Friday November 13, 2015 - Indiana University South Bend

Friday November 13, 2015
Called to order at 9:07am.
Executives: President Van, Treasurer Wagner
Senate: Atem, Cagle, H. Klopfenstein, L. Klopfenstein, Kuric, Redman, Roach, Salisbury, Santos
Cabinet: Chief Justice Johnson, Chief of Staff Kamanda, Advisor Strittmatter
Absent: Vice President Kassem, Secretary Early, Senators Bhagat, Bogard, Cope
1) Voice of Constituents
a) International Student Organization
b) Asking $2,098.50 for Thanksgiving Dinner
c) Senator Cagle asks is the organization is aware of reimbursement policy and why the
request was done so late.
d) Senator Salisbury explains reimbursement policy
e) Senator Santos asks if ISO spoke with Dining Services, asked how much per person.
f) Senator Atem supports the event and stresses that many international students do not have
a place to go during Thanksgiving holiday.
g) Senator Cagle asks if loophole with reimbursement could be done for ISO.
h) Treasurer Wagner states that other organizations could file a grievance if this type of
accommodation would be done.
i) Senator Salisbury asks how many people ISO expects, then calculated how much per person.
He brings attention to the fund request only estimating 100 attending.
j) President of ISO states that150 will be attending.
k) Treasurer Wagner says he is checking if the funding request will be feasible with the
current budget
l) Senator Roach asks how fast they could get flyers out
m) Senator Santos asks if there are any changes to event from prior years to now that would be
put into effect.
n) President of ISO states that only the date would be changed
o) Treasurer Wagner states 45% of budget would remain if the funding request was approved.
p) Senator Salisbury asks about lead time of funding request over $1000 and if friendly
amendment would be needed.
q) Senator Cagle states dining services employee will have to order food today at latest if they
are going to host the event
r) Senator H. Klopfenstein asks if a Senatorial Session could be put in place to discuss this
s) President Van confirms a special Senatorial Session could be motioned
t) Senator Santos motions for special Senatorial Session for everyone in meeting except ISO
president and treasurer for 10 minutes starting 9:27 AM.
u) Special Senatorial Session ends 9:57 AM.
v) Senator Salisbury explains to ISO that he will motion to fund $1399 for 100 students to
attend ISO Thanksgiving dinner. Explains to ISO that SGA is making an exception for this
request and that this is a rarity.
w) Senator Roach stresses publicizing this event to students outside of housing to reach
attendance goal.
x) All in favor of funding ISO $1399 for Thanksgiving Dinner: Senators Atem, H. Klopfenstein,
L. Klopfenstein, Kuric, Redman, Roach, Salisbury, Santos
y) Abstentions: Senator Cagle - because she believes that any request over $1000 should be
z) Motion passes.
2) President’s Report
a) Title IX meeting, asks if any senators will be interested in attending.
b) Search and screen for Bill Donnelly replacement for Vice Chancellor of Financial Affairs.
3) Treasurer’s Report
a) Treasurer Wagner says we currently have 47% left of the allocated budget.
4) Committee Report
a) Dining Services
b) Senator Cagle talks about survey for events. Dining services was not aware of cookies for
event that happened 11/12/15. She states that Maureen did not make him aware.
c) Boo to You
i) Senator Cagle says extra stuff needs to be moved out still
ii) Treasurer Wagner asks for Boo to You receipts
iii) Senator Cagle asks for extension.
iv) Treasurer Wagner approves extension.
d) Judicial Cabinet Report
i) Chief Justice Johnson asks who is on PLC committee.
ii) PLC Committee: Cagle, Santos, Salisbury, Van, Bhagat.
iii) Chief Justice Johnson asks if someone could email him a running version of constitution.
e) Titan Success
i) President Van says they will be meeting today
f) Academic Affairs
i) L. Klopfenstein says they do not have any tasks
ii) President Van discusses Awards Committee and details of committee and how they
proctor events
Senator Santos says she headed committee and was a lot of work. Suggests a younger
student run committee because older students might want to be nominated for awards.
Senator L. Klopfenstein asks for details of heading the committee
Senator Santos discusses how you work with Maureen Muldoon, handle food and awards,
make application for awards, send applications out and then review them.
Senator L Klopfenstein asks if there are two committees, one for application review and one
for planning.
Senator Santos confirms there are two committees.
President Van asks if anyone shows interest in chairing this committee
Senator L. Klopfenstein is interested
President Van asks if anyone wants to chair Awards Committee
Senator L. Klopfenstein asks specifics about awards chair
Senator Santos explains specifics of Chair of Awards Committee position.
President Van says one person expresses interest and asks the Senate to think about other
chair position.
5) New Business
a) Senator Salisbury motions to transfer $7500 from 225 account.
b) Treasurer Wagner explains the transfer process and why it is needed.
c) President Van asks if there is a second for the motion.
d) Senator Roach seconds the motion.
e) All in favor, so moved.
f) Chief Justice Johnson proposes Associate Justice Ruffing be appointed to Election Committee
g) Senator Salisbury seconds the motion
h) All in favor, so moved.
i) Senator Salisbury talks about the holiday party idea, offers his place as location but says he
lives in Middlebury.
j) President Van offers her residence as a location for the holiday party.
k) Senator Atem offers his place in Goshen, IN as location.
l) Senator L. Klopfenstein mentions that the SAC does Pot Luck style dinner. Everyone brings
plates and cups, and that SGA should do the same.
6) For the good of the order
a) Senator Cagle says that no agenda was made so this meeting on 11/13/15 should not have
b) Senator Santos says she hopes everyone takes care of themselves and lift up people around
you. Emailed clubs and told them if they need any resources to ask her.
c) Senator Cagle says trivia night was well attended at least 30 people, SVO had an okay turn
out, and they are doing a grunt march and tailgate.
d) President Van says MIS had a great attendance for meeting last night.
e) Senator Atem wants to touch on what Senator Santos said, mentioning to steer people
towards Titan Success Center if they are having any issues.
f) Senator Cagle says Titan Success Center needs to make sure people check in to keep track of
g) Senator Salisbury says trivia night ran out of food and drinks due to great attendance.
h) Senator Roach motions to adjourn the meeting at 10:37 AM.
i) Senator H. Klopfenstein seconds the motion
j) All in favor, so moved, meeting adjourned 10:37am.