AICI Gives Back Commitment Form

AICI Gives Back Commitment and
Press Release Form
Image for a Cause
The Association of Image Consultants International ( is committed to giving back as a
socially responsible organization through diverse image disciplines to make a difference in the lives of
others around the world. As an AICI Chapter or Member, we encourage you to contribute by giving
back to your community through a philanthropic project. AICI Image Consultants possess a wealth of
skills and knowledge to foster change and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Join in AICI’s efforts to GIVE BACK by making your commitment today! You can set up a program
on your own, participate in a chapter service program, or simply represent AICI in a philanthropic effort
developed by your community or other organization. Project(s) you offer to others for free qualify!
My Commitment Contact Information (please print or type)
My Name
AICI Designation
Chapter Affiliation
Chapter Officer Role
Or Member
Email Address
Telephone Number
Target Date to Begin
Target Date for Completion
Tell Me More About AICI Gives Back!
Check here to get
valuable information.
Please check all that apply.
□ Tell me about the AICI Gives Back Philanthropy Committee
□ I want to join the AICI Gives Back Philanthropy Committee
□ Add me to the AICI Gives Back Philanthropy Email List
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My AICI Gives Back Commitment
This Commitment is for a:
□ Chapter Project □ Individual Member Project
By completing this Commitment form, AICI members agree to give back and make a difference by
utilizing their professional image skills to make a positive contribution to society.
Expectations for Participating Image Consultant(s):
1. Use image skills and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others, whether contribution
is done individually or as a group effort.
2. Practice Civility in all work done while working as part of a team and with project participants.
3. Demonstrate leadership by taking an active role in AICI’s commitment and support the
philanthropic and civility efforts of our organization.
YES! I want to be part of the Association of Image Consultants International Gives Back
mission! I am making a commitment to participate by contributing my image skills to conduct
or participate in a philanthropic project during July 1, 2013– June 30, 2014.
Signature Information - Please sign your commitment or type in your name and date below.
When To Submit Your Commitment
Commitment forms can be submitted anytime from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. For 2014
recognition. It is best to send your form shortly after the event, to share the Press Release
locally and with AICI. Report your project(s) before or by May 15, 2014
*To be recognized during our August 2015 International Conference. Please send in your Press
Release Completion Form by May 31, 2015. Only for events from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
How To Submit Your Commitment
By Email
Please send via email as a Word doc with your press release and one to three
labeled event photos - see example of how to write a press release on page 5-6.
Send To: Peterson, Mosum and Behar
Cindy Ann Peterson AICI FLC, Secretary and Philanthropy Project Chair
Zayna Mosum, AICI CIP, VP Marketing
Carolina Behar, AICI CIP, VP Membership
Please include “AICI GIVES
in your email subject line.
Our Commitment to YOU
We are here for you! We appreciate all that you do for others and AICI. Please contact
at with any chapter or individual project questions or concerns.
Chapters and/or Members who complete projects in 2013-2014 and report them through this
Commitment form will be recognized on AICI’s website, along with the organizations you serve.
Report your project(s) before or by May 15, 2014.
Tell Us Your Project Story (Optional)
Share Your Project Mission
(Purpose and Focus Now)
Define Your Project Vision
(Endeavors for the Future)
What are Your Objectives
for this Project?
Who are the groups,
charities, or causes that
you’ll be helping?
Inspiration – Who inspired
you to Give Back?
Is this a new concept or a
yearly initiative? How many
people will you help?
Commitment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who Submits a Commitment Form for Chapter Projects?
It is up to each Chapter to decide and coordinate who should submit the Commitment Form for a
Chapter project. Chapter Philanthropic Chairs, Secretaries, or Presidents are welcome to submit
one Commitment form on behalf of the Chapter. Alternatively, the Member spearheading the Chapter
project could submit the Commitment. Chapter leaders can decide what is easiest and works best for
What is a Chapter Project?
A Chapter Project involves at least three members or more in the Chapter.
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It is encouraged and promoted as a Chapter commitment.
For example, the New York Tri-State (NYTS) Chapter adopted Gilda's Club for Cancer Patients &
Families over the last few years. Their Chapter Projects include a team of members offering image
talks, participating as a NYTS team in an annual cancer walk to support Gilda's, and holding an annual
holiday 50/50 fund raiser for Gilda's. NYTS also created a new Image Scholarship at the Fashion
Institute of Technology in NYC as a Chapter Project.
What is an Individual Member Project?
An Individual Member Project is completed by one member independently, on her/his own
initiative. Examples include offering a free image workshop, volunteering time and expertise at a
shelter, offering interview advice to a worthy organization, etc.
How are Completed Projects Reported?
The “Press Release Completion Form” is used to report completed Chapter and Individual Member
Projects. For Chapter projects, please be sure to include the names of all Chapter members who were
involved to ensure everyone gets recognized. A sample Press Release template and real life example
are included on the following pages as useful models.
What if Two Members Team Up for a Project?
Each member can submit a Commitment form and report the project independently.
How Can Members Show Instant Support for Chapter Projects?
Chapters are encouraged to create and use a simple Chapter Project Commitment or Vision Statement
that can be signed before the project starts by participating members and displayed prominently at
chapter meetings, on their website, newsletter, etc.
To Find Out More
Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC at
AICI Gives Back Press Release
Completion Form
Image for a Cause
Instructions: First, save this document as another name (for example, “Giving Back Around the Globepressrelease.doc”). In the new document, delete these instructions and the above header and replace all
information below that appears in highlight with the appropriate information for your event.
Keys to writing a memorable press release: include who, what, when, where and why. Make your title
compelling, concise and informative. Send a photo with your release. Label the photo with names of people in
the photo: ex: left to right, end with date of event. By creating your press release you are ready for your local,
national and International media. We appreciate all your efforts and look forward to your press releases!
Please submit your Press Release to: your local media and via Word to both:
Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC and Zayna Mosum, AICI CIP, VP Marketing
Your Chapter or Member Logo Here (delete if not used)
For more information, please contact:
(Your Name: )
(Your Tel: )
(Your E-mail: )
(NAME OF CITY, STATE/COUNTRY) The (name of chapter) of the Association of Image Consultants International
(AICI) is one of 29 chapters worldwide participating in the recognition of an outstanding community service. The
(chapter/individual) project is part of the global effort to share the message of giving back through image projects
around the world. (Name of member/chapter, title, company, city and efforts, date, place, address, begins and
end time of project).
AICI (chapter name or individual) has chosen (name of project or effort) to partner with for their (share name of
project and how it helps the community/world). During the (event, give the names of the members involved, what
was achieved and why the project was selected).
Include quotes from members with their feedback, “It means so much to give back, in our chapter/or individual
project…give the outcome of event, include who you helped and their mission. Add dates/results of the project.
AICI Image for a Cause raises awareness of the needs of our global community. The Association of Image
Consultants International ( is honored to recognize individual and chapter commitments to Philanthropy
and Social Entrepreneurship.
AICI is the Source for Image Professionals in Education, Experience and
Excellence. It is the leading and largest professional association of personal and corporate image consultants
worldwide in 29 chapters. AICI’s membership represents over 40 countries, with chapters located throughout
North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. As a non-profit organization working to advance
image, philanthropy, disability and civility through education, On the web at
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Example of a Press Release
For more information, please contact:
Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC, Philanthropy Team Leader
Tel: 703-593-5827
AICI WDC Helps Those In Need with a Shoe Drive
to Benefit Soles4Souls® Inc., the Shoe Charity
Washington DC Metro – 9/17-29/2011
The Association of Image Consultants International of Washington DC Metro Chapter (AICI WDC) is involved with
the “AICI Image for a Cause” program of global philanthropy and helping those around the world to achieve their
fullest potential. In September, AICI WDC selected Soles4Souls® as our next philanthropic project. Soles4Souls
Inc. has committed to collecting and distributing shoes to people living in extreme poverty and recovering from
natural disasters. The shoe charity provides one pair of shoes to a person in need every 7 seconds. Since 2005,
it has distributed more than 13 million pairs of shoes because of the generosity and commitment of people like
A special note of gratitude to those assisting with the AICI WDC September Chapter Project
Soles4Souls®: Carla Brathwaite, Amy Colvard, *Kara Glasgow, Veronica Holmes Purvis, AICI FLC, Bonnie
Jones-Moon, Jane McFadden, Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC, Joanne Rae, AICI CIP, Roxy L. Rowton, Melissa
Sabatine and *Mary Anne Wahle. *Received special chapter awards for their outstanding donations. In total we
collected over 90 lbs (over 100 pairs) of new and gently worn footwear.
Soles4Souls believes partners like AICI WDC will challenge others to become a force of change by helping the
charity cater to the evolving needs of the global community. The charity recognizes its success as the result of
partnerships like AICI WDC, who assist people with personal transformation and understanding the A, B, C’s of
image; appearance, behavior and communication. “We are creating a better life for individuals around the world
by donating shoes,” extols Cindy Ann Peterson, AICI FLC Secretary for AICI WDC. “Every pair will make a
difference and it’s great to be a part of the AICI’s Image for a Cause and Soles4Souls,” says Kara Glasgow,
member of the AICI WDC in Glen Allen, VA. Glasgow collected 83 pairs in the Richmond area.
“With tragedies such as the earthquakes in countries like Haiti and Japan, we can use the estimated 1.5 billion
shoes taking up space in the closets of ordinary people to change the world one pair at a time,” said Founder and
CEO of Soles4Souls, Wayne Elsey. Elsey added “…Donating shoes is one of the most simple yet profound acts
you can do, because it will greatly improve someone’s life in the most difficult of times.” People and companies
interested in donating can visit the organization’s website at
About AICI WDC®,
AICI WDC is the source for image professionals in the DC Metro area.
The AICI International site is AICI is the Source for Image Professionals.