Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet – January 2012 Earth Science

Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet – January 2012
Earth Science – Honors
Mr. Mumpower
Your exam will consist of 12 picture essays for a total of 110 points. Your exam was
constructed from questions on worksheets, labs, warm ups, test, and quizzes completed during
the first semester of the school year. In additional, you will complete three essay questions up to
30 points.
Exam Order:
1. Rock Classification – 5 questions - Students will read a descriptive comment to
determine if shell limestone, marble, granite, shale, and slate are classified as igneous,
sedimentary, or metamorphic.
2. Sedimentary Rock Profile – 10 questions – See Sedimentary Rock Profile Lab.
3. Igneous Intrusions – 6 questions – Identify a sill, dike, batholiths, laccolith, and other
volcanic structures – see page 125 in textbook.
4. Branches of Earth Science – 16 questions – Identify job descriptions of a geologist,
astronomer, meteorologist, and oceanographer – see branches of earth science note sheet
or pages 35 – 37 in textbook.
5. Scientific Investigation – 5 questions – checking to see if you can use a diagram to
answer a series of questions.
6. Topographic Map – 9 questions – know contour interval, sea level, depressions,
elevations, steep/gentle slopes, and water flow speeds/direction – see intro to
contour/topo map worksheet.
7. Latitude and Longitude – 10 questions – locate positions on a world map using latitude
and longitude coordinates – see viewpoint worksheet.
8. Mineral Hardness – 10 questions – know how it works based on the softest to the hardest
mineral – see mineral hardness worksheet or page 106 in textbook.
Continued >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
9. Soil Profiles – 15 questions – label A horizon, B horizon, C horizon and parent material
on various soil profiles. Students will need to know the proper sequence of soil
development from immature (young) to mature (old). Student will conclude with
determining soil compositions by using graphs – see soil profile notes and lab.
10. Time Zones – 5 questions – know the four time zones in the United States and the
differences in time between them. Understand the 24 world wide time zones – see time
zone lab.
11. River System – 9 questions – locate the parts of a river system – see river system
12. Density – 10 questions – be able to determine mass and volume of an object. Know the
formula for density – mass divided by volume and be able to calculate density. Identify
sinking objects as more dense and floating objects as less dense.
Mid – Term Exam Essays - Honors
Level 2
1. Distinguish between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. Give an example of each and
explain their formation that determines grain size.
2. Distinguish between chemical and physical weathering. Give examples of each and
identify locations where they can be observed.
Level 3
1. Create a rock cycle diagram that explains the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks.
2. Create a groundwater diagram that includes: zone of aeration, zone of saturation,
ordinary well, septic tank, and water table/capillary fringe.
Level 4
1. Design an experiment to test the permeability of three different rocks. Identify the
independent variable, dependent variable, constants, and control in your experiment.
Provide a data table or graph that you would use to organize your data. Conclude on why
this would be a meaningful experiment.
2. Name and describe the 8 physical properties used to identify a mineral. Provide a
mineral example for each physical property.