Choose and fill in the right word.

No More Chinese English!
(Part 2)
East Meets West
Programme outline
When you want to speak or write in English, do you often think in Chinese first and
then change it word by word into English? If you do, what you are speaking or
writing could just be some Chinese English that is grammatically wrong. In this
programme, you can learn some clear and simple English by playing games together
with Tommy and Susan. No more Chinese English, please!
Key Stage 2 Learning Targets
To develop an ever-improving capability to use English
~ to understand some aspects of how the English language works, including how
grammar features such as the choice of verbs and nouns contribute to the exact
meaning in texts and conversations
~ to see the need for clarifying one’s own written expression and then make changes
with support from teachers and classmates
Suggested activities
1. Introduce the presenters: Kent, Sandy and Tommy.
2. Introduce to pupils that the programme is about playing games together and
learning not to use Chinese English while writing or speaking English.
3. Explain how to play the games: the Guessing game and the Miming game. In the
first game, a short video is shown. When the video pauses, Tommy and Susan have
to guess what will happen next and write it down.
In the second game, one of the children will pick a card. He or she will act out what
is written in it. The other child has to guess and describe the action correctly in
4. Watch the programme together. Encourage pupils to play the games and guess the
answers. Tell them to check the correct answers and explanations given by Kent
after each part of the games.
For example, in the first short video, when the phone rings, the woman will answer
the phone. The wrong use of verb in Tommy’s answer is “She will listen to the
phone.” This is an example of Chinese English and the correct answer should be
“answer the phone”. He does not get any marks.
In the second game, when Sandy mimes “Turning on the TV”, Tommy says “She’s
opening the TV.” which is obviously the translation of Chinese into English word
by word. Teachers should emphasis the exact way of saying things in English every
time the correct answer is shown on screen.
5. For teachers’ easy reference, the examples of Chinese English mentioned in this
programme are listed below:
~ listen to the phone
~ read books hard for the exam
~ open the TV
Also, the correct use of some verbs included in this programme are listed as
~ listen to pop music
~ listen to the radio
~ answer the phone
~ answer the door
~ answer the questions
~ study hard for the exam
~ turn on the TV
~ turn on the lights/ turn them on
~ turn off the lights/ turn them off
~ turn on the computer
~ turn off the computer
~ turn on the tap
~ turn off the tap
~ open the door
~ open the window
~ close the window
~ open the drawer
6. After watching the programme, teachers can ask pupils to fill in the blanks in
COPYMASTER 1 as a consolidation exercise. They have to choose the right verb
from the list to describe an action.
listen to
read books
a. When the telephone rings, I go and answer the phone.
b. I am listening to pop music.
c. When the doorbell rings, I go and answer/ open the door.
d. I am glad that you can answer all my questions correctly.
e. I have to study hard for the exam. Please turn off the TV now.
f. Turn on the lights please. It is too dark here.
g. Close the window. It is cold.
h. Open the drawer to fetch me a T-shirt please.
i. Turn off the computer after work.
j. Close the door. It is very windy outside.
No More Chinese English! (Part 2)
Choose and fill in the right word.
read books
a. When the telephone rings, I go
and __________________ the
b. I am __________________ to
pop music.
c. When the doorbell rings, I go and
__________________ the door.
d. I am glad that you can
__________________ all my
questions correctly.
2+3=5 ✔
6+15= 21✔
234+ 123=357✔ 696-9= 687✔
e. I have to __________________
hard for the exam.
Please __________________ off
the TV now.
f. __________________ on the lights
please. It is too dark here.
g. __________________ the
window. It is cold.
h. __________________ the drawer
to fetch me a T-shirt please.
i. __________________ off the
computer after work.
j. __________________ the door. It
is very windy outside.