Exit Slip

Exit Slip: Day 2
Exit Slip: Day 2
5. Were you surprised that simply melting
floating ice in your gauge did not raise the
sea level?
1. Were you surprised that simply melting
floating ice in your gauge did not raise the
sea level?
6. What treatment contributed the greatest to
sea level rise in your experiment; do you
think this is reflective of real life sea level
rise, why or why not?
2. What treatment contributed the greatest to
sea level rise in your experiment; do you
think this is reflective of real life sea level
rise, why or why not?
7. Did this method effectively demonstrate
the threat of real life sea level rise?
3. Did this method effectively demonstrate
the threat of real life sea level rise?
8. Using the gauge as a model, how could sea
level rise impact residents of the Tampa
Bay Area?
4. Using the gauge as a model, how could sea
level rise impact residents of the Tampa
Bay Area?
Exit Slip: Day 2
Exit Slip: Day 2
1. Were you surprised that simply melting
floating ice in your gauge did not raise the
sea level?
1. Were you surprised that simply melting
floating ice in your gauge did not raise the
sea level?
2. What treatment contributed the greatest to
sea level rise in your experiment; do you
think this is reflective of real life sea level
rise, why or why not?
2. What treatment contributed the greatest to
sea level rise in your experiment; do you
think this is reflective of real life sea level
rise, why or why not?
3. Did this method effectively demonstrate
the threat of real life sea level rise?
3. Did this method effectively demonstrate
the threat of real life sea level rise?
4. Using the gauge as a model, how could sea
level rise impact residents of the Tampa
Bay Area?
4. Using the gauge as a model, how could sea
level rise impact residents of the Tampa
Bay Area?