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March 8, 2015
Revelation VI Mystery Woman and 666
Rev. 13:18 The number 666 is called the “number of the beast.” It is instituted by the false prophet and no one can buy
and sell without the mark. If you take this mark, you will not enter Heaven.
There have been many theories over the past 40 years about the “mark.” 1973 was the Bar Code Theory (UPC), 1990’s
ISO 9000 Theory which was a mark for quality assurance in Europe and China, then 1997 the Dot-Com Theory where the
“w” in www in Hebrew is “vav” which means the number 6. In 2004 Bio-Hand Scanners, 2006 The Chip Implant Theory
which was the size of a grain of rice with a radio transponder, but it caused cancer in rats. After that the New China Chip
Theory which is the size of a pin head and can be used to track people. The latest and greatest is the Chipless Tattoo
Theory that can be applied with invisible ink and detected from 4 feet away. Every theory is connected to numbers.
Rev 14 the 144,000 are now in Heaven praising God with loud thunderous praises. On Earth one angel with a loud voice
is saying to fear God and worship Him for the judgment has come. A second angel follows saying, “Babylon has fallen,”
and then a third angel follows saying anyone who worships the beast, his image, or receives his mark shall be tormented
with fire and brimstone and the wrath of God that is to come.
Rev 15 seven angels are coming out of Heaven with seven bowls preparing for the final seven judgments of God.
Rev 16 the seven vial judgments are poured out. All of God’s judgments seem like natural disasters, but are
supernaturally directed by God.
Possible Cause
1 –sores appear on men;
perhaps an infection from the mark of the beast
2nd –sea becomes blood;
volcanoes, asteroids and oil spills
3 –rivers turn to blood;
volcanoes, asteroids and death of sea life
4th –sun scorches men;
solar flares, the ozone melting
5th –severe darkness and pain;
ash clouds or smoke from burning oil
6 –Euphrates dries up;
droughts and the river has 5 dams in Turkey
7th –The angel says “It is done!”
There is a release of demonic spirits (3 frogs) gathering people to Armageddon
Rev 16:15 "Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and
they see his shame." God is still reaching out to the lost.
Rev 16:18-21 great earthquakes around the world and Jerusalem is divided into three parts. Men still blaspheme God
because of the plague and hailstones each weighing one talent (120 pounds).
*Satan is the Prince of the air (world systems; economic, political, social, and false religions) Eph 2:2, 1 Jn 2:15-23
Rev 17 Mystery Babylon the harlot is a religious system that is judged.
The Beast is also known from the kingdoms (that he ruled) and the Woman is a city and a religious harlot.
Mystery Babylon the harlot some believe to be the Roman Church: purple is the color used by Bishops, scarlet is used by
the Cardinals, the church is extremely wealthy having more wealth than any world institute, it crucified Christ and killed
multitudes of saints, Rome sits on seven hills and has influenced Europe for centuries.
Rev 18 Babylon is the economic-political system that is judged.
In ancient mythology, Europa was considered to be a female goddess that rode on a bull with crescent horns (the
symbol in the Middle East for Baal). Baal was the ruling god of ancient Babylon. This same image is being used today in
the E.U. including on Parliament buildings, coins, and posters. The E.U. building was intentionally designed after the
Tower of Babel and inside is a poster of the Tower of Babel that says; “Europe: Many tongues one voice.”
The woman rides a beast which through ancient imagery could be linked to Europe. The beast is Islamic but swallows the
woman (Europe) and burns Rome.
Is our heart in the ways of this world or the Kingdom of God? Where do we put our time, talent and treasures?
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