
Name: _________________________
Date: ________________ Microscope Reading Notes
1. What is a microscope and how is it used?
2. ____________________________ began using microscopes to look at all sorts of
materials in the 1660s and gave the cell its name.
3. Examine the picture below. Robert Hooke looked at and recorded this sample
of cork and saw a group of similarly
shaped compartments that looked to
him like tiny empty rooms. Why do
you think cells were given that name
when they were first discovered?
4. __________________________________________________________ was one of the first people
to describe living cells in the 1670s. He examined a drop of ____________________
water under the microscope. He observed tiny ______________________________
Microscopes really changed the study of biology. If you magnify a penny 30x, it would
be a little bigger than the wheel of a ten-speed bicycle. If you enlarge it 300x, it would
be so big you would need a tractor-trailer to move it.
5. What did the studies of Hooke and Leeuwenhoek make people wonder?
6. What is another question that scientists were trying to answer as they
continued to observe cells?
7. What do scientists mean when they say that life comes from life?
8. What THREE concepts of the cell theory resulted from the findings of the
evidence scientists gathered over many years?
9. What is a scientific theory?
10. How is a scientific theory different from our common understanding and use
of the word theory?
11. Who was Louis Pasteur and what was important about his work?
12. What did Pasteur observe that led him to develop the process of
pasteurization in which heat is used to kill the bacteria?
13. State the question Pasteur was trying to answer when he designed his
14. State the hypothesis Pasteur was testing in his experiment.
15. Describe the experiment Pasteur conducted to test his hypothesis.
16. State Pasteur’s conclusion and understanding of microorganisms as a
result of the evidence he gathered during his experiment.
17. How did Pasteur’s findings support the cell theory and disprove the theory
of spontaneous generation?