as appropriate)
Notes on Outcomes/Objectives:
Adapted from IU South Bend Assessment Committee’s and others’ Rubrics
Approved by the Committee for Institutional Assessment April, 2015
The variety of measures used to evaluate each outcome; the means of gathering data. Direct measures
assess actual learning or performance, while indirect measures imply that learning has occurred
___Proficient (3)
___Acceptable (2)
___Developing (1)
 A minimum of two appropriate,
 At least one measure or
 Not all outcomes have
quantitative measures for each
measurement approach per
associated measures.
outcome, with at least one direct
 Few or no direct measures.
 Direct and indirect measures
 Methodology is questionable.
 Instruments reflect good research
are utilized
 Instruments are vaguely
 Instruments described with
described; may not be
 Feasible-existing practices used
sufficient detail.
developed yet.
where possible; at least some
 Implementation may still need  Course grades used as an
measures apply to multiple
further planning.
assessment method.
 At least one measure used for  Do not seem to capture the
 Purposeful-clear how results could
formative assessment.
“end of experience” effect of
be used for program improvement.
the curriculum/program.
 Described with sufficient detail;
 No apparent inclusion of
specific assessment instruments are
formative assessment.
made available (e.g., via URL, as
attachments, etc.)
 Specific inclusion of formative
assessment to promote learning and
continuous quality improvement
(e.g., establishes baseline data, sets
stretch targets based on past
performance, etc.).
Notes on Measures:
Achievement Targets
Results, target, benchmark, or value that will represent success at achieving a given outcome. May include
acceptable and aspirational levels. (e.g. Minimum target:80% of the class will achieve acceptable on all
rubric criteria; aspirational target: 80% of the class will achieve proficient or better on two-thirds of the
___Proficient (3)
___Acceptable (2)
___Developing (1)
 Target identified for each measure.
 Target identified for each
 Targets have not been
 Aligned with measures and outcomes.
identified for every measure,
 Specific and measurable
 Targets aligned with measures
or are not aligned with the
 Represent a reasonable level of
and outcomes.
 Specific and measurable
 Seem off-base (too low/high).
 Meaningful-based on benchmarks,
 Some targets may seem
 Language is vague or
previous results, existing standards
subjective (e.g. “improve,”
 Includes acceptable levels and stretch
“satisfactory”) making it
(aspirational) targets
difficult to tell if met.
 Aligned with assessment
process rather than results
(e.g. survey return rate,
number of papers reviewed).
Notes on Achievement Targets:
Adapted from IU South Bend Assessment Committee’s and others’ Rubrics
Approved by the Committee for Institutional Assessment April, 2015
Rubric for Evaluating Program Assessment Reports
A concise analysis and summary of the results gathered from a given assessment measure.
___Proficient (3)
 Complete, concise, well-organized,
and relevant data are provided for all
 Appropriate data collection and
 Aligned with the language of the
corresponding achievement target.
 Provides solid evidence that targets
were met, partially met, or not met.
 Compares new findings to past
trends, as appropriate.
 Reflective statements are provided
either for each outcome or
aggregated for multiple outcomes.
 Supporting documentation (rubrics,
survey, more complete reports
without identifiable student
information) are included in the
document repository.
Notes on Findings:
___Acceptable (2)
 Complete and organized.
 Aligned with the language of
the corresponding achievement
 Addresses whether targets
were met.
 May contain too much detail,
or stray slightly from intended
data set.
___Developing (1)
 Incomplete information
 Not clearly aligned with
achievement target.
 Questionable conclusions about
whether targets were met,
partially met, or not met.
 Questionable data collection/
analysis; may “gloss over”
data to arrive at conclusion.
Action Plans Actions to be taken to improve the program or assessment process based on analysis of
___Proficient (3)
___Acceptable (2)
___Developing (1)
 Report includes one or more
 Reflects with sufficient depth
 Not clearly related to
implemented and/or planned changes
on what was learned during
assessment results.
linked to assessment data.
the assessment cycle.
 Seem to offer excuses for
 Exhibit an understanding of the
 At least one action plan in
results rather than thoughtful
implications of assessment findings.
interpretation or “next steps”
 Identifies an area that needs to be
for program improvement.
monitored, remediated, or enhanced
 No action plans or too many to
and defines logical “next steps”.
 Possibly identifies an area of the
 Too general; lacking details
assessment process that needs
(e.g. time frame, responsible
 Contains completion dates.
 Identifies a responsible person/group.
 Number of action plans are
Notes on Action Plans
Adapted from IU South Bend Assessment Committee’s and others’ Rubrics
Approved by the Committee for Institutional Assessment April, 2015
Feedback on Assessment Plan and Report:
Thank you for your dedication to data-based decision making in your program. Based on a review by the
Assessment Committee, the membership offers the following feedback and advice for the program’s assessment
to inform your practice next year.
Strengths of the plan:
Items needing clarification:
Items that need to be added or modified:
Feedback for action planning:
Adapted from IU South Bend Assessment Committee’s and others’ Rubrics
Approved by the Committee for Institutional Assessment April, 2015