IN YOUR GROUPS: Review the plot of your chapter, as well as any

1) Review the plot of your chapter, as well as any new characters we meet: you
will present those to the class.
2) Look for the themes we are tracing in Huck:
a) Social satire
b) Huck’s growth/moral development
c) Race/racism
d) Nature vs. civilization (nature & raft as “true society”; civilization as
e) The themes we introduced at the beginning of the year (always, in
everything we read: insiders/outsiders, individual and society, gender,
religion, etc.)
Prepare to present your findings to the class. You will review plot and characters,
the themes you see and where (and how) you see them, and at least two-three
quotes you find to be significant (with page numbers).
One of you will type your group’s notes HERE while the others present. EVERYONE
should SPEAK. 
Trapped by the dogs
Saved by Grangerford
Introduced around the house
Very tacky – pg 110
Never been in a family setting
Talks about clock that doesn’t even work
Everything looks good on the outside but he doesn’t realize the complexity
of it.
 Introduce Emilie poetry
Chapter 18
Chapter 18
 New characters: Col. Grangerford
o Tom & Bob
o Sophia
o Charlotte
o Joe
o Harney Shephardson
Social Satire
Romeo & Juliet
Pg 120 – The two families bring guns to church
Ironic – they all praise the sermon and brotherly love
Nature & Civilization
Jim & Huck are more civilized
The two families aren’t as civilized because they can’t stop fighting
Huck is an outsider – gets thrown into the feud
-Has never seen such a nice house
-Pg 117 – each Grangerford member had a slave
-He views Jim as more of a friend than a slave – none of them
have slaves
Huck is an individual – doesn’t belong with the Grangerfords
-Sees different types of communities and societies
Chapter 19
o Come across 2 guys
o Huck helps them get on raft and get rid of dogs after them
o Insiders/Outsiders
o Bring in people they don’t really know
o Pg 128 – Huck talking about the nature around him
o Men called themselves a Duke and long lost son of King Louis XVI
o Men are scam artists – Similar to Huck and Jim
Chapter 20
Duke and dauphin
Jim a runaway slave? Huck says he is an orphan
Religious meeting in woods in the town they passed through
Nature and civilization
Dauphin tells crowd he is a pirate- they all believe it and give him money
Duke in office-printing reward for Jim’s capture
Racism- hide jims identity
Jim offers to watch the storm for Huck- lets him sleep. Quote- page 138.
Chapter 21
o Duke and dauphin making fun of Romeo and Juliet
o Social satire
o Top of p. 146
o Don’t take it seriously
o The town is very boring and there isn’t much to think about besides
the shooting—uncivilized
 Dirt roads
 Everything is falling apart
 Depressing
 Believe the duke and the dauphins scams because they only
know what is inside their town
Duke and Dauphin are going to put on a play so people pay money to
see them
 The people realize that they were tricking them
Boggs is threatening people but he isn’t any trouble
Sherburn shoots him
Uncivilized—don’t know right from wrong
Chapter 22:
People upset with Sherburn,
Mob around his house, breaks into his yard
Mob mentality, want to lynch him
Sherburn stands up and defends self
Says the mob thinks they are being just, but they aren’t actually
Asks them to think about what they want to do (lynch)
p. 156 Sherburn speech
Huck is upset by mob and incident
Goes to circus
Sees drunk man from crowd
Man gets up and wants to ride circus horse
He does successfully, turns out it was a planned thing
Upsets Huck because it was staged
Huck’s growth, doesn’t like seeing people get hurt, as man on horse could
have been
 Doesn’t understand why people laugh at man potentially hurting self
 Duke and king put on new play, women and children not allowed
 Supposed to make it seem like a more sophisticated performance