Accelerated Geometry
6.2 Inverses and Contrapositives
“If I get an A on the final, then I’ll pass for the year”
Conditional statements
Converse of a conditional is formed be interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion.
Statement: if p, then q.
Negation of a statement is the opposite of the original.
ex) The dog is black. Negation: ____________________________________
The inverse of a conditional statement negates both the hypothesis and the conclusion.
The contrapositive is the inverse of the converse.
Conditionals and Contratpostives are either both true or both false. They are logically equivalent.
Converses and Inverses are either both true or both false. They are logically equivalent.
ex.) Write the converse, inverse and contrapostive of the conditional statement and tell if true or false.
a.) If you are a soccer player then you are an athlete
Converse ________________________________________________________
Inverse __________________________________________________________
Contrapostive _____________________________________________________
b.) If a polygon is regular, then it is equilateral.
Converse ________________________________________________________
Inverse __________________________________________________________
Contrapostive _____________________________________________________
c.) If it is snowing, then the game is cancelled.
Converse ________________________________________________________
Inverse __________________________________________________________
Contrapostive _____________________________________________________
Venn Diagrams: used to represent conditionals.
Re: Math Students taking Geometry and Algebra 2
Re: Try individually, then as a group to get one drawing, then put on the board:
Represent the relationship between polygons, quadrilaterals, trapezoids, parallelograms,
rectangles, rhombuses, squares.
Assignment: p. 210-211 1-19 odds & Mixed Review