Biology Chapter 4 4.1 The Role of Climate I. What is climate

Chapter 4
4.1 The Role of Climate
I. What is climate?
The day-to-day condition of
Earth’s atmosphere at a particular
time and place
Average, year-after-year
conditions of temperature and
precipitation in a particular region
II. The Greenhouse Effect
Gases trap the heat energy of
sunlight inside Earth’s
atmosphere. Natural situation in
which heat is retained by this
layer of greenhouse gases.
***Carbon dioxide, methane,
water vapor, and a few other
atmospheric gases trap heat
energy and maintain Earth’s
temperature range
III. Effect of Latitude on Climate
The difference in heat distribution
with latitude has important
effects on Earth’s climate zones.
Earth has three main climate
a. Polar
b. Temperature
c. Tropical
Polar Zones
Cold areas where the sun’s rays
strike Earth at a very low angle.
a. Located – North / South Poles
b. Latitudes – 66.5 degrees  90
degrees North / South
Temperature Zones
a. Locate – Polar Zones and
1. Affected by changing angle
of the sun over the course
of a year
2. Climate – hot – cold
depending on season
Tropical Zones (Tropics)
Direct or nearly direct sunlight
a. Located – near Equator
b.Latitude – 23.5 degrees North
23.5 degrees South
IV. Heat Transport in the Biosphere
Unequaling heating of Earth’s
surface drives winds and ocean
Warm air tends to rise and cool
air tends to sink
a. Air that is heated over the
equator rises
b. Cooler air over the poles sinks
toward the ground
Ocean Currents
a. Cold water near the poles sinks
b.Flows parallel to the ocean
c. Rising again in warmer regions
a. Air mass cools
b.moisture condenses forming
c. Brings precipitation to
Rain Shadow
An area with a dry climate on the
far side of the mountain