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Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
In attendance:
Barb Roswell
Vince Collison
Sheila Karrow
Sandra Price
Reg Davison
Cynthia Samuels
Executive Director
Errol Winter
Gwaii Trust Alternate
Gwaii Trust Alternate
Jason Alsop,
Ian Gould
*Note: The following is an accurate reporting of the meetings as they occurred, however these minutes are not
to be construed as a verbatim report of all conversations that transpired, but rather a reflection of the outcome
of those discussions. Where necessary members have been quoted as closely as possible.
Call to order
The Gwaii Trust Arts Committee chairperson called the meeting to order at 10:22 am.
Message from Chair
The Gwaii Trust Arts Committee chairperson Cynthia Samuels welcomed everyone to the
Call for Adoption/Amendment of agenda
The Gwaii Trust Arts Committee reviewed the agenda after discussion a motion was made to
approve the agenda:
a) Public Art
b) Museum – GTS Arts Display - previous recipients
Moved by: Vince Collison
Seconded by: Barb Roswell
“IN CAMERA” Arts Applicant Discussion
(This section of the meeting is carried out “In Camera” as per Gwaii Trust guidelines)
The Committee voted unanimously to approve Jack Litrell as a sitting member of the Arts
1 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation
Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Moved by: Vince Collison
Seconded by: Sheila Karrow
Recommendation Record #
Strategic Planning Discussion Items:
a. Acceptance of an application – resolved that a call out for applicants will occur as soon as
possible, (for a youth member as the peer member compliment has been met) through various
media outlets, no applicants will be accepted beyond the deadline date.
b. Living on island – no appetite for change
c. Mentoring fee $8:00/hr. – Not the wage amount, but rather a subsidy to the wage. Wage
subsidy apply to either mentor or apprentice but not both.
d. Professional Wage – maintain the same policy as GTS $500.00/per day facilitation fee and
include any preparation time that may be necessary.
e. Organizations vs. Individuals –$75,000.00 Allocation: $15,000.00 on workshops, and the
balance into programs for both organizations and individuals. Maximum funding per application
is $10,000.00, organizations require matching funding (50% equity) . Workshops stays the same
2,000.00 maximum and no equity required.
f. Media Relations – 2 main events Fall Fair and Music fest where we have information, plus
smaller events at Masset Harbour Days, and QC Hospital Days with simply small booth such as
face painting for kids, etc. no marketing material – simply sponsored by the GTS
g. No Start/End Dates – No change. However the group agreed to move to an “Open Calling” to all
artists as opposed to scheduled call outs. The Committee agreed to meet 4 times a year for
meetings and would consider any applications that did not achieve consensus by doodle poll at
the meetings. The committee requested quarterly newspaper announcements reminding
people that it was an “open” calling for the first year. The group agreed that this was a trial, and
if at any point it was felt it was not working they would bring this issue back to the table for
further discussion.
h. Policies- Deferred until the list of policies were compiled for review. Sheila Karrow advised the
group that (Kara Sievewright) has passed along her suggestions for an improved/simplified
application – circulated by Vince already – to be discussed at the next meeting.
i. Marketing & Promotion – previously discussed under media relations
j. Art Forum – When we are accepted into the museum we can have a forum
k. Public Art – Deferred to the next meeting
l. Museum – Sheila working with the museum to provide a date for a display of GTS previously
funded arts work. There was a suggestion to do this at a venue in the South and the North. No
decision was reached regarding dates or venues.
Recommendations Signoff:
There were no recommendations completed for sign off. They will be produced and circulated
electronically for two members to sign and present to the GTS Board.
Next Meeting:
2 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation
Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sunday Mar 08th 2015, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 3:04 pm.
Chair (Chairperson):
Cynthia Samuels
Executive Director: ________ ________________________
Errol Winter
3 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation
Date: ________________________
Date: _________________________
Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Action Items:
Chair or ED to speak to Jason Alsop to clarify his intentions going forward – Cynthia volunteered
Advise Jack Litrell on his acceptance or denial within one week, advising him it would be
“official” at the next Arts meeting.
Call out for arts directors positions (1) Peer, and (1) youth over the next several weeks – use
other means, Facebook, CHN notes, Haida Gwaii Trader, It was noted that the Observer was not
widely any more etc. – Debbie to co-ordinate with Cynthia.
Lobby the GTS Board to advise max two GTS – Directors (Or Alternates) may be seated on the
Arts Committee.
Also lobby GTS Board to confirm the “miss 3 meeting rule”
Confusion on number of members on the committee 2-Board members, 6 Peers, 1 Youth.
Debbie to set Jack up with passwords and information package – once he has been approved.
Minutes to be out within a week, with hard copies available at the office.
One hard copy of all meeting materials to be brought to every meeting.
Clarify the $8.00/hr mentor funding on line that this is a supplement to a wage
Work with the Arts Committee to create 3-4 parameters around Organizational funding
guidelines, prior to the next meeting.
Sandra Price to create a “travelling briefcase” with brochures and event items to be kept at the
office, and to be used at the various events.
Debbie to arrange volunteer coordination for the community events outlined in “F”, and work
with the committee to organize materials, supplies. Art committee to agree on the style of
booth and the activity for the smaller events.
Debbie to arrange to have an Observer ad advising that the Arts Program is now and “Open”
calling program.
Debbie to compile a list of all the Arts Committees policies for the group to review, send them
out by Doodle Poll so members may vote on each item Keep/Remove.
Debbie to find a “creative” venue for the next Committee meeting in Masset.
Next Meeting material: budgets, Public Art, any possible applicants and Kara’s suggestions.
4 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation
Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Addendum #01:
Kara Sievewright -
I think the most confusing part on the arts application was what needed to be included
in the online form and what parts should be attachments.
I know there is a whole list of guidelines at the top but it would also be helpful to have a
clear checklist of what needs to be included in the application.
 For example:
 Sample Checklist
 Contact Information
 Eligibility
 Project Information
 Project Description
 Project Objectives
 Budget
 Income
 Funding
 Outcome
 Support Material
 2 or more letters of support
 Cost quotes
 Budget in spreadsheet
 Bio
 CV
 Sample of work (give examples: 10 images, video, recordings, 10 pages of
 For workshop: CV, bio, work sample of facilitator
 Budget Section
This part is a bit confusing on the online form.
In the Budget section there is fields to fill in for funding and then fields to fill in
for expenses but it also says to fill in a spreadsheet. The budget sample is good
though and makes more sense.
Then there are these two questions that are slightly similar but then ask for
different things.
List any information regarding the project costs and source(s) of funds including
comments around cash flow. Once you have identified all your expenses,
5 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation
Gwaii Trust Arts Committee Meeting
Strategic Planning
January 25th 2015
Tlell Haida House
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
propose what revenues (sources of funding) will pay for them. (Maximum 1000
List any information including comments around cash flow and all your
attachments, for example, the cost quotes estimates, photos, bios, resumes,
supporting documents, etc. and who will manage the project finances?
(maximum 1000 words)*
Could these questions instead say:
o Describe any information regarding your budget including:
o Project costs or expenses
o Sources of funding
o Cash flow - (not sure exactly what this means)
o Who will manage project finances
o Support Materials
o It would be helpful if the last section had a clear list of required support materials:
o 2 or more letters of support
o Cost quotes
o Budget in spreadsheet
o Bio
o CV
o Sample of work (give examples: 10 images, video, recordings, writings)
o For workshop: CV, bio, work sample of facilitator
6 – Arts Meeting November 8 2014 Allocation