
Animal Farm
Vocabulary Words
Page numbers are based on the blue copy of Animal Farm.
1. Blithely (61) – joyous or merry; glad; cheerful
2. Gaiters (62) – an overshoe with a fabric top
3. Forelock (62) – (of a horse) a tuft of hair above or on the forehead
4. Silage (63) – fodder preserved through fermentation in a silo
5. Slag (63) – waste left over after the re-sorting of coal
6. Cog-wheels (64) – a gearwheel, especially one having teeth of hardwood or metal inserted into
7. Arable (75) – capable of producing crops; suitable for farming
8. Paraffin (75) – paraffin oil; British for kerosene
9. Malignity (82) – malevolence; intense ill will; spite
10. Infanticide (85) – the act of killing an infant
11. Thwart (86) – to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose
12. Coccidiosis (87) – an infectious disease, which may affect the intestines of birds, dogs, or other
domestic animals
13. Beech spinney (87) – a small wood or thicket of beech trees
14. Beatifically (105) – bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like
15. Unscathed (108 ) – unharmed; uninjured